Chapter 192: Spark of War

On the following day, Tsunade stood in the Hokage's office with her being joined by the Heads of nearly all the Shinobi Clans, the Elite Jonin of the Village, and the Elders.

"I received word last night that we may be on the cusp of the Third Great Shinobi World War. With that being said, I wish to station troops at every border so that we may be prepared for any unforeseen events that may arise in the near future. I've already recalled our forces to the Village, as well as told all Nobles to return to their estates as soon as possible." Hiruzen said.

"I hate to interrupt, Hiruzen, but I'm afraid I have to add to our troubles. The Kiri Shinobi have begun mobilizing, with them seeming to be heading towards our border. I recieved this information from a reliable source early this morning." Danzo said.

Danzo had already begun showing why he was viewed by many as the Darkness of Shinobi, with him instructing his spies to begin kamikaze attacks in a hope to slow down the Mist army.

"I see." Hiruzen said, his mind calculating thousands of ways that he could use to counteract this.

"Then, I shall now announce the commanders of each front.

Sakumo Hatake and Danzo Shimura will be the Co-Commanders in charge of dealing with the approaching Mist army, with them also the support of the Hyuga Clan and the Uzumaki Clan. The Vice Commanders will be Ashina and Hinato. I shall appoint 10,000 shinobi to them.

Jiraiya and Kagami Uchiha will report to the Land of Grass, in anticipation for an invasion from the Stone through their nation. Their Vice Commanders will be Dan Kato and Might Duy. They shall have the support of the Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, and Uchiha Clans. 7,500 shinobi will be sent to the border alongside them.

Tsunade Senju and Orochimaru shall report to the Land of Hot Water, as they guard against an invasion from Kumogakure. Her Vice Commander will be Kenta Uchiha, with the Senju, Aburame, and Inazauka Clans supporting her alongside 6,500 shinobi.

I will respond to any surprise movements from the Land of Wind.

I will tell each of our corresponding allies to assist us however they can, but I expect the Waterfall to send at least 800 shinobi to the battlefield with Kumo to support Tsunade." Hiruzen announced.

"Where is Orochimaru?" Tsunade asked as she saw he wasn't at the meeting.

"He's currently on a mission, but he will meet up with you once he arrives back at the border." Hiruzen said. 

"I shall be embarking as well." A voice spoke from the back of the room.

The Jonin in the room quickly realized that the person who was speaking was none other that Mito, though she looked just as young as everyone else.

"Lady Mito!! If harm were to occur to you, we would no-" "I shall be going as well."

Koharu began, though she was cut off by Tobirama who entered the room.

"We built this Village for the purpose of protecting the future generations. If we were to cower away and let the younger generations sacrifice first, we would be nothing more than hypocrites." Mito said as she stood in the center of the room.

"We shall let this war be the beginning of an era of peace, one that shall stand as long as this generation lives. Let us show why Konoha stands as the hegemony in the Shinobi World!!" Tobirama said, igniting the fighting spirit in all of them.

Hiruzen smiled, as he felt that they could deal with the vast challenges ahead of them.


Inside of Kumo, Orochimaru stood at a remote location with it being the home of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki. 

'This poison is odorless and colorless and it should force the nerves in the Jinchuriki to lessen, allowing the Tailed Beast to take control. It should eliminate the Jinchuriki once and for all.' Orochimaru thought.

Orochimaru had placed the poison in the meal of the Jinchuriki, however he saw that Blue B seemed to be completely fine, rather than turning into the beast.

'That is only possible... if he has become a Perfect Jinchuriki. It seems this has grown more difficult.' Orochimaru thought.

Realizing that he had to act while he was still somewhat weakened, with him performing multiple hand seals while he gradually transformed into his Sage Mode.

Before Blue B could realize it, Orochimaru had a palm on his chest, with him performing a Jutsu to sever the connection between a Jinchuriki and a Tailed Beast.

"Five Elemental Seal!!"

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