Chapter 101: News

The years flew like the leaves in Konoha, with old leaves crumbling while new ones grew to take their place.

A few years had passed since the time of the Chunin Exams, with the tensions between the village once again rising to a degree that everyone could feel it.

The reveal of Tsunade's Wood Release calmed the actions of the other Villages as they began to make less active movements while growing cautious.

It also increased the number of assassination and abduction attempts made on Tsunade and her newborn baby brother, Nawaki.

However, Tsunade's strength and determination grew vastly since the exams, with the same being said for the other shinobi in her generation.

The children in Konoha's new generation became the leaders of the younger generation of Shinobi.

Tsunade had practically become the head of the movement, with her partaking in many high-stakes missions and accomplishing them flawlessly and without fail.

And the current head of that movement currently sat in a casino with a somber face, with it being apparent that she was undoubtedly losing.

"And now you have lost your hand again. Wanna play another round Princess Tsunade?" The man behind the table asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I think I've lost enough today." Tsunade said while turning away and leaving the casino.

'I wonder if Jiraiya's back from his training yet. The idiot has been gone long enough.' Tsunade thought to herself while leaving out of the building, though she stopped where she stood, with a masked shinobi appearing in front of her right afterward.

"Tsunade Senju, you have been summoned to the Hokage's office." the ANBU agent spoke with a monotonous voice while never taking his eyes off the ground.

"What does that monkey want now?" Tsunade questioned while slightly irritated, leaving the ANBU agent to sweat at hearing her comment about the Hokage.

Though he knew better than to correct her, lest he ends up with half of his body broken, and decided to keep silent as his body flickered back towards the Hokage's office.

Tsunade beat the agent to the office as she arrived and walked through the front door, her annoyed expression still plastered on her face.

However, when she noticed the extremely somber looks on the faces of Hiruzen, Sakumo, and the elders present in the room, she realized that something was wrong.

"What's the matter Sensei?" Tsunade asked after seeing no one was telling her what was wrong.

"I called you here to tell you first Tsuna. The Land of Earth has declared war upon us, with the Land of Wind following suit. I would hate to say it, but this may be the beginning of the 2nd Great Shinobi World War." Hiruzen said with an extremely dark face.

He knew firsthand of the sacrifices that would be needed to be made by the shinobi of the Village as they fought in this battle.

However, instead of growing sad, Tsunade showed a determined look as she calmly asked Hiruzen "Where will I and my teammates be dispatched to?"

Hiruzen seemed surprised by her lack of reaction, with him asking

"Aren't you worried Tsuna?"

Tsunade showed no hesitation in her response.

"If I show any semblance of fear, it makes the sacrifices made by every shinobi of this Village completely null. I refuse to waste the sacrifices they have made. If you really wish to be concerned for me, then perhaps you should rethink my plan of enhancing the number of Shinobi in each squad to 5 and ensuring they each have a ninja trained in Medical Ninjutsu."

Hiruzen shook his head as he answered "Perhaps we can attempt it at a later date. But for now, prepare for you, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru to be sent to the Land of Rain."

Tsunade then left as Hiruzen called the rest of the Jonin to announce the terrible news.

Tsunade strolled through the Village while heading towards her home, with her seeing the smiling faces of the children and the civilians who chatted with each other, oblivious to the news of the war.

Tsunade's resolve steeled even further, with her refusing to let them lose their smiles.

While she lacked the strength necessary to change the tides of the war before, she now was confident enough to prevent danger from coming to her home.

Tsunade finally arrived in her home, it being a lively sight as she had become accustomed to over the past few years.

From Ayako and Kuna who sat playing a game of cards, to Haru and Ashina who aided Mito in the kitchen which made it emit an amazing aroma.

And finally, the blonde-haired little boy came running at Tsunade and drawing everyone's attention as he yelled


Tsunade simply smiled as she picked him up before she softly spoke

"I'm home."

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