Chapter 181: End of the Swordsmen

Sakumo and Raiga seemed to be moving at speeds unparalleled to common Shinobi, as they both showcased their immense mastery of Lightning Release to move at speeds that made them seem to be teleporting.

However, while their speeds may have been comparable, their strength was in two entirely different realms.

'Damnit. This bastard won't give me any room to rest. The others need to hurry so that we can besiege this bastard together.' Raiga thought as he suddenly turned an attempted to cut Sakumo in half.

Sakumo seemed unfazed by the attack as he easily blocked it before slashing him in the shoulder, after which he delivered multiple flying slashes to Raiga.

Raiga could only attempt to flee again, however, this time he noticed a difference in Sakumo as instead of chasing him, he merely stood in place.

'What is he planning?' Raiga questioned to himself, though he didn't have much time to ponder as he was forced to dodge a fireball sent at him.

"Oh, it seems some of you swordsmen are a bit skilled." Kenta stated as he emerged from the lingering mist, his person looking extremely terrifying if one were to look at his blood-colored eyes and the flaming sword.

'What?!? I thought Juzo was dealing with him? I can't fight the 'White Fang' and the 'Wicked Eye' at the same time!' Raiga thought grimly.

"There is no need to get involved, Kenta. I'm about to end this swiftly." Sakumo's voice sounded, making Raiga feel a chill go down his spine, however, before he could even mold his chakra, he found Sakumo in front of him, his blade no longer crackling with lightning, but instead glowing a shining white color.

However, the most stunning fact to Raiga wasn't the blade that was embedded in his chest, but the newfound markings that were on Sakumo's face.

'It seems that the White Fang is just as terrifying as the rumors make him out to be. I'm afraid that the old coon has no idea who he's messing with.' Raiga thought.

Those would be the last thing that the second to last member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen would ever make, leaving only their leader remaining.

"I didn't think you would need to enter Sage Mode to deal with the likes of them." Kenta said leisurely while looking at his friend.

"I simply didn't wish for the cat-and-mouse game to continue too much longer. For his lack of strength, he possessed considerable speed." Sakumo answered.

"Aren't we going to go assist the others?" Kenta asked upon seeing Sakumo merely sit down, as if unconcerned with the lives of their teammates.

"The other swordsmen have already been defeated, leaving only Fuguki and Guy's battle undecided. And I'm fully confident in Duy's ability to win. After all, he is arguably the third strongest in our generation." Sakumo said with a slight smile.

Kenta merely nodded, fully agreeing with his statement.


Duy and Fuguki stood across from each other, with each emitting an insane aura that spoke volumes about the level of power they each wielded.

"I've heard of you, 'Green Beast of Konoha'. While your strength may have put me in a difficult situation if I was in my prior state, you are completely outmatched by the current me." Fuguki said as got ready to utilize powerful Ninjutsu.

"Your lack of Youth makes you an opponent who will never be able to defeat me. Unless your name is Tsunade or Orochimaru, then I'm afraid you will never be capable of defeating me." Duy said bluntly before appearing directly in front of Fuguki and delivering an earth-shattering punch that created a shockwave.

Fuguki was knocked back, though not before he directly molded the Water Chakra to form needles that he shot at Duy.

Duy easily dodged them before once again closing the distance between the two, allowing him to send him flying again.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!!"

The Jutsu that Fuguki spewed was supercharged with a massive amount of chakra, allowing it to turn into a massive behemoth of water that headed toward Duy.

Upon seeing this, Duy jumped into the air and began to send punches at immense speed, with them being so fast that the resulting friction ignited the punches into something reminiscent of hundreds of fireballs.

"Morning Peacock!!"

The two monstrous attacks met, with the flames boiling the water and turning it into steam that only added to the mist that seemed to plague the area.

Duy charged with a burst that made it seem as if he stepped on the air, him appearing as if he was both still in his prior spot while also directly in front of Fuguki, sending a terrifying kick to Fuguki's arm that he blocked with his arm, yet he couldn't help but grit his teeth as he felt the bones in it shatter.

Duy then spun in mid-air and delivered another powerful kick, though Fuguki was barely able to dodge, leaving Duy to leave a major crater in the ground.

'I have to finish this battle quickly, because if all of his attacks hit that hard, I won't be capable of continuing to fight after a few hits.' Fuguki thought as he began to mobilize as much chakra as possible and supercharged his next Jutsu to the maximum.

"Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!!!" 

An unprecedented amount of Water was blasted from Fuguki, with it being similar to if a tsunami had been sent onto land.

The waves came as if a massive natural disaster was about to occur, with this Jutsu seeming to be akin to the pinnacle of Water Release.

Duy, in response, merely prepared his final attack, ready to end the battle once and for all.


A pocket of pressurized air was sent from Duy in the form of a punch, with the Taijutsu attack shaping into the form of a white tiger, with it charging at the waves as if it were alive.

The attack demolished the waves of water, destroying it and charging through it as if it was merely thin paper.

Fuguki could only look on helplessly as the attack engulfed him, ending his life due to the sheer destructiveness of the attack.

'Heh. If the Leaf has monsters like this, perhaps the Ninja World will soon be changed drastically. I wish I could have seen it.' Fuguki thought to himself in his final moments, with the attack obliterating him.

It was on this day that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist would be obliterated.