Chapter 97: Tsunade vs Blue B

After the ending of the match had been called, the medical shinobi rushed into the ring to help attend to both Sakumo and Kenta.

Sakumo's wounds were not too serious, with them being flesh wounds at best and him simply being either burned or chakra depleted.

Kenta, on the other hand, showed immense damage to his body and seemed to have a large sword wound across his chest.

The Medical Ninja immediately tended to Kenta and transported him to the on-site clinic while the other shinobi repaired the ring once more.

Kenta's team raced to make sure he was fine while the others stayed to watch what could be viewed as the most highly expected match of the Exams: Tsunade vs Blue B

"I hope Kenta's fine." Jiraiya said while still looking at the shinobi repairing the ring, seemingly viewing the after-effects of the match.

"They both knew what they were agreeing to when they agreed to compete. Sakumo would have been showing disrespect to Kenta if he had not fought with his all. Let us only be happy about the fact that Sakumo was his opponent, for any shinobi of other Villages would have taken the opportunity to kill him." Orochimaru spoke while not showing any sympathy for Kenta.

Whilst he still viewed Kenta as a dear friend of his, he was not willing to demean the efforts of them both by pitying them.

The two then turned to see Tsunade walking away from them and towards her waiting room, her face as serious as it could be.

"Instead, let's put our focus toward the next match, which is practically a battle between the two most powerful Villages." Orochimaru said as both returned to looking at the now almost fully repaired ring.

After the reconstruction concluded, the next match of the Exams was announced to the crowd.

"The next battle is between Tsunade Senju of Konoha vs Blue B of Kumo!"

The crowd erupted upon hearing this, with Tsunade and B both then emerging from their respective sides of the ring.

The noise of the crowd began to decrease until it reached near silence as B and Tsunade stared at one another.

The silent deadlock was finally broken as B spoke first

"Are you the strongest of Konoha's Genin?"

Tsunade passively stared at B even after the question was asked before she gave a slight nod of her head to signify that the answer was yes.

Both morphed into battle-ready stances and were prepared to battle the other with everything they had.


Tsunade disappeared from the sight of B in an instant and appeared above him.

She began to rapidly swing her for before bringing it down directly onto B.

"Heavenly Foot of Pain!!"

The resulting attack instantly created a large crater in the ground.

The rubble cleared for it to reveal B a small distance away from the impact zone of the attack with his blade being shown while also being adorned with stratches and small wounds across his body.

B wasted no time as he immediately went for a fatal strike on Tsunade, though she began utilizing her skill in Taijutsu to avoid lethal attacks and block the blade.

Tsunade then pulled out a scalpel and began to proficiently block the blade and go on the offensive using the blade.

The two began two engage in a Kenjutsu battle, one that surprised Hiruzen as he didn't know that she was capable of swordsmanship.

However, after watching Tsunade's moves closely, he realized that she wasn't using swordsmanship, but instead was using the blade in a manner similar to a surgeon, with the thrusts and slashes being meticulous in nature and all aiming for major or minor arteries or his Chakra Pathways.

Back in the match, Tsunade and B seemed to grow tired of the simple Kenjutsu match, with them both creating distance and beginning to weave hand signs.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Rat Violent Quake!!"

"Earth Style: Rock Shelter!!"

B sent multiple disks of pure electricity at Tsunade, with the disk seeming to be able to destroy whatever was in front of them.

In response, Tsunade manipulated the earth around her to create a dome that would completely protect her from the attacks.

B's barrage of attacks were completely blocked by Tsunade's Jutsu, with her dome being densely packed with Earth Chakra.

After blocking most of the attacks, Tsunade began to sink through the ground by using her chakra to make the ground softer.

She then traveled underneath the ground, unbeknownst to Blue B, and traveled directly behind him.

She then finally emerged, with his delivering a terrifying kick to his spine that seemed to do immense damage as B coughed out blood upon receiving the hit.

She then followed up on the attack by beginning to weave her chakra and make hand signs, after which she spoke

"Water Style: Cold Sky Water Attack!"

The attack sent multiple blasts of highly pressurized water directly at B, with the bombardment being so great that it destroyed the area around B as well and created a lot of dust.

Tsunade finally touched the ground and seemed to be preparing something else, this confused the crowd as they were unsure why the officials hadn't called for the match since they doubted B could still fight.

However, their confusion was dispelled when they saw a deep, crimson-colored chakra began to cover B's body, and blood-colored tails began to appear behind him.

B stood up with 7 tails hovering behind his back and released a gut-wrenching scream, one that cracked the wall due to the sheer power it possessed.

In the Kage booth, Hiruzen began to grow concerned, as while he knew Tsunade was strong, dealing with a Tailed Beast that had powered up to the 7th Tail could be far too much for even her to handle, with him thinking that only someone on the level of an Elite Jonin could hope to fight the beast.

However, what Hiruzen had forgotten was that Tsunade was practically a walking counter to the Tailed Beast, with them not posing much threat to her due to her not only possessing the Sealing Jutsu of the Uzumaki Clan but also possessing Wood Release.

And Tsunade was about to show the world what she truly was capable of.

Tsunade's Yin Seal was released, giving her access to a monstrous amount of chakra.

Tsunade and the transformed B charged at each other with immense force behind them both, though Tsunade dodged the slash made by B and began to exhibit her high level of Taijutsu mastery by performing masterful combos onto the mindless beast.

While B had gained an immense amount of power, he was unable to use it fully due to him not being a perfect Jinchuriki.

Therefore, he traded this newfound strength for his intelligence.

Tsunade perfectly weaved through any attacks thrown at her, with her finally delivering a terrifying uppercut to B's jaw.

She then jumped in the air and channeled all her chakra into her foot as she yelled

"Heavenly Foot of Pain!!"

The attack leveled their surroundings and left B in a state of barely being able to stand.

She then began to perform hand signs for a jutsu that no one in the arena seemed to know.

However, her next actions shocked every single individual in the stadium.

"Hokage Style Elder Jutsu: Tenth Edict On Enlightenment!!"

10 wooden pillars erupted around B as his cloak began to dissipate as if it was being suppressed.

She then placed her palm onto the forehead of B, completing the jutsu and dispelling the cloak, leaving an unconscious B to fall to the ground.

The crowd, the shinobi, the Kage, and even the friends of Tsunade all sat in shock upon seeing her use of the legendary Wood Release.

The silence was broken by the examiner as he spoke

"The winner of this match is Tsunade Senju!!"

The crowd went into a frenzy following this.

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