Fear The Light, Seek Darkness

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #26. Fear The Light, Seek Darkness. Ft. Kazuma and Darkness


The quest to retrieve an old bucket almost failed due to Megumin almost making the well explode because she saw some weird creatures inside there.

Kazuma prevented her from casting her explosion spell by taking his shirt and just covering Megumin's face with it.

Darkness just made herself a target and missed everything.

Aqua used sacred undead on those creatures and settled the deal. He doesn't want to admit it, but Aqua helped here. Megumin really needs to be restrained. Darkness… She needs some training… special training…

*Pat* Pat* *Pat*

Darkness turns around to see who's patting her shoulders…

It's Kazuma.

"Oi Darkness. Can we talk?" He asks in a calming way.

This alarmed Darkness as Kazuma has never been this relaxed before! "I-Is something the matter?" She asks, curious, on what is up with Kazuma. He's super calm right now, is he planning something?

"Before you ask. No, I'm not going to kick you out of our party for your inconvenience, I've already seen too much of it. No I won't hurt you. I just wanna talk, Darkness."

"Oh, well alright. Lead the way."

He just wants to talk, but Darkness thinks that Kazuma is going to plan something horrible, and humiliating for her as a knight, but just thinking about it for the past 10 seconds now… maybe it wouldn't be so bad, right?

Kazuma starts walking and turns around to see if Darkness is following.


Darkness wasn't paying attention, so she quickly catches up to Kazuma as he continues to walk.

Megumin was there and wondered what Kazuma was planning to do with Darkness.

Of course she would ask Aqua for that since both Kazuma and Aqua are very slightly close now.

"Uh, Aqua?" Megumin looks at Aqua.

Aqua is sitting down, pretty pissed about Kazuma's forceful shutdown on today's alcohol as he looks at Megumin.

"Oh, Megumin. Something wrong?"

Megumin shakes her head. "No, I wanna ask if you know anything about what Kazuma is going to do with Darkness."

"Kazuma is taking Darkness outside?" Aqua asks surprised.

"Wait- he didn't tell you what he's planning?"

Aqua shakes her head.

"No, not really. We were just talking about if we were allowed to buy alcohol, but Kazuma had to be a dick head and not allow it. But unfortunately for him, I have a backup plan to satisfy my alcohol needs!"

Megumin looks to the side and back to her.

"Uhm, alright. Do you wanna follow them to where they're going?"

"Sure, I'm also curious what he's going to do with that filthy masochist."

"Filthy? Aqua, Kazuma told me you reek more than Darkness." Megumin thinks to herself as she nods.

"I'm also curious. I'm just wondering what they're planning to do."

Aqua shrugs "Dunno. Something weird, maybe."

Aqua and Megumin walked out of the guild and are now in a search on where Kazuma took Darkness.






Kazuma is out on a field with Darkness.

Darkness is behind him, wondering where Kazuma has taken him.


"Huh? Y-yes?"

Kazuma turns around and faces her.

"I wanna see if it's true. Try to hit me with your sword."

"Huh?? K-Kazuma, what are you saying?? I can't do that!"

"You said one time you don't hit your targets right? Well If that's true, I can assure you that you can't hit a weakling like me. So… go on, Darkness. Try to hit me."

"B-b-b-but!-" Darkness staggers.

"Just do it, Darkness!" Kazuma raises his hands and breathes in. "Hit me as hard as you can, woman!"

Darkness breathes in as she pulls out her sword, she's shaking.

"K-kazuma. I-If you are h-having second th-thoughts. We can stop this r-right now!"

Kazuma shakes his head. "I doubt I'll have second thoughts."

Darkness hesitates a little bit.

Before she dashes past Kazuma and the grass that surrounds them are cut off.

Kazuma falls to his knees.

Darkness turns around.



He faces her with a petrified face. "You FUCKING suck!"

"Ah- Huh-?"

Kazuma stands up and grabs her shoulders and shakes her.

"You missed!! Are you serious??! How bad are you?? I was standing still! You only managed to hit the grass that's around us! Why did you miss you stupid knight! This is why you're my least favorite character!"

"Wha- K-Kazuma-! H-hold on A-are you injured?? Are you bleeding? Are you-

Kazuma shows his stomach.

"I'm fine! There's no-

Kazuma's pants fall off, and Darkness sees his ultimatum, and she immediately looks away, hiding her face, blushing.

