Miracle Medicine

"That's what I meant," said Alex, taking over the wheel. "How was your gift?"

Poppy's gaze at that time was very sharp. He curtly said, "I haven't seen it yet, how do I know what's in it?"

"Okay, now you can open it, honey."

"Are you sure you won't be bothering me anymore?"

"I am not sure. But don't worry, I'm ready to take care of you."

Poppy furrowed her brows. "Why not sure?"

"Far to your left, honey."

At the same time as Poppy was about to glance to his left, Alex was driving again at an above average speed. Not only that, it turned out that there was a bullet that managed to scratch the back of their car. If the speed between the car and the bullet was measured, when Alex was caught off guard, it could have hit the front of the car and startled Poppy.

Looks like Alex to memorize the path. He drove very nimbly without a single obstacle. He drives his car like a professional racer.

Several cars followed them from behind. Alex who realized it also led them to a field which was quite far from the crowd. For a moment he adjusted his glasses, then ordered Poppy to return to the car.

Previously he also pressed the system to open the roof of the car, making it easier for him to move more freely. Not only that, he also took another weapon that was right behind the car seat he was sitting in. A SIG Sauer P22 with a 9x9mm parabellum bullet and a Colt M1911A1 firearm.

"Are you afraid?" asked Alex.

The man took aim at the opponent one by one on target. Not a single bullet missed. Even so, he only aimed his aim at the car tires and the opponent's shoulder if he was really pushed.

Poppy kept looking ahead. "Do not like that! Just focus. I just want us to get home safely."

At one time, Poppy took one of the weapons used by Alex. Then he fired a shot at the tires of the car that was about to block the two of them. Just for a while, after that he returned the weapon

Alex just chuckled. He seemed so enjoying everything that was going on. However, all that pleasure changed when a bullet managed to pierce Poppy's left shoulder. The pleasure turned into overflowing emotions.

He sat back in his starting position, took over the wheel and asked Poppy to hold his blood flow with a cloth. Poppy complied.

Their car was running at the same time as Alex's emotions were growing every second. The man was driving while putting up a fight.

"Calm down! I will avenge all your pain," said Alex.

"I'm all right," said Poppy. "May I sleep?"

"Do not love. You can ask me anything, but don't ask permission to sleep. Come with me, I need your help."

"But it seems I'm already very sleepy, Alex."

"Alex? You call me Alex?" Alex looked at Poppy seriously. "If you can't call me romantic, at least you don't call me by name, honey."

"Focus! I'm not ready to die yet."

All opponents have been defeated. That's why Alex felt safer than before. Without realizing it, there was a car in front of him that was ready to collide with the two cars.

"Watch out!" shouted Poppy.

Alex immediately looked ahead, but it was too late for him to turn around to avoid it. Luckily there was another car from their right which hit the car hard, causing it to roll over.

Only then did Alex breathe a sigh of relief. He let go of the steering wheel and the gun he was holding. Not long after that came two people dressed in closed who approached them. It turned out that the two people were Billi and Jerome who had previously secretly booked plane tickets as well.

"What happened to Brother-in-law?" asked Billi, taking off his sunglasses.

"I'm fine," said Poppy.

Alex replied, "Come on! You guys take care of all the remaining people, don't let them get away! I'll catch up later, I have to treat my wife's wound first."

"Ok, Lex," Billi and Jerome replied in unison.

They both walked away from the couple. The two of them walked towards the wreck of the car that had been toppled by them earlier. The car has been destroyed and leaves several people still trapped in it.

"Still sleepy?" asked Alex, Poppy nodded in return. "I'll clean the wound first, okay? Only then can you sleep."

"How to?" Poppy asked back.

"The way you have to obey me, understand?"

Alex got out of the car, he ended up on the left side of the car. Without asking permission, he was about to take off the clothes Poppy was wearing. However, Poppy immediately rebelled because she left her shopping clothes at the mall.

Alex tried to convince Poppy. "If you don't take it off, I'll just tear it up, okay? But it would be hard for me to get a bullet out of your shoulder. Stay cool! The two of them will not dare to peek at you. I have closed the right side of the car door, the left side is me and the windshield of this car will be dark when viewed from the outside."

"Okay. It's up to you to do anything to me." Poppy's voice softened.

"Does that mean I'm free to do something to you?" Alex smiled mischievously. "If you want that, can you?"

Poppy gasped and immediately refuted her husband's words, "No!"

"Why? Have you been seduced by me? You sound very excited, honey."

Slowly the clothes that Poppy was wearing had come off. Every now and then she would wince in pain. Aex swiftly gave a thick cloth so his wife could bite him. Because at that time they did not have painkillers.

The first thing the man did was clean the outside of the wound. Then slowly he tried to remove the bullet. Poppy didn't stop moaning in excruciating pain. Witnessing that, Alex's little heart was sliced ​​to feel the pain his wife was suffering. But he's trying to act like he usually does.

"You hold on, huh!" asked Alex.

Poppy quickly shook her head. "No, no. A moment! I am not ready."

"You cry?" asked Alex when he saw the tears running down her cheeks. He gave a soft touch with his lips right on her lips. "It won't hurt as much later. Really."

Alex refocused his gaze on the wound on Poppy's shoulder. With improvised tools, he began to launch the action. The moment the bullet made contact with the device, Poppy screamed very loudly.