The Register

As the worker speaks to the head orphanage manager, he bows his head down a bit and turns to Ariel and nods his head. Walking to the door he closes it behind her and Ariel is now alone in a room with an Elf male with blonde hair wearing a black suit. Neatly and tightly fits him as if he is going out to a party.

"Hello ma'am, please take a seat" he says gesturing to a crimson chair with four legs and arm rests.

"Thank you for having me"

"No thank you, I think that people who come here have good intentions and seek to bring someone less fortunate in this sadly unforgiving world, and give them a chance at a better living living. I hope of course."

"Yeah, yeah...I am still a little nervous for this decision for me. I made up my mind today and really thought about it when driving."

The manager nods his head in response and reaches in his desk with some papers. Then reaches into a cup pulling out a black pen.

"Okay, as per usual with the adoption procedures I myself will be evaluating you if what you are asking for is really what you are in need of, and to know if you can provide necessities for the child in question."

"I perfectly understand" she says nodding

"Do you have a spouse who is not here today?"

"No, I am single and always have been"

"Alright, what made you feel that you wanted to adopt a child while being single?"

"I-I felt that I needed someone to care for and make me feel that I had a purpose in my life beyond just work. I have always worked and worked, but only recently I felt alone and didn't have much to love. I have estrangement with my remaining relatives. So I live with no relatives."

He nods while writing stuff down on the papers. He then flips the page over to the other side and looks up to me about to ask another question.

"What do you think you'll be able to offer to the child in question? Such as experiences and what you seek to teach the child in the living environment if you so choose to continue the adoption?"

"I believe-I think I will be able to personally teach morals that a child should learn. Such as be willing to learn about differences in people and not think it is wrong, or understand that being afraid is okay as long as it doesn't stop them from being happy."

"Now I will ask one last question, very important of course. Do you truly think, this is a good decision for your mental health? Child adoption is a big step in ones life. Perhaps on par with marriage, or conceiving a child at times. Because if you can't handle the child, you might endure a existence that is not good for you or the child. And of course none of us want is someone's well being jeopardized."

Ariel stops and thinks for a moment again. She had hoped she had it all figured out in her head when driving but realizes, is this a attempt to own up to leaving someone alone? Or filling an empty void of joy she had experienced for once?

"I.....I believe I can manage-No, I know I can manage this child and treat them like they are blood related. And even if they are not blood related I will treat them as they are. My child." Ariel says sternly without a crack in her voice.

He nods his head up and down as a sign of approval and finishes up writing on some stuff. He then flips the page over a few times and slides a paper clip with all of them and slides them all over to Ariel.

"Please read the terms and write down you will be registered as a parent seeking adoption in our establishment, I will call in my organization to prepare everything else. Thank you." he says while getting his desk phone and begins dialing someone.


Ariel flinches briefly forgetting it was heavily raining outside.

Hmm, I am glad Coda is not in such weather when I found him.

*50 minutes later elsewhere*


The thunder crashes like a bat hitting a trashcan sending it flying down a flight of stairs. I am cold, tired, hungry, and...alone...


I am sitting with my legs pressed up against me, shivering unable to stay warm due to me walking in the rain for a while before seeking refuge in this trashcan. I start hearing some chatter outside my shelter and feel the need to check it out. But stop myself. I need to stay out of the water.

As the footsteps get closer, closer, and closer and then...

As the foot steps right in front of the trashcan, it is a black boot with what looks like jeans stop right in front of my eyes. I freeze in place, which doesn't matter since I am already freezing anyway.

I suddenly feel jerked around as the trashcan gets set back up as it would likely be and I fall on my back as water starts slapping on my face. I then hear a wrickly noises outside the trashcan and a large black block hovers just above me.

Thats...Thats a trash bag!

"W-wai-" but I get cut off as thunder crashes at that moment


Then a black trash bag pummels me deep into the trashcan and I hear the sound of a lid get placed on the can and I feel it gets moved somewhere as I am squished in the can.

