Chapter 86: Rest

Hiruzen called all the winners down to the battlefield while he stood on stage.

He then prepared to make an announcement to them while a box was brought out.

"I would like to congratulate you all on winning your respective matches. All of you showcased great strength, intelligence, and skill to win your matches." Hiruzen said while smiling, causing many of the winners to grow smug and proud looks.

But, Hiruzen's face immediately lost its smile as he continued

"However, don't let this small victory go to your head. All you have done is win a match that gives you the possibility of competing to actually become a Chunin. And if the person beside you wins a match, it means that the battles ahead of you only have much greater difficulty than those you did at first. So, if you are truly ready for the next round, step forward to receive your paper that will state your next opponent."

As soon as Hiruzen finished, everyone stepped forward with determined looks on their faces.

A paper was then given to every one of the competitors, after which Hiruzen finally dismissed them and allowed them to return to their homes or the accommodations that the foreign shinobi were given.

Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya didn't head to their houses but instead headed for the Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade entered the hospital and walked directly to the rooms of any of the shinobi of Konoha that competed in the Chunin Exams.

The injuries of every one weren't too severe, and Tsunade was able to heal all of them in without any difficulties or the arise of complications.

The last person Tsunade had to heal was Himichi.

As she, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru were about to enter his room, Tsunade asked the two of them to stay outside and wait while she healed him.

They both nodded in agreement, as Tsunade entered and began to heal the Himichi.

He had the most damage done to him by far, as he had multiple broken limbs and concussions.

The medical ninja on the scene had stabilized his situation already, but she had already told them she would heal any of the Konoha Shinobi injured in the Exams as she felt she would be able to get to them first due to how busy the more skilled medical ninja was.

The surgery and healing took almost an hour, with Himichi thankfully not having any complications arise from it.

Himichi finally began to stir about 10 minutes after the surgery, with him looking toward Tsunade in confusion and asking "What happened?"

Tsunade didn't get a chance to respond as he began to recall what occurred and grew a fearful expression on his face.

He began to grow delirious and stuttered while begging the monster not to hurt him.

"I-I won't fight anymore. I'll even give you anything you want. Please, KEEP THAT MONSTER AWAY FROM MEE-"

However, Tsunade slapped him swiftly, making him look at her in surprise.

"If you're done with your fear, it's about time you get over yourself. I know how frightening it must be to see that much chakra, so much it should be impossible, inside of a single being. But, that doesn't change the fact that people like that do exist. And do not simply blame his chakra for your loss. It was your own arrogance, misplaced arrogance considering your strength, that made you lose the fight. If you wish to quit being a shinobi, do that. But I will not allow you to disrespect the shinobi of this Village who lost their lives while showcasing zero fear, even in the face of death." Tsunade scolded.

"I admit that seeing someone with chakra that powerful could be terrifying, but that doesn't mean running away from everything you believe in due to it. It's up to you to decide if you wish to remain fearful for the rest of your life, or if you wish to grow stronger for your own sake. After a day of rest, you'll be able to move around like normal again. Good luck." Tsunade continued while showcasing a more sympathetic look.

She then left the room swiftly, allowing her, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru to finally return home and rest so that they could each prepare for the Finals.

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