Chapter 132: Light

After a few more hours of traveling, Tsunade arrived at the Kingdom of Roran.

She snuck inside the Kingdom, with her being able to feel the Chakra that Hiruzen had spoken about immediately.

The Kingdom seemed greatly prosperous, with its people seeming somewhat happy.

She then came to the Royal Palace, with it also showcased that the place had great wealth.

However, upon entering, she felt she could better feel the chakra that her mission was about.

It felt immense and wild in nature, but also volatile as if it was about to implode on itself.

Tsunade didn't remember anything like this happening in the original world, causing her to feel that perhaps her world was not exactly like the original.

Tsunade snuck into the Garden of Ryūmyaku, with her feeling that this was the key origin of the fluctuations.

She then began placing Sealing Fromations all around the room to limit the Chakra's volatile state while preparing to Seal it for good.

However, just as Tsunade placed the last Seal upon the Dragon Veins, the Chakra surged as if it had come to light, and Tsunade was unable to react as a bright light covered her entirely.

Tsunade opened her eyes in the next instant, but the Kingdom and the exquisite room she was originally in were no longer before her, with it being replaced by ruins and buildings that seemed desolate.

Tsunade immediately went into panic mode, as something caught her off guard for the first time in a long time, with her immediately using her Seismic Sensing Technique to scan her surroundings.

As far as she could sense, the only thing in her surroundings was the destroyed Kingdom of Roran.

Tsunade, upon realizing that something was wrong, immediately attempted to use her Contact Seal to get in touch with Mito or Tobirama.

However, she was unable to even sense their Chakra Signatures through the Seal, with that only being possible if both of them were deceased and had lost the Seal.

Tsunade's anxiety and fear began to grow immensely, but she forcefully calmed herself down, knowing that it would be useless in her current predicament.

'I know that neither Grandma nor Grandfather would remove their Seals, but they were still in good health when I left the Village. Did Madara make a preemptive attack? It could be that, though I don't think he would be able to catch me off guard with such a quick and sudden attack. And I did feel some slight fluctuations that were similar to a Space-Time Ninjutsu being used. Perhaps I've been transported, though none of my theories can be confirmed right now.' Tsunade thought as an ungodly amount of possibilities passed through her mind.

Tsunade then looked towards the Dragon Vein, with the Chakra in it not being nearly as volatile as it originally was, though it still seemed like an endless amount of energy.

'At least I somewhat completed the mission.' Tsunade thought to herself in pity as she sat down while trying to figure out her next steps.

She was doing her best to think logically since any emotional thinking she does would be counterproductive in aiding her to gain a solution to her current problem.

She thought about what exactly that light was, though she came to the conclusion that she wouldn't be able to figure it out unless she investigated further.

And with the thought of Mito and Tobirama being gone weighing on her mind, Tsunade came to the conclusion that there was only one thing she could do:

Return to Konoha.

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Adding this here. I'm quite sick with the flu, but I had to clear something up. I personally am a believer in the separate timeline theory, that every timeline is completely separate from each other. If someone travels through time, they are jumping from one timeline to another, not jumping on the same one. It's extremely confusing but I thought I'd clear that up.