Oh no no no I am stuck! I feel something sharp digging into my chest as it crushes me and pins all my movements. I scream inside the can but I don't get a response or a shake.

"H-hello! Someone help please! I am stuck in the trashcan!"

*2 hours later in the Orphanage*

Ariel is on her phone setting up orders for kids clothes designed for caiman children and accommodations a household for caiman children from 6-13 years old. As she scrolls her phone she notices most of the families in the photo's of the website for race related accommodations are all the same race. Beastmen children always have a beastmen family as a part of the promotion. Even though it is an Arcadian company, she never realized that the company typical puts in the standard idea that families are often the same race.

Ariel brings her phone down and begins to wonder if she herself shouldn't adopt Coda as she has never had to accommodate a caiman child. If she were to care for one she would assume it would be easier for an elf child. But elf children in an adoption agencies are extremely rare. More rare than human and beastmen children in adoption in Arcadia.

*knock knock knock*

Ariel gets startled as she was not paying attention and then sees a beast woman cheetah feline who is standing with her 2 hands locked awaiting Ariel to stand up and follow her to another room.

As she walks back into the managers office he is signing off on some last few papers and stops for a moment and stands up reaching his right hand out for a shake. Ariel responds and shakes his hand in greeting again. Even though she never left the building

"I have spoken to some people and the National Child Care Association and the Child Protective Services have looked into some of what you have signed and some background checks and they believe you are well suited, financially, and mentally for a child adoption. The services from NCCA have a hot line for newly parents to receive financial help if needed, and will provide any accommodations that are not available in your area. One of the orphanage workers Zikah whom you've just met I presume," he says gesturing to the Feline woman standing behind her in her uniform bows again behind Ariel. "Now come to me when you've found someone you believe you are prepared to care for. Also note, since you have no experience with children your only allowed to adopt one child at this point. We will be checking on you every end of the month to see your progress to determine if your are able to care for more than one child. Until then your only able to have one. Thank you, and have a good day" he says waving goodbye and continuing to sign papers.

"Thank you again sir" Ariel says bowing forward and walking over to the worker and nodding to her.

Ariel follows Zikah down the hall and follows her to the children play area upstairs.

"Due to the rain and thunder children are prohibited from playing until it is safe. About 20 years ago a thunder storm struck, but children were allowed to play during it. However once a thunder storm was not taken seriously, a lightning storm came in and 6 children got struck by lightning. 4 died that storm and 2 in critical condition. Since then there have been strict safety measures. Such as centralized lightning rods to attract a lightning strike away from children. As well are rubber in place in various surfaces." Zikah says up the stairs

"Wow, never knew that the orphanages went through major safety changes after a event like that. Not that it is a bad thing, I am just, wow. Glad they were on top of that." Ariel says with surprise

"Indeed, it was actually the Prime Minister who enforced the changes himself. He reasoned "It was due to lack of funding, understanding, and acknowledgement of the dangers which cost the life of 4 children and injury of 2 others. I will not allow this incident to be ignored and have another child die for our negligence." . So he himself had government funding increased for the NCCA and CPS organizations. Was very great. Since then not a child has died or been hit by a lightning strike."

"Indeed, sounds like an amazing achievement for a leader to do on short notice. I would expect something Like that to be debated since it is government funding"

"Oh it was ma'am, only difference is the Prime Minister had a big following and heavily campaigned the changes himself. He was passionate for the changes"

*2 mintues later*

"Here is the major play area for the kids. You may interact with some of the children"

"Actually, I had a child in mind already." Ariel says rubbing her right forearm in shyness

"Oh? Do you know a child in our care?" Zikah asks

"Well, yes actually. He is a primarily black caiman boy, with red as his secondary color, red feathers. With yellow eyes and is roughly 9 years old by the looks of it. Goes by the name Codaka" Ariel says feeling confident in her choice.