Red Eyes and Goblin Slayer.

Red Eyes looked at the man that approached him making him draw his shortsword. It was bloody with the blood of Goblins making Goblin Slayer confused. He did not know why this weird Goblin killed his own, but that did not matter. He would do his best to kill it anyway.

He glanced behind Red Eyes to Priestess and Wizard and did not get why this Goblin had not killed or raped them. He walked forward with his torch and sword ready for combat, but Red Eyes dropped his weapon.

He glanced at Priestess and Wizard and pointed at the wounded Wizard.

"Will die."

That shocked Priestess, but not Goblin Slayer. Red Eyes did not bother to explain as he walked away to get his mother. She was important to him and something in the back of his mind changed his thoughts.

Some slivers of memory that always seemed far away were in his mind. It was the reason he was so smart already. Even a Goblin as smart as him would have had to learn. He already knew some things as a result of those memories.

Priestess was about to use a healing miracle, but Goblin Slayer stopped her.

"He is right. She is poisoned."

He knew that Red Eyes was not leaving the nest and was not attacking so he kept an eye on him disappearing into the distance. He looked at Wizard who spoke faintly

"Kill. Me."

Priestess tried to talk her out of it, but Goblin Slayer took action before that.

"As you wish."

He drove his dagger into her throat ending her suffering. Seeing that made Priestess freeze as this was her first adventure. Goblin Slayer gave Priestess a potion for the nerves as he had to find Red Eyes.

"Drink it. Will help with your nerves."

She took the potion and drank it. She felt light and a bit better, but just as she was about to ask why he did it Red Eyes came back. In his arms was a black-haired woman with dead eyes.

She barely reacted to any input, but recently he had gotten better if slightly. Goblin Slayer knew Goblins could speak in rare cases, but now that he looked at Red Eyes he noticed something odd. Goblins were mostly bald, but Red Eyes had a full head of hair.

It was black just like the woman in his arms. His nose was human-like, and so was his face. It could pass for a human only that he had green skin and red eyes. Goblin Slayer thought of something impossible as he looked at the woman the Goblin carried.

She had black hair just as the red-eyed Goblin did. Some more similarities could be seen in their facial structure, but the woman did not look healthy at all. It would be impossible for such a thing to happen, but she seemed taken care of.

Priestess saw that Red-Eyes carried her with care as he walked out of the cave.

"Is, she your mother?"

Red Eyes froze as he nodded. He walked toward her and kneeled in front of her. He placed his mother in front of her and lowered his head. He pointed at her staff which made her confused.

"Do you want me to heal her?"

Red Eyes nodded.


Goblin Slayer did not know how to react to his. He still wanted to kill Red Eyes as he felt this was a trick, but those eyes seemed to burn with a similar drive that drove him. Hatred, of his own kind.

"Do it."

Priestess held her hand out toward Red Eyes's mother and began to cast the mirrcle.

"Minor Heal."

The miracle was not going to cure her of anything major, but it would give her some comfort. His mother closed her eyes for the first time with less pain making Red Eyes hold her hands.

"Thank, you."

He was going to pick her up and leave, but Goblin Slayer stopped him.

"Where is the Shaman?"








Hearing them speak in one-word answers and questions made Priestess feel left out. Goblin Slayer sheathed his sword as he walked deeper into the next to make sure. Red Eyes stayed with Priestess and his mother as all the Goblins were dead.

Goblin Slayer killed the ones in the front when coming in and Red Eyes killed the one's deeper inside. Priestess saw how Red Eyes deeply cared for his mother, but now she remembered Fighter.

She got up and ran out toward the last place she saw her. Red Eyes let her leave as he picked up his mother. He needed to leave, but he stopped. He was a Goblin, no matter how he looked. Would it be better for his mother to go back with the humans?

He looked down at her, but just as he was in thought Goblin Slayer spoke to him.

"You hate Goblins?"

Red Eyes looked at him and his mother.


"Is that so."


Goblin Slayer and Red Eyes looked at each other before Goblin Slayer decided.

"I won't kill you. Follow me."

Red Eyes nodded.


He carried his mother in his arms until they found Priestess hugging the nude fighter. All around were dead Goblins that Goblin Slayer killed on his way down. The burning body of the Hob was in the room, which made Red Eyes like Goblin Slayer.



Priestess could not get over how they spoke in one-word lines most of the time. She understood that for Red Eyes, but not Goblin Slayer. She was too weak to pick up Fighter, but Red Eyes had his arms busy and Goblin Slayer was filthy.

"What happens now?"

Goblin Slayer explained what was going to happen.

"We go to the guild. They send someone over. Goblin-"

"Red Eyes."

"Red Eyes will follow me."

Priestess did not know if that was allowed.

"Will the guild allow it?"

"They will."

Goblin Slayer began to walk out of the nest as his job was done. Red Eyes followed behind him, but Priestess called out to both of them.

"WAIT! What about her? What about the others?"

Goblin Slayer tilted his head as he already answered.

"Guild will come."

Priestess shook her head.

"Even so we should help."

Red Eyes looked at his mother in his arms and put her in a place with no bodies.

"Will help."

Goblin Slayer decided to do the same.


There were only 9 women not counting Red Eyes's mother so they took them all outside. They wrapped them in some blankets as they did not have many clothes to offer them. Red Eyes even picked out a Longsword and a shield from the Goblin's treasure.

Goblin Slayer had already reported where he was going so the guild had already sent someone to pick up any survivors. As such he, Red Eyes, and Priestess could leave. Goblin Slayer started to walk back to town which was actually not very far.

