Chapter 184: Creature

Inside of a hidden room, Akio sat as he looked at the remains of one of the Shinobi who attacked and ended the lives of the Daimyo's family.

However, calling the odd and strange creature a Shinobi would likely be an insult to everyone who holds the profession.

The sole detail that Akio had decided to leave out of his report was the situation with these alien like creatures.

One of the Daimyo's samurai was able to stab the creature in its chest before succumbing to his wounds.

And with him being one of the first to discover the being, he had his most trusted vassal place the body inside of his mansion.

He saw firsthand how it morphed from it's original appearance, to one that was entirely inhuman.

And now, he was unable to process who he could and could not trust, with him not knowing if the person he told was also one of the creatures.

'These things could be everywhere in the world, silently manipulating the world from the shadows in a goal to further their own plans, whatever they may be. I can't even trust Lady Shibi enough to let her know about them. And who's to say that they also don't have influence in Konoha? Perhaps, I could get the aid of that organization, the one that had been gaining subtle influence in the Land of Fire.' Akio thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he stood and headed to the nearest tavern, ready to take a gamble on the current situation.


"Are you done cooking yet Tsuna? I'm soooooo hungry!!" Jiraiya said from inside the room, wearing comfortable clothing rather than his Shinobi gear.

"You know, most people would refrain from taking off their Shinobi attire and being relaxed in a place that is not their home Village." Orochimaru said while taking a sip of liquor.

"You don't have yours on and you are literally laid out on the bed." Jiraiya said as he gained a tick mark on his forehead, slightly pissed at his pale friend.

"It has been highly proven over the past few years that I am not most people, after all, who else could claim to have become a MASTERED Sage at 17?" Orochimaru asked with a slight smirk.

"I'VE MASTERED SAGE MODE!!" Jiraiya yelled.

"Yeah, after a couple more years of training. Honestly, I don't understand how you managed to become one of the Sannin. Maybe in your next lifetime, you'll be able to understand my greatness." Orochimaru finished with a sigh.

Jiraiya's immediately tackled the man off of the bed, leaving the two to wrestle each other on the ground while shouting at each other.

"Get off of me, you idiot!" 

"No way, I'll make you regret your words, bastard!"

The duo's shouting suddenly ended when they felt a shiver go down both of their spines, with them looking up to see Tsunade glaring menacingly at them.

"If you idiots don't shut up, I'll stick my foot so far up your ends that you'll be spitting out my toenails tomorrow!" Tsunade said.

However, before she could make her threat an actuality, the trio heard a knock at the door, making them all grow slightly serious due to only a few people knowing that they were there.

Tsunade opened the door a saw a middle-aged man, with him whispering something into his ear before leaving.

"What was it?" Orochimaru asked.

"It seems that someone asked for me." Tsunade said while turning to the two.

"They knew we were here to ask for Tsuna?" Jiraiya question while getting slightly serious.

"No. They didn't ask to meet Tsunade Senju. They asked to meet the head of the White Lotus." Tsunade said with a smile before she left to meet the man.


'I truly hope that I have not made a mistake by coming here.' Akio thought to himself.

He arrived at the bar and performed the subsequent actions to showcase his interest in meeting a member of the organization, with this including playing the game of Shogi in a specific way.

Once he met with the member who came to assist him, he quickly told them that he needed to meet with a leader of the organization, with it being an issue that could relate to the safety of the Land of Fire as a whole.

However, Akio never imagined that Tsunade Senju would sit down in front of him, and with a smile on her face, merely asked

"How can I assist you today?"

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