Chapter 68: Ryuchi Cave (II)

Orochimaru walked through the fog with caution as he figured that their would be more trials for him to overcome.

He also began to think to himself as he remembered reading about Ryuchi Cave in one of the books from the Senju Clan.

'If I'm not mistaken, it said that it was one of the Three Great Sage Lands alongside Mount Myoboku and Shikkotsu Forest. What are the chances that Tsunade signed a contract with Shikkotsu Forest while I have the chance to sign with Ryuchi Cave? It could be very good for the village if we have the contracts to 2 of the 3 Sage Lands.'

Orochimaru was broken out of his thoughts by the closing of a door behind him, causing him to immediately pull out some shuriken and prepare to use a jutsu. He then saw a large amount of stone bits on the ground around him, while the door had many grooves on it.

'The door has empty places on it that could fit the bits inside of it. Perhaps this test is a puzzle? No, I doubt it would be that easy.' Orochimaru thought to himself.

He then heard a woman's voice sound behind him as they spoke "Congratulations on passing the first test."

Orochimaru turned in the direction and immediately threw the shuriken where he heard the voice, only to find it empty.

"Don't bother, I doubt that they'd be useful." the voice said as Orochimaru turned and finally saw the source of the voice.

It was a woman with red eyeshadow that had fair skin and dark hair that was tied into two buns on either side of her head. She worer a sleeveless white and blue robe, white sandals, and a pearl bracelet on her right arm. She also had a golden tiara and blue tomoe-shaped earrings.

Though Orochimaru doubted that she was human due to his encounter with Tagorihime on the 1st trial.

"Nice to meet you Orochimaru, my name's Ichikishimahime. I'll be the one helping you through the 2nd trial. To pass it, you'll need to fill the door with the stone ridges around you." she said with a playful smile, though her face then changed into a snake like appearance as she spoke menancingly

"Though, I'd prefer if your not able to finish the trial, since then I'd at least get a good snack out of all of this!!"

Orochimaru barely listened to her, as he knew from the previous round that they seemingly wouldn't attack him unless he loses the trial.

Instead, he began focusing on the ridges on the ground and began placing them all inside of the door.

As he was doing that, the snake in the room became bored watching him, causing her to ask "So, are you here to gain the power of a Sage?"

Orochimaru was confused about what she was talking about, though he then remembered a conversation he had with Tsunade during one of his Medical Ninjutsu lessons, with her talking about how Hashirama could naturally heal himself.

She eventually brought up the fact that Hashirama could enter a state known as Sage Mode if he absorbed enough Senjutsu Chakra, and could even do it instantly.

However, when Orochimaru asked could she also do it, she stated that she couldn't even feel Senjutsu Chakra, let alone go into Sage Mode. She also told him that it could take a long amount of time before someone masters the form.

"I'm not here to gain the power of a Sage currently. Instead, I'm only here to sign a summoning. Perhaps in the future, but not currently." Orochimaru answered, with him putting the last ridge in, though a spot was still empty.

Orochimaru looked around to see if he was missing any ridges, and after seeing that their was none, he fell into contemplation on how to fill the last spot.

'Since I'm not missing a piece, does that mean I just need to fill the hole with something else? No, that couldn't be it, she said that I could only fill the door with the stone ridges. Perhaps...'

Orochimaru then came to a solution as he grabbed one of the stone ridges and broke it before placing it back inside and inserting the piece he broke off into the hole. He then repeated this again and again until the door was completely filled.

Ichikishimahime congratulated Orochimaru on completing the door as the surroundings and the door then turned into fog.

"I didn't think you'd be able to finish it. Oh well, I guess I'll just get a snack next time. Good luck." Ichikishimahime said.

Before Orochimaru could ask what she was referring too, he felt a bite on his neck, with him turning and slashing one of his kunai at the person before he jumped backed to gain distance.

He then began to feel drowsy and felt himself fading from conciousness, with him then looking up to see his attacker.

He saw it was a new woman who had fair skin and dark hair that was tied into a bun which transitioned into a ponytail reaching her back, on top of which she had a golden tiara. She wore a long, loose-fitting white and red robe and necklace as well as a longer red dress beneath that.

"My name is Tagitsuhime." the woman, now identified as Tagitsuhime, spoke her first words to Orochimaru as he fought off the tiredness that was consuming him.

"You're quite good if you were able to pass the trials of those two. But you'll find that my trial will be much more difficult than theirs, as it shall test your heart."

Her face then morphed into her snake like form as she spoke "Of course, if you can't endure it, I'll devour you whole!!"

Orochimaru winced in pain at the bite mark, though he was surprised when he looked up to no longer see Tagitsuhime, but instead he saw his parents.

"What a disappointment. You can't even handle a bite mark, but you expect to help your friends? Pathetic. No son of mine would be this weak." Orochimaru's father Renzo spoke.

"I couldn't agree more dear. He seems to be a failure at all that he does." Orochimaru's mother Oya spoke while chuckling.

"You two aren't wrong, he's been a disappointment of a student as well." Hiruzen spoke as he appeared next.

"A waste of a friend too. He even thinks that someone like him can become Hokage, can you believe it." Jiraiya said as he also appeared, after which they all began laughing at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was silent as he stared at the ground, though when he finally looked up, they all noticed a smile upon his face.

"Is that the best you can do? Because if it is, then Ryuchi Cave has already disappointed me." Orochimaru said sarcastically.

Orochimaru then stood up and began to walk past the illusions as he said "I don't need your verifications on rather I'm a disappointment or not. I'm confident I can achieve whatever I set out to do. And I won't have to do it alone."

The images of all his friends flashed in his mind, and at the same time, the illusions were lifted as the cave cleared and showed a large temple.

'It seems that was the last test.' Orochimaru thought to himself as he headed into the temple where he knew he would finally meet the head of Ryuchi Cave:

The White Snake Sage

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