

The volcano fortress of the ophidians looks like hell's answer to the Apostolic Mound: a nightmare of obsidian towers and battlements patrolled by hulking reptilian creatures, surrounded on three sides by cliffs streaked with dripping lava. One tower with a spiraling exterior ramp rises higher than the others and resembles a Byzantine observatory so strongly that it cannot be mere coincidence or convergence.

"The tabulation chart is there," Control says, displaying no trace of doubt.

"But," Alexius says, "who can conduct astronomy atop a volcano?"

The robots can only shrug. Though Control seems eager to get on with it, Vecla hangs back. "We need to look around before we rush in," the herbalist says.

"No one is rushing in," Alexius says. "But the more we sniff around here, the more likely it is a patrol will find us."

"I can deal with patrols," Therko says, "but if we get trapped in that burning mountain, we might not be able to get out."