"K-Kazuma! I'm sorry I cut your pants!"

Kazuma sighs.

"I guess you didn't miss, but you only cut my belt off, so that counts as a miss."

Kazuma looks at Darkness.

"Oi, Darkness. You okay? Why are you blushing? Is it because of my dick? Aqua recently saw this and she almost punched my balls, so what's up with you?"

"K-Kazuma, I-Is this what you called me for…? To… satisfy you…? H-How horrible of you… Using me like I'm some kind of… t-toy!"

She blushes and she's nervous.

"Huh? What are you saying? You cut off my belt, Darkness."

Kazuma sighs.

"Look, Darkness. I didn't call you because I want a blowjob, if that's the case, I would've taken us somewhere private."

Darkness looks at him.

"B-but that's not the case! I-Is it?!"

"Here we go…" He whispered.

"T-this is a vile act! This is disgusting! You're the w-worst being I've i-ever met! I-I hate you!" Darkness looks happy saying that.

"Uhh, are you angry? Because Uhh... your face doesn't really correlate with what you're saying so…"

"I-I-I'm!- Kazuma kneels to Darkness and lifts her chin up to him.

"Look, Darkness. If you hate me for who I am, that's fine. If you wanna, like, leave the party now, maybe it's that time."

"Ah Wha- Nononono! I don't want to resign!"

"Then… Why are you mad?" Kazuma asks seriously.

"I-I'm just…just…" Darkness struggles to find an answer.

She then stays silent and just rubs her shoulder looking down.

She's just blushing and the wind is blowing her hair.

"Huh, wow. I never thought Darkness could be so beautiful when she's like this." Kazuma thought to himself. He never saw this perspective of Darkness, so that's why old Kazuma found Lalatina hot.

Kazuma notices his dick going up as he makes no attempt to hide it.

Darkness looks to him.

"What?? I'm not doing anything!"

Darkness sits down and looks at him.


"I'm Kazuma. Is everything okay with you, Darkness?"

She starts to blush and her breathing changes.

"Kazuma… we're in a field right now… with no one watching… and we're both in a mature spot…"

She looks to the side smiling a bit.

"Y-you know… I heard you and your friend last night in the barn you were in…"

"Wait what??" Kazuma almost choked on his own spit.

"I-I was just passing by, until I heard both of your sweet voices of love… you two were doing it…"

"W-wait Darkness! It's not what you think! She's crying yesterday because she's such a cry baby! Y-you know that, right??"

"Darkness, what are you- UOH!-

Darkness pins Kazuma to the ground as her face is still red and she's breathing from her mouth, it's warm.

"D-darkness? Wwhh- what are you planning to do?? Darkness? H-hello?"

She gulps.

"I-Is it too rude to ask, I-If you violate me, the way you did with your friend yesterday…? I-It sounded like she cried a lot during that session while overall e-enjoying it…"

"Okay. This is dangerous. She's not one of those girls who kill for who they love, she's literally a masochist. She wants me to fuck her like what I did to Aqua?? We just met 3 days ago! I can't afford this! Her virginity is precious, her family will kill me!" He talks to himself mentally as Kazuma gulps.

"Darkness… you know this can affect your life, right? As a knight, don't you have to stay… pure or something?"

Darkness looks to the side, with a not so innocent look.

Kazuma is just there, wondering now if she even is a knight. She technically is, but…"

Darkness gets off Kazuma and sits beside him, covering her face.

Kazuma sits up and groans. Darkness just pinned him to the ground and his arms hurt.

… Darkness. Do you wanna talk about something or?" Kazuma asks.

"D-don't worry about me, I just…

I just missed those days where giant beasts would just claw their way into my armor and attempt to make me as theirs. Even if it's a memory…"

She holds her face shaking.

"I still feel like it's happening today. I miss those days…"

"This moment reminds me of it. It really does."

Kazuma looks at Darkness and she's literally happy! No tears or anything!

"Well, she is Lalatina Ford Dustiness. The toughest, kindness, and the horniest knight in Konosuba." Kazuma thinks to himself. "I can understand why she decided to join now instead of looking at the perspective of a television screen."

But she still can't hit anything. And Kazuma is not happy about that. He'll do whatever he can to change that.


Konosuba: Love Circle.