
"Alone?" asked a man, entering Poppy's house.

Poppy nodded and smiled. "Yes."

The man held up two shopping bags between his hands. Poppy immediately directed him to the kitchen. After that he went to the second floor leaving the man behind. He walked away with a smile that never faded on his lips.

Every now and then the woman hummed happily. He really looks like a happy person. However, the happiness stopped when she saw a man who was her husband sitting quietly on the bed in her room. Alex cracked a smile.

"A-Alex?" asked Poppy very nervously.

Alex smiled wryly. "Why are you nervous?"

"Aren't you out of the country?"

"Yes, but only one day there."

Alex smiled at Poppy. His hands tried to reach her hips. Slowly, he brought his sense of smell closer to Poppy's face. He closed his eyes, then inhaled the fragrance that always made him addicted.

In contrast to his wife, he seemed uncomfortable and tried to distance himself from Alex. Casually, Alex smiled letting Poppy just like that. He turned out of the room, but was stopped by Poppy.

"Why?" asked Alex, smiling.

Immediately the woman turned to hug her husband tightly. Her small body managed to make Alex unable to go anywhere.

"I miss you," Poppy whispered.

Alex let go of his arm. His hands were holding his wife's cheeks, he looked directly into her eyes. Poppy kept trying to avert her eyes, but she still failed.

"Why is it hidden?" Alex whispered a little. "I want to get acquainted though."

With a look of surprise and a pale face, Poppy tried to divert the conversation. "You must be tired. Just take a break, okay? I'll make lunch for you."

"No need, I'm not hungry. I just wanted to take a walk downstairs."

"But you just got back from a long-distance trip, honey."

"Honey, I'll make you your favorite carrot juice," said a man who suddenly came to the front door of the room, he was the man carrying the shopping bag earlier.

The two men looked at each other, especially Alex. He stared intently at the man in front of him.

Without saying anything, he immediately started a fight. He hit the man right in the eye. It didn't stop there, he also beat his stomach repeatedly. Not without resistance, the man even picked up Alex's body, then slammed him onto the tile.

"Damn it!" Alex cursed, then said, "How much money do you want so you don't come near my wife again?!"

"Didn't I already answer that time?" The man was about to step on Alex's stomach. "Poppy isn't that cheap for all the money you have. He is more than all the treasures in the world."

Alex held the man's leg, then he pulled him until his opponent fell. Now that his position has changed, Alex is starting to become a striker. Several times he kicked the person's body brutally. Several times that person also dodged.

No matter how loud Poppy shouted, the two men continued to attack each other. They get a lot of scratches on the face area. Until finally Poppy screamed and fired a shot into the ceiling of the house.

The two of them were shocked and started to stop their activities. Her eyes were red and her face was red too.

"Alva!" Poppy shouted, shrieking. "Go away from here!"

Alva showed a frown on her face. Without saying anything, he immediately left there with still very passionate emotions. Recalling what had happened earlier, Alex shook his head slowly as he looked at Poppy, then left him and went into the room.

Not only him, Poppy also followed him from behind. He paid no heed to Alex's words asking him not to follow him. He just kept following.

Still not making a sound, Alex opened his wardrobe. He grabbed a thin short shirt, then changed the clothes he was wearing with new clean clothes.

"I can explain," said Poppy.

Alex walked over to the table where he kept his watch. He took a watch, then hurried away from there. Poppy continued to follow him.

"Wasn't that time you wanted to be released from this relationship?" asked Alex firmly. "Okay, I'll fulfill it."

The man walked out of the house. On the doorstep of his house were shown two men who were Alex's best friends, they were Billi and Jerome. Seeing the commotion that was going on, the two of them refused to enter the house.

"No, honey, I don't want to part with you." Poppy took Alex's hand and tried to plead. "I can explain everything."

"What explanation do you mean? Now that I've seen it in person, are you saying that my eyesight is wrong?"

Hearing those words Poppy began to let go of his grip. He lowered his head, then let out a laugh. "Split up, you say? Okay, if that's what you want."

"It's good that you're aware."

"Yes. You don't have to leave this house, this is your house. Just let me go."

"You bitch!" Alex swung a very hard slap at Poppy. "Women's nature is always selfish like this, huh? It was wrong, got angry, confessed, left."

Poppy opened her eyes wide, her finger pointing at Alex's face full of emotion. "Who are you so daring to call that bitch?"

"What? Don't want to confess?" said Alex in a deep voice, then continued, "One more thing, no matter how many mistresses you have, please look for those who are above me in all things. You just make an old fart man as an affair, tsk! Very disgusting."

"Old man?" Poppy stared intently at Jerome. "They? They told you that?"

"Don't take them with you! They never consider my feelings, but they always help maintain our household."

"So what do you mean?"

Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. Not far from where I met Alva, I saw you with an old man."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Poppy's voice rose.

At the same time, there was a very loud slap. Afraid of making things worse, Billi and Jerome decided to leave and headed straight for the office.

Alex pointed at Poppy with disdain. "Take all your treasures with you will!"

With unbearable emotions, Poppy clenched her fists and immediately put up a fight against Alex. However, when he was about to hit his husband's handsome face, his hand was already restrained and slightly twisted. He winced in pain.

With a rush of emotions, Alex approached his wife's earlobe. He said, "If you think of me as a lunatic, then I will say yes. We will see! It's not that easy for you to escape the clutches of this madman."

"Stop it, Alex!" Poppy ordered, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Alex smirked. "Why? Sick?"

He grabbed his wife's right hand, then pointed it to the solar plexus. His eyes reddened. Staring quietly at Poppy's stature.

"The pain is nothing compared to what my heart feels," said Alex, leaving the house.