As they walked Priestess kept looking at Goblin Slayer and Red Eyes who spoke in one-word answers to everything with each other.

"Excuse me, Mr. Goblin Slayer. What rank are you?"


Red Eyes glanced at his plate with intrest.


"Is that so."

Seeing that they were going back to it she decided to ask Red Eyes something.

"How old are you?"

Red Eyes thought about it and knew the answer.

"3 Weeks."

Goblin Slayer is explained as the expert in Goblins.

"They grow fast in their first month of life. He will grow more in the next week"

'Finally no more one-word answers.'

Red Eyes nodded.




The rest of the trip was uneventful until they got to the entrance of the town. Red Eyes was spotted and it caused some confusion. He looked like a teenager with green skin and red eyes. They wanted to say goblin, but his ears were human.

Most of his face looked human so they just watched how he walked with Goblin Slayer and Priestess to the Guild. When they entered the Guild, adventures all looked at Red Eyes with drawn weapons. Why was a monster in the guild carrying woman?

Goblin Slayer ignored that and kept walking toward the Guild Girl. Even she looked shocked at the sight of Red Eyes. Still he looked mostly like human teen with black hair, human face, green skin and red eyes. Deep blood red eyes.

"Goblin Slayer, what is that?"

Red Eyes said his name.

"Red Eyes."

Goblin Slayer nodded.

"That is Red Eyes."

Her eyes twitched as she could see the color of his eyes so it made sense.

"Not what I was asking. What is he?"

Goblin Slayer just as usual just answered straight to the point.


Hearing that he was a Goblin made some adventures angry and they showed it.

"Not only do you hunt the weakest monsters, you even work with them. Resign now."


Guild Girl glared at that adventurers causing him to shut up

"Ok. Goblin Slayer, there must be a very good reason for you to walk around with a Goblin."

Goblin Slayer nodded.

"He hates Goblins."

Priestess decided to explain her side of the story.

"You were right. We were wiped out by the Goblins and even worse for Fighter. However, Red Eyes had started killing them when we entered and helped Goblin Slayer end the hoard. He is not a normal evil Goblin."

Red Eyes was still carrying his mother making Guild Girl look at her mostly hollow face.

"Who is that?"

Red Eyes answered with anger on his face.


Goblin Slayer nodded.

"She is."

That was shocking enough, but Red Eyes was hard to match to a Goblin. His face was human, he had normal black hair and a rather decent face. But he seemed to care deeply for his mother enough to save her and even carry her this whole time.

Guild Girl knew that other adventures were not going to be too accepting of Red Eyes so she had an idea. She looked at Red Eyes to ask him some questions.

"Red Eyes, what do you want to do?"

Red Eyes had only one answer.

"Kill all Goblins."

Hearing that made her think that just maybe the gods had sent Goblin Slayer a helper. Many advetueres who heard that did not know how to take it. They had almost human goblin saying he wanted to kill his own race.

She looked at Goblin Slayer to ask him something.

"How about you take him along with you as a adventure inititive? He seems to hate Goblins as much as you do. What do you think?"

Goblin Slayer looked at Red Eyes and nodded.


Guild Girl looked at Red Eyes who was thinking about it. He looked at Goblin Slayer to ask him.

"Kill Goblins?"

Goblin Slayer nodded.


"Ok. I follow."

Guild Girl decided to make him a adventueruer as it would be a good way for him to prove himself.

"This should make your life a bit easier. How about you become an adventure like Goblin Slayer? That way you can always find more quests to kill Goblins."

Hearing that made him happy.

"Shiny thing?"

Guild Girl knew his hands were full so she handed it to Goblin Slayer. When Red Eyes he looked disappointed. Guild Girl noticed and was confused.

"What is wrong?"

Red Eyes looked at Goblin Slayers badge making Guild Girl let him know how to get one.

"I see you want the silver. You need to complete many quests to get a Silver badge. You should get it in time or you can hunt other things besides Goblins. Like a dragon."

Red Eyes froze when he heard Dragon. It felt familair to him, but he did not know why. Guild Girl did not notice it so she spoke to Goblin Slayer.

"Make sure he puts it on. Get him some better gear and teach him how to talk. Don't want him to speak in short frazes for ever."

Priestest felt this was up to her.

"I got it. I can teach him how to write and speak. He also seems to be able to speak already so maybe writing won't be too hard.

Red Eyes glanced at his mother as he did not know what to do. He knew he would have to leave her so Goblin Slayer decided to make him a offer.

"She can stay at my farm. I will pay for the first month then you do."


Goblin Slayer got some coins and showed them to him.

"You use these to pay people?"

Red Eyes nodded.

"More shiny?"


"How get shiny things?"

Guild Girl covered her mouth as she wanted to laugh.

"When you complete a quest, you will receive the coins that were offered. Shiny as you call them. A quest is a mission like Goblin Killing."

Hearing he could get shiny things by killing Goblins made him want to kill more.

"Ok. I get all the shiny things."

Guild Girl snorted as it was too funny.

"I think the guild master will want to talk to him, but he is not here today. Just be ready for when that comes. Here is the pay for this Goblin nest destruction."

The pay was not a lot as Goblin were not considered a dangerous threat. However to Goblin Slayer and Red Eyes the pay did not matter. Just getting the job done. Goblin Slayer and Red Eyes left Priestest behind as she had other things to do.

Goblin Slayer and Red Eyes did not speak on the way as they were both quite by nature. They began the walk to the farm that Goblin Slayer stayed at. He would need to teach Red Eyes some things before they set off for another nest.