Medium to high Intelligence
Photographic memory
High Charisma (Before PW)
Extremely high Magical Aptitude/Talent
Elemental control
Enchanting/Runic knowledge able to create a knife with siphoning/storage abilities along with making it nearly indestructible by normal standards while incorporating fine controls and levitation/locomotive abilities. (Before PW)
Pain infliction
Spell creation
Healing magic
Magical energy/life force absorption
Superhuman physique
(Superhuman strength, speed, agility, senses, durability. Not to vampire levels)
Healing factor (reliant on magic to power it)
Immortality (while inside PW)
Mind compulsion/control through witch compulsion
Occult and witchcraft knowledge
Potion and herb mastery
Mechanical repair skills
Piloting skills
Ship captaining skills
Heavy equipment operator
Demolitions expert
Teaching certification for K-12 in English, Spanish, French and Latin. Special education certification for working with children with disabilities
Metal smithing
High combat Proficiency both magical and mundane.
Weapons skills both cold, hot/ranged
Magical energy sensing
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As a Normal Heretic:
Same abilities as before, but with Vampire compulsion ability, immortality weaknesses wooden object to heart, Veraine, no weakness to sunlight all physical capabilities enhanced beyond that of SWR (Super Witch Ritual), blood procreation, blood healing, all witch abilities.
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(Let me know if there's anything I forgot, too add.)
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They are both Shane_Town