Chapter 152: Test

Tsunade and the trio of kids arrived at a training ground, with her creating a bench for herself to sit on while the trio sat on the ground.

"Alrighty kids, introduce yourselves. Let me know your likes, dislikes, and dreams in life." Tsunade said.

"My name is Hiashi Hyuga. I like training in the Gentle Fist. I dislike people who can't be worth their positions. My dream is to lead the Hyuga Clan to greater success." Hiashi said as he answered first, with his calm expression never changing.

Tsunade nodded at his statement, feeling his similarities to Himichi. Though Hiashi was a direct successor of the Clan, marking their difference.

"My name is Fugaku Uchiha. I like practicing my Shurikenjutsu and Fire Release. I dislike those who disrespect the Uchiha Clan. My dream is to lead the Uchiha Clan to become the number one Clan in the Village." Fugaku said.

Tsunade looked at his proud expression and couldn't wait until his face changed to one needed for survival once she began their training.

'Perhaps I've been spending too much time around Kuna? I'm becoming a sadist these days.' Tsunade thought to herself.

"My name is Shiminoske Sarutobi. I like learning new Ninjutsu and training with my father. I dislike those who abandon their teammates. My dream is to become the Fourth Hokage." Shiminoske answered, a resolute expression on his face as he revealed his dream.

'I'm afraid he'll have to wait for the Fifth position to open. I don't see any reason why Orochi won't take over in the next few years.' Tsunade thought to herself as she decided to test her new team.

"Well, my name is Tsunade Senju. I like spending time with my family and protecting my Village. I dislike Otsutsuki and losing. My dream... is not important right now." Tsunade gave her response, making all three look at her with a weirded out expression.

Tsunade then grew a serious look on her face as she began to tell them what their task would be.

"Alright kids, it's time for us to do a test to determine if you deserve your positions. In my hand are two bells, with them being the sole thing that can allow you to become Genin or simply return to the Shinobi Academy. Your goal will be to take these bells from me before noon. However, I will also not move from my position. If you can force me to move, then all three of you automatically win. If you can't then I'm afraid I'll have to send you back to the Academy, Clans be damned." Tsunade explained as the eyes of the three widened at her statement.

While they wouldn't believe that if it was some random Shinobi, the woman before them was hailed as one of the most powerful in the world.

If someone like her were to demand that they return to the Academy, even their Clans would not be able to leverage her into changing their decision.

The three immediately dispelled the thought of not making her move as well as they knew she would be too much for them to handle.

However, Shiminoske picked up on the fact that there were only two bells, prompting him to ask 

"Can only two of us pass the test since there are only two bells?"

Tsunade smirked as she nodded her head in agreement, making all three grow serious looks on their face as they understood the implication.

Though a single question was lingering in their minds

'How do we take this monster down on our own?'

"Begin." Tsunade said calmly with a smile, with this being the signal they needed as all three ran in different directions, attempting to camouflage themselves.

Tsunade tapped her foot lightly on the ground, immediately figuring out where the three of them were.

Tsunade then turned her head slightly to see Hiashi charging at her, his Byakugan already activated as he attempted to attack her with the Gentle Fist.

Tsunade calmly blocked all of his palm strikes with ease, after which she delivered a powerful palm strike of her own to his chest, sending him flying into a tree.

It was then that she heard a whistling noise in the air, with her dodging the shuriken that were flying towards her.

She then punched the air towards the source, sending an overwhelming gust of wind directly into Fugaku, sending him flying into a tree.

She then casually glanced at another tree, shocking Shiminoske as he had thought his location was concealed.

He immediately Body Flickered away, with that saving him from a powerful punch of his own from her.

He went to where Hiashi and Fugaku were, both showing damage from the small attacks that she had already done.

"We need to work together." Shiminoske said, with both Fugaku and Hiashi nodding in agreement, not seeing a way they could take the monster down on their own.

The trio then formulated a plan while Tsunade created a stool for herself to sit on and summoned a glass of lemonade from her storage seal, relaxing as she basked in the sunlight.

However, Tsunade's break was cut short as she glanced up to see both Shiminoske and Fugaku in the air, as both yelled their Jutsu simultaneously.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!!"

The duo both sent raging fireballs towards Tsunade, with her simply smiling at the fact that they had finally begun working together.

She was originally going to throw it back towards them, but she decided to see what plan they had come up with, allowing the attacks to land on her.

'It's not like they'll do any damage anyway.' She thought.

The attacks created a cloud of smoke and debris, one that Hiashi capitalized on as rushed towards her at supernatural speeds while his Byakugan was activated, hoping to grab the bells in the smoke.

Just as his hand was about to grab the bells, he felt a hand grasp his wrist, making him tense as the person then slammed him onto the ground repeatedly.

The smoke cleared to show Hiashi in a crater while Shiminoske and Fugaku breathed heavily, though they could not even make another move as roots sprung from the ground and bound them before it then absorbed the chakra they had remaining, rendering them unconscious.

The last thing Shiminoske heard was Tsunade's voice as she spoke

"You brat's did good."

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