Chapter 177: Missions

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, The Legendary Sannin, found themselves assembled once again as they headed toward the gates to Konoha.

"Did you two remember to pack everything? Weapons? Food? Seals?" Orochimaru asked with both caution and concern, though this made Jiraiya quickly grow irritated.

"Of course! Do you think that the Great Jiraiya would forget something as trivial as that?" Jiraiya said.

"You've done it before. I wouldn't be surprised if you were as foolish as to do it again." Orochimaru said with a smirk.

"Why you little-"

"Enough." Tsunade said while turning to them, making both of them turn their heads with indignant expressions.

'Damn tsunderes.' Tsunade said while smiling at her two teammates.

"Hey Iyako, is that the Legendary Sannin leaving out of the Village?" One of the two guards of the gates asked.

"Yeah right. Lady Tsunade doesn't even go on missions. And Lord Orochimaru doesn't take many active missions." Iyako said in response while rolling his eyes while still resting his head on the table.

"But there literally right there! Just look!" Hizuko yelled, getting pissed at not being believed.

"Fine. If the Sannin really are right their, I'll kiss Lady Tsunade and lick Lord Jiraiya's feet." Iyako said as he finally raised his head, though the sight terrified him.

He saw Tsunade glaring at him with an irritated expression, Jiraiya seemed to be angry and ready to tear him apart, and Orochimaru was laughing to the point that it seemed to be hurting himself.

"Well, aren't you gonna get to it?" Orochimaru said, making Jiraiya and Tsunade turn their attention to him, with the serpent suddenly feeling danger near himself.

"Say one more thing and you will no longer be able to have children." Tsunade said blankly, making all four men wince.

"I apologize for my outburst." Orochimaru said quickly, while also body flickering away to avoid getting in any more danger from Tsunade.

Tsunade then turned over to the two men, with both of them praying that she let them off with a warning.

Tsunade merely waved her hand, generating a massive force that sent them both flying away.

"Are they going to be okay, Tsuna?" Jiraiya asked, a bit of concern in his voice.

"I'm not sure, perhaps I should do it to you as well and we see how you end up." Tsunade said as she glanced at him.

'Well, they have definitely pissed her off.' Jiraiya thought.

"You know what, they'll be fine. C'mon, let's go join Rochi." Jiraiya said nervously while sending a silent prayer for the two of them.

The two then caught up with Orochimaru, with them setting off for the capital of the Land of Fire, hoping that by the time they arrived, a new Daimyo had already been chosen.

~Hokage's Office~

Inside of Hiruzen's office, an impressive assortment of Shinobi were gathered together, with Hiruzen staring at them all with a grim expression on his face.

"It would seem that we underestimated the Village Hidden in The Mist. Just a few minutes ago, we received word that the situation in the Land of Water has changed drastically upon learning of the attacks on the Daimyo. In an attempt to take advantage of this situation, multiple groups of Shinobi have departed on their way to our border, with this including the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. 

Your mission is to deter them from getting past our border, or, better yet, eliminate them completely. 

Am I understood?" Hiruzen asked the Shinobi assembled in front of him.

Before him, stood the Sakumo Hatake, Might Duy, Dan Kato, Kenta Uchiha, Shiro Aburame, and Akari Sarutobi.

Each of them nodded with solemn expressions on their face, though they each understood the importance of the mission ahead of them and the determination needed to succeed in it.

"Very well then. Sakumo Hatake will serve as your commander. May your Fire burn brighter than ever before." Hiruzen said, as all six shinobi departed, leaving the Hokage to himself.

'I can't help but feel that something larger is at play here. Something is wrong about this entire situation.' Hiruzen thought to himself, unable to discover what made this situation strike him as strange.

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