Chapter 93: Blue B vs Might Duy

Duy wasted no time as he immediately grew serious and disappeared from his location, with him reappearing to the left of B and going for a roundhouse kick.

B showed no visible concern from the attack, as he calmly caught it a spun Duy before throwing him back to his original location.

'Such a terrifying body. His physical strength alone could rival or exceed most Jonin.' Duy thought while he eyed B cautiously.

B glanced slightly at the Kage booth and saw A, after which he went on the offensive and, with tremendous speed, appeared above Duy and punched him.

Duy could barely defend against the attack as the ground beneath him shattered due to the force.

Duy realized that he couldn't easily win this match, and seeing he had no other choice, created distance between himself and B to use his most extraordinary technique.

"First Gate of Opening: Open!!

Second Gate of Healing: Open!!"

Duy didn't seem to go through any changes, but the damage he had taken from Duy's earlier punch seemed to no longer plague him as he delivered a punch of his own.

While B was not given any major damage as he caught it again, the attack did slightly push him back, surprising B.

This seemed to irritate B as he believed a kick with all his strength, knocking Duy back once again.

Duy didn't stay down as he got up and once again utilized his technique.

"Third Gate of Life: Open!!"

Duy's skin changed to a dark red color upon using this technique, causing the audience to grow shocked at seeing this.

Duy's transformation was not only visible, as he blitzed in front of B and delivered a punch that carried much more power than his previous one.

B grew serious upon receiving the attack, as he finally realized the threat Duy represented in this form.

However, he couldn't immediately respond as Duy's speed was on such a level that B could barely react to it.

Duy continued barraging B with fast and strong attacks, with the attacks growing to such a level that they began knocking B into the air.

However, B weaved 4 signs and began to slightly emit electricity around him while his speed grew to a level that he could counter Duy once more.

'So he used Overdrive to increase his reflexes and speed. An intelligent choice B, but I don't think this match will end that easily.' A thought as he watched the match in the Kage Booth.

B began to counter against Duy's attacks, while Duy began to grow tired due to the strain on his body.

'My body could probably have held up to the 6th Gate if I had gone all out from the beginning, but I don't think I'll be able to go into it now without some lasting damage being left. Tsunade told me to not do anything that could leave me too injured, so it seems the 5th Gate will be my limit.' Duy thought to himself as he reached the ground once again and use the 8 Gates one more time.

"4th Gate of Pain: Open!!

5th Gate of Limit: Open!!"

Duy's strength reached an extremely high level, with him a B both standing across from each other and building immense tension.

They both met in the middle with B slashing with his blade while Duy kicked upwards with immense force.

The two continued this Taijutsu and Kenjutsu battle for a few minutes before Duy began to feel immense pressure on his body, and him realizing he must quickly end the battle.

Duy jumped away and built up his momentum by increasing his speed to its highest possible level before he jumped straight toward B.

B performed his hand signs before he charged an immense amount of lightning into his fist and charged at Duy from the opposite side.

The two attacks met and created a massive amount of pressure due to the force they emitted.

When the dust cleared, it showed Duy being defeated on the ground while B stood over him.

The examiner appeared between the two and spoke

"The winner of this match is Blue B of Kumo!!"

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