Chapter 202: Battle of The Grass (III)

The attack was the advanced version of the Rasengan, with it being imbued with Earth Chakra and consolidated to the highest degree.

The attack worked in two stages, with the first being it using high amounts of gravity to absorb all nearby Chakra, with it using it to increase it's own weight, which in response would allow it to absorb more Chakra.

The perpetual cycle created an attack that was so heavy that Jiraiya, the third physically strongest Shinobi in Konoha, was only able to lift it when in Sage Mode.

But, it was the benefit of Sage Mode that created the second part of the attack, with it turning the Jutsu from a small singularity that just increased it's weight into a Jutsu which had the capability to destroy entire Villages.

It did this by sending in Nature Energy, destabilizing the Jutsu enough to force it to expel all the abosorbed Chakra, with it blasting into whatever target Jiraiya had.

Even Tsunade stated that without her healing factor, the Jutsu would be hard for her to casually take.

The smoke on the battlefield cleared, with it showing Roshi panting heavily as he kneeled on one knee, his clothing and skin torn at certain parts from the powerful Jutsu that had nearly killed him.

'So this is the level of the Sannin? Looks like I'll need your help partner. If I don't, I'm afraid that I might die here.' Roshi told his friend, with Son Goku laughing loudly from inside.

[Of course! But you'll need the Chakra Cloak and Sage Mode if you want to fight this monster. The Toads Sage Mode grants them immense physical power.] Son Goku responded.

Roshi suddenly gained a red hue over his body, with Lava beginning to drip of his body while red markings appeared on his face.

["I apologize for not taking you seriously originally, Jiraya. That was disrespectful on my part. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am the Jinchuriki of The Great Sage Equalling The Heavens Son Goku as well as the Lava Sage, Roshi."] A distorted voice came from Roshi's mouth, with it sounding like an amalgamation of both his and Son Goku's voices.

Jiraiya could feel the immense power that was coming off of Roshi at this moment, with his stepping into the class that only monsters like A, Onoki, and Hiruzen belonged to. A class that even he had only recently joined while in his base strength.

Feeling the danger, he immediately performed a summoning again, with it forming a large cloud of smoke that fully blocked the surroundings.

"Damnit Jiraiya-Boy, I was just about to eat my favorite dish!! It took all day to convince Shima to cook that for me." A voice in the smoke said.

"Stop complaining! If he summoned us, that means he wants to use that thing we've been practicing on. He must be facing a strong opponent." Another voice stated.

"I apologize for bothering you two as well, as I have already enlisted the Boss Toads help. But I'm afraid I'm still unable to properly use the techniques we practiced without your help. Afterall, I'm still a tadpole compared to you two." Jiraiya said as he began to emerge from the smoke, but now their were two Toads rested upon each of his shoulders.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself as well Roshi, since I didn't expect you to be this strong. 

I am The Great Holy Hermit Sage of The Mount Myoboku Toads, The Toad Sannin, and The Primary Student of The Toad Elders. I am Jiraiya!!!"

Smoke suddenly came from behind Jiraiya, with Roshi and Son Goku both being stunned by Jiraiya's eccentricity, yet the man's joyful appearance disappeared immediately, with his gaze alongside the two Toads on his shoulder making Roshi feel a massive presence.

'Is this Chakra? No Chakra wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Then Senjutsu Chakra? But to pressure me with Senjutsu Chakra means that in his current state, he possesses more of it than I do. That should be... impossible.' Roshi thought to himself, yet when his body twitched an inch as he prepared to move, a sharp water blade was shot as him from one of the Toads, with Roshi jumping into the air to dodge it.

While the two Sages were about to begin their penultimate clash, the two armies battled fiercely, with a specific battle taking place that would decide which side truly had the advantage.


Duy looked at Han with a determined gaze, while the large man stared back at Duy, with neither moving an inch, knowing that both would be fighting this battle to the death, with only one able to leave.

"I apologize if I can not show you every step of my youth, but I'm afraid that the longer I take the more my comrades will suffer. So, prepare yourself 'Cataclysm' because I'm coming at you with all of my YOUTH!!!" The Blue Beast roared.

"I feel the same way." Han said shortly, as steam began to be emitted from his suit, with the ground around him cracking due to the sheer pressure from Han's boiled Chakra.

"Seventh Gate of Wonder: Open!!"

Similar to Han, Duy began to have a massive blue aura around his body, with it the earth beneath him shaking as he took a step towards Han.

'I wonder if this is why you taught me that technique, Tsunade? Did you think I would need such strength one day? Either way, I will showcase the pinnacle power of my YOUTH, but I'll have to break my promise if even that isn't enough.' Duy thought to himself as, in an instant, he arrived beside Han and delivered a roundhouse kick.

Han countered it with his elbow, yet the momentum behind it pushed Han back, though Duy immediately continued his assault by throwing multiple straights at Han, with each sending a powerful Wind current towards him.

Han boiled his Chakra further and imbued it into his arms, with him returning the favor by sending his own pulses of air towards him, the blasts countering each other out while destroying their surroundings.

Seeing this, Duy moved in for another close combat fight, with him preparing to use the Technique that Tsunade had taught him, something she guaranteed would make him the undisputed greatest Taijutsu Specialist in the world.

Han attempted a punch towards Duy's head, though Duy was able to duck it and deliver a staggering punch to his chin, with this punch also having the benefit of Duy manipulating his smaller pool of Chakra into his fist, and using pinpoint accuracy, releasing it at the moment of impact, with the punch being so powerful that it destroyed the part of his armor that covered his chin and sent Han in the air.

Duy immediately continued his assault by using one of his simpler moves, yet it now possessed nearly untold amounts of power.

Duy spun in the air as his feet hit Han in the chest, yet he continued as the combo unfolded.

"Leaf Whirlwind!!!"