Chapter 164: Lurking Threats

Tsunade opened her eyes once again, this time finding herself back in the real world as Mito stared at her.

"You do realize the implications of your words? The Nine Tails is not a simple creature. Who knows what schemes it may concoct to restore its full power? It may become a danger to the Village in every regard, foretelling doom onto us all."

Tsunade didn't bat an eye at her Grandmother's claim, instead, staring her straight in the eye as she gave her response.

"If Grandfather was strong enough to fight Madara and the Nine-Tails at the same time, then I am confident that I can do the same. There are far greater powers in the world than just the Nine-Tailed Fox, or any of the Tailed Beasts for that matter. Just the fox in there won't be enough to cause any issues as long as I am here."

"Is that so? Is that why you feel comfortable having another Nine-Tails inside this home, practically doubling our troubles? I love Naruto, as he is my grandson. But I'm going to need you to explain where exactly he has come from, as nobody other than I possess enough sensory ability to detect it. And if it were to become common knowledge that we possess two Jinchuriki, or even worse, the Village comes under the suspicion that we can duplicate Tailed Beasts, the Senju Clan will not be able to escape without a proper explanation. So, I need you to tell me the truth of what we are dealing with, what greater powers exist in the Shinobi World, and of Naruto's origins. You and Tobirama have been hiding things for far too long, and I have had enough of it." Mito finished, her demand lingering in the air.

Tsunade looked into her Grandmother's eyes, seeing the determination that showed that she would not let the topic go without a proper explanation.

So, Tsunade sighed as she explained everything.

And she meant, everything.

From the fact that Madara was still alive, to the fact that he was being manipulated by an ancient entity that originated from the Goddess of chakra (She told this to Tobirama as well, though she claimed she discovered the information while in Naruto's timeline), to the fact that the clan of the Goddess wants to consume the energy of the planet and use it to become Gods.

And while she knew that the Nine Tails may be able to listen to the conversations that Mito had, she hoped that he would also hear of the potential dangers that the Shinobi World as a whole was in.

The terrorizing figures that would be coming to the Shinobi World were something that Tsunade had been unable to fully prepare for, as she didn't have the full background on the threats to come, with her only being able to get separate bits of information from Boruto and it's sequel series about the threats that may exist.

All she knew was that she had to prepare Konoha for the threats that may be on the horizon, with people with the strength of Hashirama becoming more commonplace in Boruto.

The shock that went through Mito as she understood the many implications that their Village was small in the grand order of things and that the threats that existed could easily destroy the dream that her husband had created, was something that left her with a newfound feeling.

She stared into the air as if contemplating over an extremely important thing before her determination steeled as she came to a decision.

Mito reached into her mind once more, appearing before the Nine-Tails once again.

"I don't doubt that it is very unlikely that we will ever be able to truly coexist, or even become friends in this lifetime. But if what Tsunade said is true, the world that your father created will no longer be able to protect itself, as the end of all life that we know of could be on the horizon. My only request is that we can work together to combat this threat." 

After finishing her statement, the large number of chains surrounding the Nine Tails vanished, allowing the being to no longer be fully imprisoned, though he still remained in a sealed state.


Instead of the expected hostility or aggression that he could have shown, the Nine-Tails laid back down, after which Mito left while having a sigh of relief.

Though once outside, she felt herself able to draw on a newfound source of chakra, and with the slightest pull on it, she found herself surrounded by golden ethereal flames.

Tsunade seemed absolutely awestruck, not expecting that the Nine-Tails would voluntarily give Mito his chakra so quickly.

Mito then opened her eyes, staring at her Granddaughter, and with a newfound determination as she spoke

"We shall protect everything that Hashi built, no matter who we have to face."