Chapter 158: The Start


The next morning, Tsunade stood on one of the courtyards as her three students sat around her, all waiting in anticipation as their training would commence.

"So, to begin, place these bracelets on your arms and legs." Tsunade said as he handed them the black bracelets and anklets.

The trio placed them on, with Tsunade then pulling out some sheets of paper, with each of them realizing what they were.

"I will be using these papers to test your Chakra Nature so that I can better formulate the training plan for each of you." Tsunade said as she handed them to each and instructed them on how to guide their chakra into them.

Fugaku's paper burned into ash, Shiminoske's split in half before one side burned and the other crumbled, while Himichi's became completely damp and sank to the ground.

"Alright. Fugaku's Chakra Nature is Fire, Himichi's is Water, and Shiminoske's are Earth, Wind, and Fire. Good, now I know exactly how to train each of you."

The three then stood before Tsunade as they expected her to give them their first instruction, though they suddenly fell to the ground as their limbs became obscenely heavy.

"W-What's happening?" Fugaku said. as he could not lift his body from the ground.

"The first part of your training is very simple. You simply have to stand up. I've already informed your guardians that you'll be staying with me, and I have bought a plentiful amount of ration pills to keep your hunger handled. Therefore, we have all the time in the world. We're going to do this every day for an hour between training sessions. Our training will be over when you can confidently walk. So, good luck!" Tsunade ended with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

However, to the three boys, it looked as if the Demon King was looking down at them.


Inside of a tavern near the outskirts of the Village, three individuals stood in a secret backroom.

The three men each wore necklaces that each showcased a piece of a flower, with them being 3 of the 6 founding members of the White Lotus.

"What made you call us so urgently, Sakumo? We couldn't even spread the message far with the level of distress you made. We thought you were compromised." Kenta said as he looked at his old teammate with a questioning look in his eyes.

Sakumo took a deep breath, ready to explain the terrifying information he learned merely a few hours beforehand.

"A senior intelligence that we had stationed in one of the Village's near the border detected signs of a suspected ROOT agent being stationed there while undercover. Upon further looking into it, he detected that the agent had been a proponent of spreading information about the corruption that takes place in the capitol and a growing amount of civil unrest. While we had heard other signs in recent months, he stated that the anger of the civilians and farmers is growing to a profound degree. While we struggled to obtain proof, we realized that a large amount of weapons and other war materials were being bought discreetly by many civilian merchants and wealthy organizations. If all these factors are put together, it could mean that a revolt is on the horizon."

Kenta and Jiraiya could merely gasp and the reveal, as such an event had not occurred in centuries.

"We need to get a group meeting together now. If what you said is true, then there could be cataclysmic levels of repercussions following this. I'll go inform Orochimaru." Jiraiya said as he practically jumped to his feet.

The trio took off in different directions, ready to converge the group to make a decision of the events they had just learned about.


"Sir, everything is in order as you predicted. Shall we proceed on schedule?" An agent of the ROOT asked his lord.

Danzo closed his eyes tightly, as if having an internal disagreement before muttering to himself 'This is for Konoha. Only with this, can the Village truly grow.'

"Yes. Proceed on schedule." Danzo said with an iron will.

'This will only be the start. I will sacrifice everything.' Danzo thought, determined in his goal.

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~The grandma's won. I was hit with a cane for a half price waffle maker~