To Prove One's Worth

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!

ARC4 Ft. Kazuma's Party.

Loving Chapter #18 To Prove One's Worth.


"My name is Satou Kazuma, but the second one is fine. So Darkness. Any particular reason why you decided to approach my party? Like, legit reasons" Kazuma looks to the side. "I mean, we barely have any reputation, good ones at least, to catch your attention"

Kazuma is not sure what to say here, despite his close relationship with Aqua and the growing awkward love for Megumin and despite the knowledge of the show, Kazuma is still uncomfortable around Darkness as she's the most predictable yet unpredictable person to have ever existed.

"W-well…" Darkness staggers in her own words as she gulps and keeps her posure.

He already knows what the real reasons are, what a stupid question to ask…

"A knight huh? Well she looks legit to me! What do you think, Megumin?"

"Well as long as we have someone who can distract monsters for me, I can see this as a pretty good opportunity!"

"Oh how your kind words reach to my heart and soul, thank you for welcoming me, and thank you, Kazuma."

Kazuma gave a thumbs up as he sighed.

"This is going to be so good and bad at the same time…"

[Konosuba: Love Circle]

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" Megumin cried.

"Yes I'm Kazuma." Kazuma replied.

"Kazuma, I've found a great quest that can fulfill our stomachs for weeks!" Megumin pulls out a quest paper she took from the board. Kazuma takes a look at it.

[Please gather 10 Pixie Dusts from the [REDACTED] Forest. Doing so will be exchanged for fruitful rewards! Beware as there's wolves that can be quite deadly. Don't get killed now!]

Kazuma blinks as he takes the paper and into his pocket. "Uhh we'll do this someday." He said. As he looked at the board, to see what else was available.

"Kazuma" Aqua came in as soon as Kazuma started looking at the quest board.

"So, anything you have in mind?"

"No," Kazuma replied. "If only we had a team that's decent at thinking, maybe we could have wiped everything here."

"I guess~ You're really a burden to the team, y'know that?" She whispered that last part.

"Hah!, Like you would be even able to feed your fat ass by yourself."

Aqua seems to be a little annoyed by that small comment, but remains neutral.

Normally Aqua would complain but hey, she can give a break to someone.


"Yeah Kazuma here."

Darkness seems to have the same idea as Megumin, picking something dangerous that guarantees death.

This one doesn't bother explaining. It's to get something, and don't get killed. Kazuma this time rejects the suggestion. A sexy woman possibly using her own body to get what she wants, Kazuma is not ready for it. And if she causes any trouble, which she probably won't be, she's not that kind of person. Aqua's got it. She has her fatass to cover.

Kazuma has finally found something, with a raise of an eyebrow, he picks it off the board and reads it. His team reads it behind him.


Gather 20 Blackberries of the Forest. It is being guarded by fierce black wolves who crave for flesh. This quest is highly dangerous and is required to have the job quick and precise, and any death is not being held against the one who set up this quest.

Reward: 10,000 Eris. Goodluck!

"Kazuma, so I was thinking something, what if we split the reward? Half to me, and the rest of you can share, does that sound good? Kazuma, are you even listening??"

Kazuma ignores Aqua as he looks at his party and just wonders to himself. How the fuck is he going to manage this?

Kazuma sighs as he pockets the quest paper as he claps his hand, making his party turn to him.

This is like what Megumin suggested, although he knows what this forest is, unlike the one Megumin shown him.

"So uh, listen guys. This is PROBABLY the least lethal quest we have on the board right now, Darkness, we're not fighting masculine orcs."

Darkness slumps her shoulder upon hearing the rejection.

"And Megumin, we're not causing arson."

Megumin raises an eyebrow.

"Why? Are you afraid my explosion will get all the glory-"

Kazuma shuts her off.

"I just don't want to pay millions of eris of the possibility of you ruining the village. So no Megumin. Although you'll be useful later…inside me."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, moving on! Aqua!"

Aqua looks at Kazuma.

"If someone's splitting any rewards, it's going to be me, I can't afford you being a drunky ass. Have you realized how much debt I have to pay just so you don't get your ass fucked? I bet you're not even a virgin!"

"Hey! You're much worse than me, you pedo neet! I myself am a goddess who needs her godly needs, nothing wrong with that. While you, a pathetic excuse for a human being, going against human ethics, looking at mi-"

Kazuma bops her head before anything else was said.

"I'm not listening to things I already know, let's go get the blackberries team!"


The Team:

--Konosuba! Love Circle!--

Kazuma: The full team is screaming something random! Such teamwork!