Chapter 106: Info

In a newly built cell, one of the three men stirred awake, when him noticing the change in his surrounding and the shackles on his body.

He attempted to use his chakra, though he felt a wall stopping him from being able to even access a sliver of it.

Just as he began to realize his situation, he saw two people enter the place where he and his comrades were being held.

He recognized them as members of the trio who had attacked them earlier.

"We should have brought Inoka with us, it would have been much easier to gain information." Orochimaru said while looking at the three prisoners.

"I'll send in a request of the Village to transport their team to our camp, especially since they haven't been sent to any battlefields yet. However, since one of our prisoners is already awake, I'll try a technique I've been fiddling with for quite some time." Tsunade said as both she and Orochimaru turned their eyes to the man who had been pretending to still be unconscious since they entered.

Tsunade walked close to the man and weaved a few signs before she placed her hand on his forehead.

"Who are you, what is your mission, and what is your reason for coming into the Land of Fire?" Tsunade asked.

To Orochimaru's surprise, the man's eyes took on a dull appearance as he seemed to come under some kind of trance.

"My name is Shoto Myakazi, a shinobi from Sunagakure. I was assigned to a team that was meant to scout the weaknesses of the Land of Fire as we prepared to declare war on both them and the Land of Rain." The man said as he began to go into detail about what his mission was and what his purpose for being there was.

By the time Tsunade had finished extracting the information from the man, the other two prisoners finally stirred awake as they looked in shock as their comrade told all the information about their mission.

Tsunade and Orochimaru left the room, with him staring at her as if questioning the technique she used to extract the information.

"It's a Genjutsu. It tricks the mind into thinking that the person asking the question is the person who they either trust or respect the most, using that to make them think they aren't in the wrong by divulging any information. It also blocks any critical thinking so that they can't think too hard about why the person is asking the question if they should already know. Though some people with extremely great chakra control may be able to detect the irregularities in it." Tsunade told him as they headed back to the main tent.

Tsunade and Orochimaru entered to see Jiraiya and the stronger Jonin all awaiting their arrival.

Tsunade walked to the main chair and began to speak.

"From the information I've gained from the prisoners, we have around two weeks before the Land of Wind officially declares war on The Lands of Rain and Fire. That means we have that amount of time to fully establish the facilities in our base and ensure we are capable of repelling enemy attacks. For now, we will remain on high alert just in case we face attacks from the Stone or Rain, which means we need to move at optimal efficiency for the next few days." Tsunade said, with everyone nodding in agreement to her statements.

Tsunade then got out a piece of paper and began to write on it, with it being a summary of what she had learned and a request for Teams 12 and 10 to join them in the coming conflict.

Tsunade then gave the note to Katsuyu as she had left a part of herself in Konoha to give messages to her family, with Katsuyu instructing her family to give the note to Hiruzen.

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