Chapter 111: New Enemies

Tsunade stood in the room with her closest friends and the other leaders of the camp, with them examining their losses from the last battle as well as ways they could improve their attack methods in future battles.

Shikai began the debrief as he started to speak.

"In the previous battle, we lost only 27 Genin, 11 Chunin, and only 2 Jonin. Not just that, but all those who were injured were able to be healed from their wounds, gradually decreasing our losses.

In future battles, Tsunade has come up with new countermeasures that will be implemented in both small-scale missions and large-scale battles.

In terms of small-scale battles, after the previous battle, Tsunade gained permission from the council for shinobi teams to be readjusted into groups of individuals, with each having 5 people in total and including one shinobi who specializes in Medical Ninjutsu.

We will also be reviewing the other members of the team's capabilities in other areas, with the goal being for all teams to consist of at least one Medical Ninja, a Ninja who specializes in tracking, and 3 Ninja whose combat capabilities allow for close range, mid-range, and long range.

According to our research, this would exponentially boost the survival rate amongst teams as they become better equipped for dealing with most situations.

We also understand that a few members may fall outside this demographic, with them specializing in something like Fuinjutsu, but we will do our best to sort these teams accordingly." Shikai said as he analyzed the expressions of everyone in the room.

Everyone seemed to see the idea as a good one, with no one having any issues with the new idea presented by Tsunade.

Shikai then continued "I also have to announce the intel we have received from the ANBU agents.

The troops of the Land of Stone have begun to head toward us and are expected to arrive in about a week.

They are led by the Jinchuriki of the 4 Tails, Roshi. Not just that, but many senior shinobi of their Village have been dispatched to aid in the war. And while in the last battle, the opponent may have been underestimating us due to the inexperience of Tsunade, this time, we will not have that luxury." Shikai said, making everyone in the room realize the danger of the situation they were in.

Tsunade finally spoke at this moment, not willing to let the leaders of her army grow demoralized.

"If Iwagakure wishes to enter into the place we call home and ravage it, they will need to go through me. Now if you feel afraid or are fearful of the battle to come, then consider this your chance to leave. But, if you wish to fight for the Nation we call home, for the Village my Grandfather built, then I need you to showcase it. I need you to be willing to sacrifice and give your all in this war and help lead our troops to victory. If you can do that, then remain seated."

No one moved an inch after Tsunade's words, letting her know their resolve and willingness to fight.

"Well then, let us begin to strategize for the next battle."


"Lord Raikage, we have finished organizing our troops in an effective manner." The assistant to the 3rd Raikage told him.

"Good. Now that the war has officially begun, it's about time we showcase the might of the Cloud. Give the order for Three Thousand troops to embark on the Land of Fire tomorrow. And let it be known that I appoint Asuka as the Commander of this army."

His assistant seemed hesitant, as she asked

"Are you sure it's wise to send her, especially when Konoha possesses Tsunade Senju to counter her?"

The Raikage merely snorted at the statement, as while he considered her a newly formed threat, he didn't think she was at that level yet.

"She won't be able to intervene due to her being the leader of their front in the Land of Rain. And while the girl may be powerful, battling a fully trained Jinchuriki is something that even someone of her caliber will find deadly."

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