"You need proof right, come here join hands with Hope and I." I command Elijah who is still just standing there stock-still just staring at Hope with his mouth slightly agape.
"You…look so much like mother…and Niklaus…" Elijah whispers as he slowly walks over to us and takes our free hands forming a triangle with us.
I cast a memory sharing spell that shows how Hope got here and her life leaving out certain sensitive things and memories a young woman wouldn't want her uncle to see.
"Hope!" Elijah expresses as he hugs Hope and I in both a near crushing and gentle hug.
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'If this is true…then there is hope for Niklaus…and the family…especially with someone as powerful and Kai on our side…I will have to get my witch's to verify the veracity of all of this…and if it's some elaborate plot against my family I'll kill them all even if it kills me in the process…' I think to myself as I give into the deep unconditional love I reluctantly feel for this girl.
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'If Elijah even so much as makes Hope cry I'll kill him.' I vow internally with a growl.
"I believe we have had enough excitement for one evening, Hope…I have to make a request of you…as much as I'd like to believe in the truth of what you've shown me, I need to have it proven true by witches that I trust…my…our family has made many enemies in our long lives and this would be." Elijah expresses in a voice filled with reluctance.
As soon as Hope sniffles the veins in my eyes pulse angrily and I speed through the plane glass window and into a brick wall making a man-sized indentation in the bricks.
"You made her cry!" I snarl as my fangs elongate and the urge to tear into his throat overcomes my rationality.
"Kai stop, please." Hope says to me as she glues herself to my back.
"If…you were him, you'd do the same thing…I'm not crying because I'm sad or hurt but because I'm happy I have a chance of uniting my family and keeping them all safe and alive thanks to you." Hope says to me with her face pressed to my back as she cries. I look at Elijah's face and I see shock and fear at his own vulnerability to me as I overpower him completely.
"Hurt her in any way and I will make you suffer a thousand times worse than anything you or your siblings have ever inflicted on anyone else." I promise in a gentle quiet almost sweet sounding voice.
"He means it, Elijah…he's got a vindictive streak that makes your family seem like kittens." Katherine snarks as all the girls stand assembled behind us ready to throw down, not that they're needed but it fills my heart with a warm comfort at the unity and solidarity of my family.
'Always and Forever…this is what I want always and forever.' I say in my mind at the sight, especially of Hope looking up at me with a little smirk on her lips.
Images of Bonnie and Beth standing amongst the loves of my life also overlay themselves in my mind's eye.
Letting go of Elijah sweeping Hope off her feet smashing my lips against her's as my one hand kneads her gelatinous ass and the other hand is on one of her large, heavy, bouncy perky mountains.
"Ahhn, Kai…not here." Hope moans into my mouth but makes no move to stop me.
"Katerina…how lovely to see you again…tell me is this a plot of your design?" Elijah replies, his voice now filled with mistrust.
"Nope, I'm just Kai's cock sleeve and fuck bunny…we actually met when I was trying to find the Moonstone so I could use it to convince you to convince Klaus to stop hunting me…but now I can kill you and Klaus with little effort thanks to the man I love." Katherine replies back and in a rare display of total honesty that has me looking at her questioningly.
"You're more than a cock sleeve Katherine." I gently chastise her as I walk over and join the girls.
"Elijah…each and everyone one of us could kill the Original family with only a minor inconvenience of wasted time…I…we have no need of petty plots. You remain alive because I allow it because I love Hope." I say to Elijah as I let Hope stand on her own feet and the five of us stand united holding hands. 'Originally…it was because I liked you guys as characters and I wanted Hope to be born…I still want that to happen as two Hope's equal double the fun.' I mentally add on.
"Leave now, fetch your witches…verify the veracity of Hope's truths…accept that you and the rest are part of a larger family now…but heed my warning…I killed the family that hurt me and enjoyed every second of it…and I'll do so again but this time I'll take my time and enjoy the screams for mercy until you lose the ability to." I warn in the same voice as before, Elijah blurs away and I scoop up the girls and move to the inner world and use my tk to remove their clothes.