Days Of Training Wasted For Explosions And Swings

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #30. Days Of Training Wasted For Explosions And Swings. Ft. Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness.


A night in the barn, Kazuma is being accompanied by Aqua, who is currently sucking his lollipop while he is thinking about what to do for tomorrow, Aqua is just there, being curious on what Kazuma is thinking about.

Aqua: Hm? What's wrong? Something up your ass again? kekek.

Kazuma: Ugh, shut up for a minute Aqua, I'm trying to think. Just suck on that lollipop.

Aqua: Actually it tastes really good, I wonder how you made it.

Kazuma: Oh, well my mom used to teach me. Me and her used to make lots of sweets.

(Gotcha didn't I?)

















>>Next Day!>>

There were no quests that the team could handle, so they decided to take a break for a while since Kazuma still has income he can manage.

Megumin and Kazuma start walking back to the direction where Megumin has last casted an explosion spell, but this time, Darkness is with them.

Darkness was supposed to do some weight lifting training, but Kumzuma can't afford to have Darkness go back with her skill still being hit. So he forced her to the point she had to come with them. She can do her weight lifting training when Kazuma sees that Darkness can hit something moving for once.

Kazuma is training Megumin with her explosions, so he might as well train Darkness with her questionable swordsmanship as well.

Megumin wonders why Darkness is with them but she just remembers she's bad at handling a sword.

Darkness wonders why Megumin is coming too, but she remembers she needs someone to carry her after the explosion spell.



Megumin has casted her spell upon the castle she blew up yesterday and she falls to the ground.

Darkness wonders why they choose a castle that looks to be someone living in it, but it looks like it bite the the dust, so it probably doesn't matter.

Kazuma carries Megumin and holds her staff.

"Alright, Darkness, let's go back to a field I set up.



Darkness is surprised to see a bunch of rocks in place, and is kind of surprised at how Kazuma organized things.

Kazuma lays Megumin down near a tree where she's safe and where she could see them.

After that Kazuma goes to Darkness and they begin her forced training, by Kazuma.

Kazuma: "You ready, Darkness?"

Darkness: "I-I'm ready! Please do what you have to do!"

Kazuma: "Great!"

Kazuma starts to pick up some rocks and throws them one by one at Darkness.

"Oh also, don't dodge! Block these with your swords!"

Darkness: "H-huh?? W-wait hold on a second! W-what do you mean by-

Darkness gets hit by a rock and that's already a sign for Darkness to start swinging.

Kazuma keeps throwing rocks at her, and Darkness is swinging her best, but the only outcome that is happening right now is Darkness getting hit all the time and her sword is not blocking any of them.

Kazuma: "Come on Darkness! Try harder! I don't want you to be able to only hit trees!"

Kazuma keeps throwing them hard at Darkness, and to the point that Darkness just can't take it anymore and just drops her sword and puts her hands up with joy and lust on her face.

Kazuma stops and just groans.

"I expected this…"












Day After Day. Kazuma continues to help Megumin and Darkness, while trying to force Darkness everyday.

Aqua is currently helping merchants so she can have her money for liquor.

It took 10 days for Darkness to finally for the first time, deflect a single small rock.

Which Kazuma sighs in relief that there might be hope for Darkness.

Darkness was forced for five more days until Kazuma let her go back home to do her weight lifting training, but he did beg her to not tell any of her relatives to not tell what Kazuma cruelly did, but also not really feeling bad.

Darkness agreed as she turned back home to finally do her training and it's back to Kazuma and Megumin on training her with her explosions.

Both of them would walk back to the castle and let Megumin boom the castle.

It doesn't matter if it's snowy, raining, or even in thunderstorms, as long as Megumin can boom, she is satisfied.










Megumin now breathes in and out as she prepares her spell, and Kazuma just observes her.


The castle once again is targeted and it explodes in front of both eyes, and Megumin falls once again to the ground.

Kazuma: "...60. I just can't really put my itch on a better score. But I guess it's better than yesterday."

Megumin: "Hm! Always better than 0! For me, I feel like that was a 100!"

Kazuma: "You say that every single day."

Kazuma sighs as he carries Megumin on his back and takes her staff as they go back to Axel.

He hopes Aqua didn't get herself to debt again, if she did, he has to put some measurements on Aqua once again.