Chapter 124: Fame

The Shinobi World stood still as the news of the Demigod's defeat spread to every nation in the world.

No one had expected for the Sannin to defeat Hanzo, with everyone thinking that they would lose and force the Third Hokage to join the battle against Hanzo personally, leading to the next stage in the war.

But, the shocking fact that three 18-year-old Shinobi could defeat a man who could stand toe to toe with the Kage stood as an astonishing factor in the World, and it made everyone begin to take this new generation seriously.

Add on the fact that Sakumo, Kenta, and Duy had already demonstrated their prowess on the Suna front meant that Tsunade and the others began to become known in the Shinobi World.


"YOU BASTARD!!" Onoki yelled with his face turning red from the anger he was feeling.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think yourself superior to my command? I am the Tsuchikage. When I give an order, your job is to follow it! You are practically a traitor to your Village. Do you have anything to say?" Onoki finished as he and the Iwa Council stared at Roshi, though the red-haired young man looked at them fearlessly.

"Lord Tsuchikage, did you know that Tsunade Senju, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya, the newly-named Sannin, were able to defeat the Demigod, a man whose strength is unquestionable? When Hanzo gave his troops the order to retreat, he was practically ending the war on his side with Konoha. Did you think that I and my troops would be capable of fighting the forces of both Konoha and Hanzo? Because I can assure you that our army would be wiped out again, leading to even greater damages than what happened to us last time. It would be-"

"ENOUGH!!" Onoki interrupted, his Chakra flaring at them and making everyone in Council wince at his Chakra.

"You will be confined to the Village and not allowed to leave for the foreseeable future." Onoki said, with Roshi then leaving, after which Onoki nodded his head for ANBU agents to follow.

"Now that we have completely lost the front against Konoha due to Hanzo being able to focus his full attention on us, it would be best for us to change our targets. And I have just the Village we could declare war upon." Onoki said, another scheme brewing in his mind.


"So those brats are actually on that level? It seems we will need to be more cautious in our campaign over Konoha." A spoke as he looked over the information in his hand.

However, he then received even more urgent information, telling him of how Iwa seemed to be preparing another offensive by once again reorganizing their troops, though this time the target wasn't Konoha.

"It seems that bastard might be gunning for us. Let B know that he may be dispatched to that battlefield, and tell Asuka to cease her hostile invasion since we don't want to fight a full-blown war on two separate fronts." A said, with the ANBU in the room leaving immediately to distribute the message.

A sat in his office still in thought, as he wondered about what movement he should make next.


A depressing aura took root in the Kazekage's office as he, Ebizo, and Chiyo looked over the information they had received about the battle in the Rain.

"I can't believe that girl would be capable of leading her team to defeat Hanzo. That bastard's poison was horrifying, and even I could barely keep him occupied without beginning to lose." Chiyo said as she was shocked by the information.

While she knew Tsunade had a good way to counter poisons from the previous battle the two had shared, she didn't expect her to defeat Hanzo, someone who stood as a powerhouse in the Shinobi World.

"It seems that it is time we pull out of this war." Ebizo said making the other two look at him, though they could not disagree due to the losses they had sustained.

Not only had they lost a large amount of funds when trading for Chiyo and Ebizo, they also had suffered great losses in their battles against Kagami's troops.

Add on the losses they had with the troops Chiyo and Ebizo led, it meant that Suna had practically been crippled.

The only thing they could fall back on was the Puppet Brigade, with them not being dispatched as often and not facing many losses.

The Third Kazekage seemed in thought before he signaled one of the ANBU agents to come down, after which he gave him a note that he had written something down.

"Send this message to Konoha, tell them we wish for a Peace Treaty, and to end the war on our side."

Everyone knew this was the correct decision, though they could not help but be depressed at the choice.

Chiyo only gained solace in the fact she could enjoy more time with her family after the war ended.


The somber mood that Konoha had before the beginning of the War had faded as many heard the exploits of the newly named Sannin on the battlefield.

In such a short time, they had defeated three other forces and continued to shine brightly.

Tsunade in particular had been able to overcome the Honored Siblings, The Jinchuriki of the Four Tails, and had even been able to force the Demigod to retreat.

The tales of the Sannin became legendary, with everyone in the Village happy at the accomplishments that they had made.

Hiruzen and the Patriarchs on the Council were said to have celebrated greatly about the news of Hanzo's defeat, showing the pride they had in the new generation of their Village.

Inside of the Senju Home, 6 individuals sat around the table and talked about how proud of Tsunade they were.

"Do you think she'll be coming home soon?" Ayako asked Mito, with Moto smiling back as she answered.

"I believe that she will be the reason this war ends in a speedy fashion and that she has already saved the lives of hundreds of shinobi from the war."

The family finished their dinner with everyone returning to their rooms, while Mito stood in the backyard.

She had flashes as to when Hashirama first began teaching Tsunade to use her Chakra and the beating she gave him.

She could only smile at the memory, as she looked into the night sky.

"It seems we no longer need to worry Hashi, Tsuna has grown into a powerful young woman. Perhaps, she may one day even surpass you." Mito said to the sky, her joy evident on her face.

As Mito went back into her home, she noticed a small flower that seemed to have bloomed near the door, with her taking the flower with a smile before heading to her room to rest.

~Land of Rain~

"Oh, the Granddaughter of Hashirama has grown to that extent. It seems I shall have a bit of fun when I return to the World." A now older Madara said to Black Zetsu as he received the news.

"Should I increase the number of White Zetsu that are surveying her?" Zetsu asked.

"No. Be wary of guarding her if she truly has mastered abilities similar to her Grandfather." Madara answered before he closed his eyes to rest, while the giant Gedo Mazo stood behind him.

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