Chapter 149: Travelers


The next few weeks passed fast, with the Village's might being bolstered tremendously as Orochimaru took over the position of ANBU Commander while Jiraiya decided to stay in the Village (Under an order from Tsunade) to become the Jonin Commander.

The Sannin wasted no time in implementing plans they felt would change the Village in a positive manner, things they were not able to do previously with the old leaders of the Village.

The Patriarchs of the Clans also fully adopted these plans, leading to a new era of change in Konoha.

And it was on one fateful day that Tsunade was training Naruto that she suddenly felt a chakra signature that seemed immensely powerful.

"Go to the house Naruto. I'll be home in a minute." Tsuna said, her tone being completely detached to show Naruto that she was deadly serious.

Naruto hesitated before nodding obediently upon seeing how serious she was.

He then body flickered away, leaving Tsunade to blast towards the signature she had felt in the hope of containing it.

She had known that the strength of the world had gone on an upward spiral towards the end of Naruto and into Boruto, she didn't expect to feel such a powerful chakra signature in this era, especially when the timeline of Shippuden hadn't even begun.

Tsuna knew that no one else in the Village could possibly hope to contend against a powerhouse like this other than her, making her choose to take the battle on her own.

She arrived on the rooftop of a building near where she felt the chakra signature originates from.

Shen looked and saw a man and young boy atop the building, making her immediately enter Sage Mode as she blasted towards him at a monstrous speed.

The man turned and attempted to parry her with his sword, though the impact of the punch sent him flying into the air.

Tsuna then grabbed the younger boy and sealed his chakra with a small tap, before she grabbed him with a chain while blasting towards the man.

She then grasped him by the throat before she flew the both of them outside the Village so that she would not have to hold back.

The two landed, with Tsuna attempting to slam the man straight into the ground, though he teleported out of her hand before he hit the ground.

Tsuna immediately followed up the attack by spewing a jet stream of water from her mouth in an attempt to cut him in half.

The man, still obscured from Tsuna's vision, blasted a fireball of similar stature towards her, creating a smoke screen.

Then, the man somehow appeared by the blonde haired boy that Tsuna had captured, one that had began to feel was vaugly familiar, though she manipulated the man's blood and threw him away before sending a massive gust of wind towards him that both removed the smoke screen and destroyed the area he was at.

The dusk cleared to reveal the man, who lacked anything more than a few scratches on his clothing.

Tsuna, finally was able to get a good look at the infiltrator, and she immediately stopped her attack upon being hit with the realization of who it was.

"Sasuke Uchiha?" She muttered to herself as the man also froze, surprised that she would know his name.

"Who are you? And why did you infiltrate the Village?" Tsuna asked, though she already knew the answer to her question.

Meanwhile, Sasuke's thoughts were wild as he wondered 'I don't remember Lady Tsunade's strength being this powerful. While not as strong as I or Naruto, her strength is far beyond what I thought possible of her.'

Sasuke looked at the situation around him making him sigh as he explained to the woman he thought was the Fifth Hokage on the actual situation surrounding both he and Boruto.


"-and that is how we ended up here." Sasuke said, sighing as he hoped telling her would not bring any great changes to the timeline.

"I expected all of that already. You are not the only not from a different timeline." Tsuna said, stunning Sasuke as his eyes widened in realization.

"So the Otsutsuki Clan has already began mobilizing in your world? Look's like things won't be peaceful and this world too much longer either if that Otsutsuki member is also here." Tsuna said to herself, though Sasuke immediately had to ask his own question first.

"Why are you in the Village? Don't you know your actions could change the timeline if you're not careful!?" Sasuke said with panic laced in his voice.

Tsuna just sighed before she began to explain how time travel actually work.

"So, imagine that each timeline is it's own seperate branch on a massive tree. Just because a leaf from one branch falls on another does not mean it can change the original branch it was on. Just because someone changes one timeline, does not mean it will affect their own. It will just affect the timeline they came to. I know it's confusing but just know that anything you do here won't affect your home."

Sasuke was stumped by the explanation, barely able to wrap his mind around the explanation.

"Can you undo the seal you placed upon him?" Sasuke asked, referring the blonde haired boy who was passed out near them, a seal over his entire body.

"Sure." Tsuna said as she placed her hand on the boy and undid it, making the boy finally awake to see her.

"Huh, what happened? Oh, hey Granny." Boruto said as he recognized her.

Tsuna's eye twitched in annoyance before she told the two to join her at her home to await the arrival of the Otsutsuki Clan Member.

However, she went on a detour to the Hokage's building as the aid of Sannin could be helpful, no matter how trivial, in taking down the alien.


"So, what you are telling us is that not only do aliens exist, but they also plan to absorb all the Chakra of our world and kill us all. And that a time travelling version of Sasuke Uchiha and the son of Naruto have come from an alternate reality to help us in dealing with this threat? I've only been Hokage for a few months and this is the shit I have to deal with?" Tsunade said, rubbing her template near the end as she just sat back in her chair.

Tsuna, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya all sweated at the comment while smiling, before they each began to discuss the countermeasures that they could take to eliminate the Otsutsuki member who would arrive in 3 days.

Tsuna also promised Orochimaru the chance to study the body if they win, though the likelihood of their win seemed grim based on the fact that Tsuna equated their strength at being higher than Madara and Hashirama combined. 

Though she did state that although he was powerful, he was very inexperienced in combat in comparison to them, giving them an advantage.

Tsuna then left the building for the day to go home and cook, however she entered her home to find Boruto and Naruto in a screaming match while Sasuke stood between the two.


Tsuna's words seem to hold an immense effect on the boys, both stopping their actions and going to sit down, with even Sasuke doing the same.

'I haven't felt this afraid since I was with my mother.' Sasuke thought to himself.

Tsuna was then able to calmly cook dinner and serve it, while she also saw Naruto and Boruto seeming to become friends instead of the enemies they began as.

She then saw the two off to bed, while she stayed to speak with Sasuke.

"How confident are you in fighting him?" Sasuke asked, concerned about the prospect of them not being able to defeat him.

"I know how terrifying the Otsutsuki Clan Members can be. I still have a few trump cards to overcome him if necessary. Plus we have the help of the Three Sannin. All of us should be more than enough to take him down." Tsuna said with a slight smirk on her face.

Sasuke could only agree, and pray that they would be enough for the coming threat.

In the blink of an eye, the three days passed.

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