Chapter 205: Battle of Yugakure (I)

Tsunade and her troops stood at their base, with her awaiting the inevitable attack from the Lightning Shinobi.

The base that they had set was nearby their ally, Yugakure, with them pledging to assist them in the War to the best of their ability.

But, the difference between the Five Great Nations and the smaller Nations was apparent in the quality of their Shinobi Villages, as Yugakure could barely aid them with around a thousand Shinobi, with only around 30 of those being Jonin.

However, Tsunade chose to simply accept the troops, as she felt that their presence their wouldn't change anything either way.

Just as she was planning inside the tent, a presence made itself known behind her, with her turning around and looking at her friend with a smile.

"It's about time you made it. I was beginning to think that you died on your mission." Tsunade said as she punched him in the shoulder.

"Oh? I didn't think you thought so little of me. I'm truly hurt. But, if I were to die to the Eight Tails, I'd become the disgrace of the Sannin, and I can not give Jiraiya that satisfaction." Orochimaru explained with a smirk.

Orochimaru then looked at the corner of the room to see a unique armor, with his eyes widening once he realized what it was.

"Looks like you wish to battle in style." Orochimaru said.

Tsunade smiled as she nodded, yet her face changed to a serious expression in the next instant.

"Gather the troops outside in their combat formation. Let Kenta know that he will face A and you will deal with Asuka." Tsunade stated.

"And what will you be doing?" Orochimaru asked.

Tsunade merely gave a slight sigh in response, yet she then gained a determined look, as if she came to a decision.


The entire army stood in their positions, with them all having determined appearances on their faces as if ready to die to protect the people they loved in their Village.

"I am glad to see that each of you are ready to sacrifice yourselves for the preservation of our home. It seems that my Grandfather's wished truly still live on." Tsunade's voice sounded as she landed at the front of the army.

Tsunade no longer wore her usual garments or robes, instead, it was replaced with an armor that was as legendary as the person who inspired it.

It consisted of a dark red armor, one that was worn over a black body suit alongside a pair of Sandals.

Each Metal Plate of the armor was forged from Chakra Metal, with it imbued with Senjutsu Chakra from Shikkotsu Forest through the aid of the Great Sage Katsuyu, and each of her shoulders were adorned with a symbol, one representing the Senju and the other representing the Uzumaki.

Seals adorned the entirety of the armor, transforming it to an entirely new level as it reached an unprecedented level of defense.

Her forehead protector shined greatly, as the leaf symbol seemed to embody everything about her current appearance.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself.

I am Tsunade Senju. Daughter of Ayako and Haru Senju. Granddaughter of Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju. I was formally known as the Empress of Shinobi.

I am a Fuinjutsu Master of the Highest Order. I have mastered all five Elemental Chakra Natures as well as both Yin and Yang Release. I am the greatest Medical Ninja to ever live.

But today, I will lead you into battle. I guarantee you that none of you will die as long as I stand. For that is my will, that is my promise to each of you.

And only I, in the current Shinobi World can say something like that, because today, the world will learn me by a new title, one that I earned by surpassing even my Grandfather."

Tsunade said as Wood Clones of her began to emerge from the ground.

Kenta drew his blade as flames seemed to dance around his entire body, with him becoming something akin to a Flaming Samurai.

Orochimaru closed his eyes as his body went through a unique transformation, with him opening them to reveal an unprecedented level of coldness.

The clearing gradually showed the arrival of the Kumo Shinobi, yet Tsunade showed no sign of fear, with it being replaced with an immense level of indifference.

The actual Tsunade jumped high in the air, with her creating a blade that seemed to be made of light, with her slashing towards the Ninja from the Cloud, with it creating a massive divide between her and them.

"Anyone who steps over that line will lose their life. That is the promise I make as the

Goddess of Shinobi."