Races of Earth


Know for there considered "normal lifespans" and varieties of color of skin. From tanned to lightskined. They are one of the most adaptable of all the races. Theya re originally native to Rodina Which is currently the region of the Emprie of Rodin. The first human Empire. They have variations of abilities from magic wielders to strong humans. There are different races of humans however.

-Rodin, having blue, green, and brown eyes. Brown, black, and blonde hair. Also having light skin.

-Arabian, have black hair, tanned skin. Have blue, red, and brown eyes. They are ntives from the region of Arabia within the Mid western region of Taleria, and southern Taleria. They are mostly known as desert folk as well. Also mostly live as nomads largely.

Oslims-They are are humans from the region close to and within Orcidom. They have smaller eyes, black hair naturally, and have a variation of eyes colors. Ranging from Brown, blue, green. They also have a variation of skin tones from darker tan, to lighter skin.


They are a naturally greenskined people. With variation of eyes colors being Brown, Blue, and green. Having natural black hair. They are native from the region of Orcidom from the East. They are known for there Western Orcidom form of strength, and silk trade originally. But also for there exotic clothing, housing, and culture.

-Easternlings are from Eastern portion of Orcidom on an Island called Jagrand. They are smaller from there Western orc relatives. But have a more elegant form of lifestyle and clothing and tradition.

-Westerners from western Orcidom are more brutish, larger, and also more likely to have attitude problems. They often been called barbarians at times. They are often originated as tribes and small clans compared to there Eastern relatives.


They are Native people from Southwest region of Teleria. But have been known to live in regions beyond that in small communities. Such as the forests. They have naturally long ears and life spans. They are incredible magicians and artists often rival that of many other cultures. They often however have a ignorant and stuck up attitude towards other races. But not all. They are very agile and lightweight regardless of size. Coming in various sizes.

-High Elves are most commonly seen Elves within all of Taleria. They are known for there natural beauty. They have blonde, and brown hair. Blue, red, green. and brown eyes colors.

-Dark Elves(Wood Elves) have a darker skin tone to there High elf counterparts and are more rare. They live in more isolated parts of the Hestian Empire. Often also nicknamed Wood Elves at times as they live in more isolated regions. Forest regions mainly. They are also known for there natural beauty.


The Beastmen are the most diverse of the races ranging from canine to feline to horse like beings. They are known mostly for the physical strength and resilience. They range from having claws and longer nails, Tails, and variation of heights. There eyes colors range from brown, purple, yellow, blue, green, and red. They are also known for being the heavier workers in construction workers and laborers in society due to there strength. They also have strong immune systems capable of resisting many diseases. While also having fast healing factors. Caimains have a naturally faster healing factor than others.

-Wolvens are canine like beastmen with fur colors ranging from black, gray, white, and brown. The variation of the Wolvens vary however known as subraces. Wolvens are the most common which are a wolf like beastman. Ranging from brown, grey, black, and white fur. They are also strong and often very from lean or muscled. Foxes are smaller agile ones in height naturally of 5'4 most often. Ranging from orange, and white colored fur. Jackals are often black with long ears, and often from Southern region of Taleria. They have a height averagely of 6'2 often. Very tall.

-Caimans are the repitlian race of beastmen. Having mostly scales that are rough but there is a rare skin condition nicknamed "Thin scale" where the scales are more smooth like human skin and are often ridiculed for it. They vary in colored from orange, brown, black, red, and green scale tones. With colored eyes being yellow, red, and green often. Caimans often have a single row of teeth that are sharp or dull at different times throughout ones age. The older they are, shaper they are. There are two variants of Caiman. Caimans which are a lizard like people who are strong and stand on two legs. Some even have the ability to camouflage using ther unique scales. Which is one of the reasons they were skilled guerilla warfare experts in the jungles. And then there are the vipers and cobras. Cobra are male snake men who stand on two legs. They have long tongues and are slender often. Then the vipers which are an all female race which often mates with cobras. They however have the torso similar to a humans but lower half portion of there body is snake like and long. Often reaching up to 20 feet or even more.

-Centaurs are a horse like race where they have the upper body similar to a human but have long ears like an elf. But the lowers portion of there bodies are horse like. There horse bodies vary from black, white, grey, and brown. There upper bodies however are lightskinned. They are strong fast race who are often very chivalrous. They also are known to be very honorable in combat and are often the ones to be well respected in beastmen society. They are often seen as farmers and land owners in Brunich as landscapers.

-Felines are the cat like people of Taleria. They have tails and a wide variety of fur softness to them than others. But they also have a good diversity of subraces. The felines have eyes colors of blue, brown, and golden eye shades. They also vary in height due to there race. The Cheetahs are petite and slender for there size but make up for it in speed and there smaller figure makes them excellent sprinters and runners in sports. The Lions are a taller more stronger of the felines often being able to lift a full grown man with one arm even. The males have manes on them which some can trim down. While the females don't. The males and females can average in height of around 6'9. They often have brown to golden fur. They are the tallest of the races. The Tigers are also strong as the lions but are more average height to a human and more muscle compacted down while the lions have more height. They have orange and white fur often. The panthers are smaller but none the less agile. They have black fur and yellow eyes most of the time. They are often seen to be nighttimers instead of daytimers.