Chapter 126: Search

As Tsunade headed toward the Land of Grass, she looked back on the previous encounters with the Ame Orphans.

'The original Orochimaru wanted to kill the children, however, Rochi stated for us to bring them back to the Village. I knew that he would change with me being here, but the fact that he seems to no longer have an obsession with life seems to be thanks to his parents never dying.' Tsunade thought.

While in this world, she had noticed the small changes she had made seemingly making changes later down the line.

From Konoha not being in that dire of a state in the 2nd Great Ninja War thanks to her saving the Uzumaki Clan and the increased strength of those in her generation, to the delaying of the 1st Great Shinobi War leading to fewer casualties on Tsunade's part and Orochimaru not losing his parents in the process.

The changes in the world may seem small at the current point, but she knew that all these changes would snowball into a monstrous one sooner than later.

She also knew it was risky allowing Nagato to be brought to Konoha, especially with the danger of his Rinnegan being exposed, though she felt the boy would be safe from anyone with nefarious intentions thanks to the power the Uzumaki Clan wielded as well as the presence of Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

And with Jiraiya having no reason to leave at the moment, her subsequent return to the Village, and Orochimaru planning to go after the position of Hokage one day, the Village would be safer than it ever was in the original world.

Add on the unlikely hood of Sakumo being targeted thanks to his bond with others and Kagami still being around, it meant that Konoha had more than ample strength to be protected in the future.

And while she knew she would have to deal with overbearing threats in the future, like Madara and the Otsutsuki Clan that would come, she had more than enough time to grow her Village's strength to exceed even their level.

But Tsunade's attention turned back to the task at foot, with her wondering how she was going to manage to find Tobirama's lab.

Though she was prepared to cover the entire country, she decided to do something that was never heard of in the Shinobi World.

She was going to combine the Seismic Sensing Techinique, The Minds Eye of the Kagura, and the enhanced perception given in Sage Mode to find the location by creating a dome of her own Chakra and spreading it over the entire Country.

Tsunade eventually reached the center of the Land of Grass, with that being its capital, and began channeling a massive amount of Nature Energy into her body.

Tsunade then began using the Minds Eye of the Kagura to sense any Chakra signatures that were similar to her Grandfather's while she used her Seismic Sensing to feel for any underground buildings of hidden labs.

Tsunade felt so much information come into her mind that she felt herself begin to gain a nosebleed, though she refused to stop as she continued expanding the dome.

The toll on her mind and body was overwhelming, though Tsunade continued, her will being strong and as sturdy as possible as she searched for Tobirama.

Finally, after an overwhelming amount of time passed to Tsunade, yet only 30 seconds passed in the real world, Tsunade found the lab, with Tobirama floating inside of a tank of some sort.

Tsunade felt herself losing consciousness as she fell from where she was, though she was caught by someone, making her use the last of her strength to show Orochimaru being the one who caught her.

Tsunade, feeling that she was in safe hands, let herself fall unconscious while Orochimaru brought her to a safe place to let them recover.

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I have pretty much acclimated to College Life. It's fun. I'll be doing my best to update the chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now. Thanks for sticking with me through it all.