Chapter 155: Teacher of Torture

~Uchiha Compound~

Inside of the Uchiha Compound, Fugaku sat before his father as he faithfully reported the events of the day to the Patriarch, not daring to leave out any minuscule details.

However, while Fugaku thought his father was focusing on the intricacies of his day, he was instead pondering on the fact that Tsunade was now his son's teacher.

'Why would Hiruzen assign her to become Fugaku's teacher? And he also put the Hyuga heir and his own son on the team as well? Wait, perhaps he used this to prevent Tsunade from partaking in the vote, with her being occupied at the time of the vote. But for what reason would he have for ensuring that the bill failed? Even I am unable to properly understand that part.' Kaito thought to himself before he was broken out of his stupor by his son staring at him.

"Is their anything else, Fugaku?" He asked.

"Is Tsunade Senju as powerful as the rumors make her out to be?" He asked, with him no longer having the great pride he truly usually showed, with him instead wishing to know if his new teacher was as powerful as commonly discussed.

"No." Kaito began, causing Fugaku's expectations to fall.

"She is most likely more powerful than any rumors speak of. In my long life, I have only seen one shinobi that carries themself in the same manner. And that man had the power to make a Tailed Beast seem like a mere pet. If she has truly reached the same level as him, then I'm afraid that there is no better teacher that you could have gotten. And that includes myself." Kaito continued, with Fugaku looking in awe after his father finished.

He attempted to hide his excitement as he prepared to leave, though he suddenly remembered something as he turned to his father and said

"Oh. She also said that we would be training continuously for the next month." Fugaku said before he left, making him unable to see his father's horrified gaze.

'I must ask her to spare him.' Kaito thought as he immediately headed towards the Senju Compound to plead for his son's life to the demon known as Tsunade Senju.

He had heard horrors of her training from Kenta, and he didn't think his son's sanity would be intact afterwards.

He only prayed he wouldn't be too late.

~Hyuga Compound~

A similar interaction occurred in the Hyuga Clan as Hiashi explained to his father about his new teacher.

However, unlike the Uchiha, the Hyuga Patriarch was thinking of the ties his clan would have to the Senju Clan due to this.

'Perhaps we can use this to claim a bid at the Hokage title whenever the Fourth Generation comes around.' He thought to himself.

Hiashi then brought up the fact of his training before he left, causing Hinato to summon Himichi in a bid to gain an explanation of what the training would entail.

However, once he heard the horrors that Himichi explained, he quickly left in hopes of persuading Tsunade to lessen the burdens of her training, not wishing to kill his heir.

~Sarutobi Clan~

Hiruzen sat on the couch with his blanket as his wife had found out that he appointed Tsunade as their son's teacher, knowing the torture that he would endure. 

He could do nothing but sigh, as he knew the consequences of his actions and the unrelenting nature of his wife.

He laid down and went to bed, deciding to allow this to be the next day's problems.

~Senju Compound~

Hinato and Kaito both arrived at the Senju Clan Compound at the same time, with them both inferring that they were there for the same reasons.

They both knocked on the door of Tsunade's home, with them expecting one of the known residents to arrive and open the door for them, yet they were stunned when a young boy with blonde hair and whiskers opened the door.

"Granny Mito, we've got guests!!" The boy yelled as he escorted them in and into the living room, where Mito entered and rubbed her hand through his hair before she spoke.

"Let your Mother know she has a few guest." Mito said, to which Naruto smiled and left to find his mother.

Mito's smile faded as he went up the stairs, with her stare turning cold and calculated as she sat in front of the men, with her asking the integral question.

"Why have you two come to my humble abode?"

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