Reminder and Remindee

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #32. Reminder and Remindee.


Kazuma walks back to the barn and finds Aqua loitering and sees Kazuma as she walks to him.

"Hey Kazuma, where'd you go? You missed my one of a kind performance again."

"Tsk, I don't have time for party tricks Aqua. I've got more important things to do than watch your lame show."

"Twa- Lame??" Aqua sounds mad. But Kazuma just doesn't care and wants to go to sleep, but suddenly he remembered something.

"Actually, Aqua, I need to tell you something."

"Huh? What is it?" She asks.

Kazuma scratches his head. "I don't know how you'll take this but…" He breathes in and out before looking at Aqua.

"There's this headless horseman dude who rides on a horse. And he seems pretty evil."

"A Dullahan?" Aqua asks.

"Yes! That one! I think we saw him and he had plans on attacking the people over there. And over there.. and there.. he'll attack everything. Just saying."

"Wait wait wait hold on, so do you mean to say that YOU brought an evil horse rider into some kind of anger and is now coming into this very place, to kill us all?"

"Thaat's exactly right. Please be prepared for it…"

"Tsk, you're lucky I'm nice today. Fine fine~ Whatever comes here I'll banish them away, like the goddess I am."

"Thanks Aqua, I'll see you in bed!" Kazuma runs inside the barn without saying a word.

"This shut-in pedo really has no dignity." Aqua sighs as she looks at the townspeople and thinks. "But I'm going to admit I did grow a little bit too close with him these days. So liking someone so disgusting is much worse." She sighs as she looks behind her to see if Kazuma went away. It's probably now a good time to snag a quest from the guild board.

Whether he likes it or not. Money is money the same.

"Oh hello, Aqua. Out of all the places, I really didn't expect you to be at this place. Is your residence nearby?"

"Oh Darkness." She looks at the barn. "Well yeah, the shut-in and I live together. Since we're trying to find a place right now. Or even attempting to."

"Oh, I see." Darkness says as she looks around. "So what are you doing near a busy farm?"

Aqua looks to the side as she shrugs. "I mean, I love seeing views here! It's totally not because of something else entirely!"

Darkness seems to be too focused on this as she's even watching Aqua with a serious face, she's never been this normal before!

Attempting to change the topic.

"Aaaactually, I'm on my way to the guild right now! And I'm finding a quest for Kazuma that we can do together later"

Aqua whispers to Darkness: "I bet if we forcefully make him do dangerous quests, you'll be facing strong and masculine beasts, beating you up, tearing you to shreds."

Darkness is slowly but surely getting into this but is trying to remain in her posture.

"I bet they'll even have their way with you~"

And that made-


"No." Megumin said.

"What?? Says who??" Aqua said annoyed.

"Kazuma said to not let the both of you pick out quests, or else he'll punish me for it… But either way! You're not going to be able to accept it!"

Aqua stood there for a second before grabbing a piece of paper from the board and going to the counter.

"Wha- Hey! Put that back!!"

"Oh I'm sorry- but unfortunately I cannot let you accept this quest."

"Huh?? Why?!"

"Well. You see, your party leader said to restrict his party from picking out any quests without his appearance, so I'm very sorry for this news. You can have this marked as an individual quest instead if you wish to do it alone!"

Aqua stood there with a bruh expression as Megumin stood behind her with a meh face.

"I told you."

Darkness was in fact aroused of the fact that maybe one day that Kazuma will someday force her to go the front lines and take all of the heavy hits.


Konosuba: Love Circle.