Chapter 145: Pitiful

Tsuna opened the door, making Danzo widen his eye in surprise as he hadn't expected Tsunade to come to his hideout or even know where it was.

"What are you doing here, Tsunade?" Danzo questioned as he stood up and looked at her, with him noting her slight difference in clothing but not paying much attention to it.

"To send you to Hell." Tsuna said as she appeared in front of Danzo and grasped his throat with her hand before he could even react to her movement.

'What!' Danzo thought as he then felt scorching heat on his neck, making him look down to see Tsuna's hand covered in flames.

The two guards of Danzo and the strongest ROOT agents descended quickly as they charged toward him to defend Danzo.

Tsunade stomped her foot, creating a barrier around the room, before she threw Danzo into a wall while turning her attention to the two.

She once again disappeared from sight, with her reappearing behind Fu as she punched him straight into his chest, sending him to the ground.

Torune immediately understood the danger that they were in, causing him to bring out the most dangerous type of bug he owned: The Rinkaichu.

His skin turned purple from the bug as it spread throughout his body.

Tsuna simply gave the technique a passing glance, not fearful of any poisons due to her detoxification skills and monstrous healing factor.

However, Torune didn't interpret it as this as he concentrated the poison into a smokescreen that he sent towards Tsuna while simultaneously creating a stone wall to block off the gas from Fu and Danzo.

Tsuna, seeing his action, decided to take him out first as he was being a mild annoyance.

Noticing that the Jutsu was gaseous in nature, she decided to perform one that she created to deal with airborne attacks.

Tsuna dashed around the room at unnatural speeds, all the while spreading small embers from her hand that gleamed an orange color.

Once she stopped, Torune noticed the small glows of light floating through the air undisturbed while cautiously avoiding any of them.

However, it was at this time that Tsuna decided to announce the name of her technique, simply doing it to mock the shinobi before her.

"Fire Style: Flaming Firefly Technique!!"

The small flickers then grew at a terrifying rate before they each turned into explosions that rang throughout the base and even shook the hideout.

The smoke from the technique cleared to show a barely alive Torune, though he seemed that he would be transitioning to the Pure Lands quite soon.

"I would ask if you have any last words, but that would be me pretending I care about them." Tsunade said as she made a wooden spike rise from the ground and pierce him through his back killing him.

She then placed her hand on the stone wall that somehow still stood, with her completely destroying it by blasting a hole through it.

She stepped through to see Danzo, no longer bandaged as the Sharingan's on his body, and his white arm stood proudly as if he wasn't a grotesque creature who stole the genes of others.

"You know, my Danzo is a cautious and paranoid man, yes, however, even he wouldn't grow as bold as to apply the Kekkei Genkai of some of Konoha's founding clans upon his body.

But perhaps that is where the difference lies. Mine is a man who still wholeheartedly believes in Konoha but is willing to do despicable things to achieve his self-deluded goals, you are nothing more than a withered old man who already has one foot in the grave.

You are a pitiful man, one who was so unremarkable that the only way he felt he could achieve greatness in life was by stealing the Kekkei Genkai of others. Truly a pitiful life." 

"How dare you judge me! Everything I do is for Konoha. I will lead the Village to achieving true peace!" Danzo yelled.

"Yet you can't even get out of the dark like the worm you are. And I guarantee that I will enjoy every second of this."

Tsuna finished her statement to see Danzo's face consumed by anger, though before he could formulate a thought Tsunade had already removed the eye he kept hidden out of its socket, effectively taking away his most potent ability.

'While I'm confident in my Yin Release, I rather not attempt to test Kotoamatsukami's potency.' Tsuna thought as she felt another mind intrude into hers.

However, the foreign consciousness was shredded into nothing as Tsunade glanced at Fu as he fell over, completely brain-dead.

"I guess I'll have to thank Grandfather for his training to deal with mental attacks." Tsuna mumbled before turning her attention to the man who shot a wind blade at her from point-blank range.

Tsuna simply allowed the attack to hit her, with it not harming her in the slightest.

"I saw what you did to those people. To think that someone could torture people of their own Village to such a degree is something that truly disgusts me. While I don't run around spouting that Will of Fire crap, that doesn't mean I don't hold any affection for my home. However, I'll make sure you feel their pain. I shall show you true despair, Danzo." 

Flames began to fully cover Tsunade, though the terrifying heat made Danzo feel as if his skin was melting off his body.

He was then stunned to see Tsunade's flaming hand in his chest before the flames consumed him entirely, reducing him to ash.

Tsuna stood in place seemingly waiting for something.

"Come on 'Shinobi no Yami', I know you're not dead yet." Tsuna said, with a fully intact Danzo appearing behind her, though he seemed to be heavily gasping due to the trauma of being burned alive.

Before Danzo could even make another move, he felt himself lose control of his body as Tsuna controlled his blood and brought him before her.

An devilish smile adorned her face as she said ruthlessly.

"We're going to enjoy ourselves for the next 10 minutes."


Tsunade stood in her office with Shizune as they felt they were finally going to finish their work for the night, allowing them to go home.

However, the door opened to reveal a horrendous sight to both of them.

Tsuna appeared fully covered in blood, while in her hand, she carried what they both barely recognized as Councilman Danzo.

"The ROOT is dead." Tsuna said calmly.

All Hell broke loose.

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