Chapter 103: Commanders

"Now that everyone is here, let us begin." Hiruzen said as an ANBU agent placed a map on the table ahead of them.

The current head of the Nara clan and the Hokage's assistant, Shikan, took the role of explaining the logistics behind each decision.

"So, if the war does begin, it is safe to assume that the most hostile of the other 4 Villages would be Iwa. This means that Iwa would want to invade us through one of the lands we share a border with. The most likely options then become the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain, though I would lean more likely to the Land of Rain seeing the Hanzo the Salamander has already had issues with Iwa." Shikan spoke, with many shinobi wincing slightly upon hearing the title.

Hanzo had begun being referred to as the "Demigod" with his strength being so terrifying that even Kage was cautious when dealing with him.

He had even invaded the Land of Iron, which could be called the strongest nation outside of the Great 5, and had almost annexed it.

As if unbothered by this, Shikan continued

"With that being said, we must also be cautious of the Land of Lightning, as the Raikage would be eager to invade Konoha in a heartbeat. Therefore we must also have an essential defense against them.

And finally, we must be in defense against the Land of Wind. The current Kazekage wouldn't miss an opportunity like this to make a strike against our Village, though it is more out of necessity as the dire straights of their Village are known to many. Their shinobi also have great strength, and with them also likely to lead into the battlefield of the Rain, they would likely send someone of the caliber of Chiyo to lead them. And her poisons are more than deadly enough to level battlefields."

Shikan paused and looked at the Hokage, with Hiruzen simply nodding for him to continue.

"With all this in mind, I and Lord Hokage have decided where each group of Shinobi will be dispatched.

First, the Commander of the border of the Land of Lightning is the ANBU Commander, Danzo Shimura. His Vice-Commanders will be Homura and Koharu.

The Commander of the border to the Land of Wind will be Kagami Uchiha. His Vice-Commanders will by Sakumo Hatake and Kenta Uchiha.

And finally, the Commander of the border to the Land of Rain, as well as the individual in charge of defending against the Land of Earth, is Tsunade Senju. Her Vice-Commanders shall be Jiraiya and Orochimaru."

As soon as Shikan finished, opposition came from every one of the major factions.

The Older Generation stated that Tsunade was too young to have such a role and could be too inexperienced for it.

The Moderates didn't wish to take the risk of allowing a young shinobi like Tsunade as they didn't feel her strength was sufficient yet.

And finally, the Hawks wished for someone from their faction would gain the position.

The younger generation argued for Tsunade, though their lack of reputation and prestige made their arguments baseless.

The bickering continued to no end, with none of them letting up from their arguing points.

"So, do none of you feel my daughter is worthy of leading this front?" A deep voice question, with it being followed by a tremendous amount of chakra being released that weighed on everyone present.

"I believe she'd do excellent at this job." Another voice added, with them releasing a massive chakra pressure that was even greater than the first.

The individuals speaking were Haru and Ashina, the current heads of the Senju and Uzumaki Clans respectively.

The fact that the Clan Leaders from 2 of the 4 Great Clans were speaking immediately ceased all arguments, as with their support, it would be undeniable that Tsunade would be able to the Commander of the battlefield.

One of the members of the Hawks faction still wished to argue, with the Jonin named Mizaratchi yelling "Her inexperience may cost us the entire battlefield, it's better to-"


A deep and imposing voice was spoken by the man who sat in the corner. Everyone's eye drifted to the man who led the entire faction of Hawks: Danzo.

"It does not matter what anyone's beliefs may be, the fact that a Jonin like Tsunade, who can have a perfect mission record and strength that has grown at a rapid level, can lead the battlefield of the Rain is a blessing. As long as Konoha wins the war, any feelings can be thrown away."

Danzo then raised his hand and continued.

"I am in full support of Tsunade becoming the Commander. Age, gender, clan, whatever. As long as Konoha is victorious, nothing else shall matter."

Haru and Ashina narrowed their eyes upon seeing Danzo give his support to Tsunade, with them knowing he had some form of ulterior motives.

Hiruzen finally spoke after seeing the commotion calm down.

"All those in favor of Tsunade becoming the Commander of that battleground please raise your hand."

Haru, Ashina, and a decent majority of each of the factions raised their hands upon seeing that it was pointless to go against her.

Hiruzen then firmly spoke again.

"Then it is decided. Tsunade, prepare to depart in the next few days."

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