The prince's maid

{Avery's POV}

"Hey, hey, please wait. I want to talk to you."

She stopped to look at me. Observing every part of myself. "I'm busy." She sounded rude.

What's up with her?. I'm just trying to make friends. "Hi, so sorry to bother you. My name is Avery, may I know yours?."


"Good, are you less busy now?."

She suddenly laughed. "Is that your way of asking someone to be your friend?."

"Yes, I think so. So what's your way of replying."

She smiled which made her look so adorable.

"Is that a yes?. Can we be friends?."

"First of all, I'm busy. Not everyone has the same opportunity as you. I still have loads of chores to do."

"I can help with that."

"You'd do that?. How thoughtful of you. Not everyone here is kind."

After assisting her with her chores, We chatted till the prince returned from school. I got to know that Penelope isn't rude because that was the impression she gave me the first time I talked to her. Her kindness and niceness impressed me. Her sense of humor is also quite good.

Now that the prince is back from school. I had a hot bath ready for him, but when I went into his room to let him know, he was still wearing his underwear. He entered the bathtub naked, which I didn't even see as I swiftly turned around.

"Stop being a little kid and come over here. I'm having trouble washing my back."

Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?. I reluctantly scrubbed his back. His body was like silk, what am I even thinking?. Silly me. All his body has been washed it only remained his lower half. So I gave him the sponge to do that himself.

After bathing, I gave him a towel to dry his body. While he does that, I'll prepare his bed. When he was done drying his body, he wore his cloth by himself. That was a big relief to me, cause I was wondering how am I going to dress for his without blushing.

Now that, that is taken care of. His hair has to be brushed and styled next. Even though I have no idea how to style a boy's hair, I just had to try. He sat in front of the mirror and I insisted that he close his eyes. But when I felt his hair, it was so soft like cotton. After styling it, Penelope walked in with a tray of food in her hand. After dropping the food on the table, she left with her head's bow. The prince insisted that I wait until he had finished eating, when he was done, he sat me down to talk.

"Avery, I've been thinking. Since you are my maid. Which implies that you must accompany me wherever I go. Why don't you attend my school?. I guarantee that no one will be able to tell that you are my maid. I'll introduce you to them as my assistant P.A."

During my chat with Penelope, she told me that the school prince Israel attends is the most expensive school in the whole of Alon kingdom. The school is for rich kids and it's a bad idea for any commoner to enroll because those rich kids are spoilt brats who look down on their classmates from less privileged backgrounds. Poor students, especially the new ones are bullied and subjected to offensive remarks.

"Well, if you insist then I have no other choice than to obey since I'm stuck following your orders. It's not like I can disobey, his royal highness."

"Are you trying to make me feel guilty? If you are then it's working. I can't take your choice away from you so say your mind. Are you willing to attend my school?."

"Your wish is my command, prince Israel. Good night and I hope you have a wonderful dream tonight." I curtsied and left his room.

"This girl is something else." Prince Israel muttered as a smile spread across his face.

The next morning after attending to the prince.

"Why are you not dressed yet?. I thought we talked about it that you would be attending my school which means you are starting today."

"So soon?."

"Yes, a more presentable outfit would be appreciated, please."

"Well, the problem is, I have nothing to wear."

Thank goodness I went shopping yesterday. 

For circumstances such as these.

"Thank goodness I went shopping yesterday for circumstances such as these." He pulled out an incredibly stunning gown from his closet that sparkled with jewels. I just couldn't take my eyes off it.

"I got this for you and I hope you would like it?."

"Em, my prince just in case you didn't know. I can't wear this to school not even on my first day. It's too flashy and I don't want all eyes to be on me. I am supposed to wear a simple dress for instance..."

"Okay, I didn't think of that so what are we going to do?."

"I believe I have something suitable in my closet that would do."

"Then hurry up. Time is not on our side at all."

"Yes, my prince."

After I got changed, my hair was a complete disaster. So the prince sat me down in front of the mirror and styled my hair. Well, I tried to talk him out of it but he was too adamant to listen. How would it be for anyone to walk in and see the future king styling a maid's hair? That idea made me smile. His hand was so gentle on my scalp. When he was done, the style looked so beautiful on me. Now I look more than ready to go back to school.