Mad Hat Camile

Chapter 9

"Good come here now… shit! We've been breached…!"

It did not take long for Damion to notice Meta. However, the thing that confused him is that…

"How the hell did you bypass the sensors of the ship?"

"Fuck, I don't care. I'm going to kill you, fucking piece of metal."

Damion then took out a pulse pistol and aimed it at meta.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

The pulse pistol is one of the basic E-grade guns. It shoots out compacted vibration in form of a pulse that could shred its target into pieces.

At this moment, the Pulse Pistol is the only gun that he can use. Well, he can't damage their ship, can he?

"Power saving mode, disabled!"

Before the pulse could hit Meta, Meta uttered a phrase before moving explosively.

Meta could move this way because the power-saving mode was lifted. However, that's not the peak of his performance. He could still be a lot faster. Unfortunately, Meta did not have enough energy to move as he pleases.


In a few seconds, Meta is already near Damion and was about to land a strike.

However, from behind, an energy bullet came flying toward him followed by a soft bang. This bullet contains the full power of a D Infused Flux Shooter.

It was Parker the gunner who shot it at a close distance.


That could have been a sure kill. Unfortunately, Meta dodged the fatal him but his right shoulder turned back as it was grazed by the Energy Bullet.

"Fuck! Parker, are you trying to destroy the ship?" Damion complained.

Since he failed to hit Meta, the energy bullet hit some parts of the ship's control panel, instead.

"My apologies, it won't happen again."

However, although parker said that…


A soft bam sounded again as he shout another energy bullet towards Meta.

"Fuck, parker. My precious…"

This enraged Damion. 'Fuck won't happen again!' However, this is only normal that Damion will be enraged. After all, each part of the ship costs a lot of solar credits.

Meanwhile, although Damion is enraged, he is not really angry. Instead, he was thankful. He knew that he should have breathed his last breath and died right here and then if Parker did not do it.

"Shit, he's fast," Parker commented after the shot.

But as he said that. Meta already knows who to eliminate first.

He sprinted towards Parker. Then, leaped as he prepared to land an attack.


It's a hit.

However, it was not from Meta to Parker.

Rather, Meta was intercepted by Scarlet.

Her arm is coated with a black metal armor akin to iron man's suit from the marvel cinematic universe.

The suit did not only look fierce, but it could also amplify Scarlet's strength. But that is not all that it has.

Meanwhile, Scarlet managed to land a hit on Meta's tummy, metal tummy at that.


That forced Meta a half step backward.

Meta's robotic body is designed with the concept of the elasticity of the human flesh.

Although it is hard to the touch, it is filled with nanosensors and nanofibers that work together to diffuse foreign force that invades Meta's system.

However, that did not come without a prize, the small amount of energy on Meta's body is expended.

"Entering critical power level."

"Power saving mode enabled."

With that, Meta lost all power to fight.

This is not for Meta or Smith to decide.

The critical battery level is the power level in which the energy that Meta has is no longer capable of supporting his advanced hardware.

"Heee! You lost power. Hahaha. Take this!"

This is a great opportunity for Scarlet. She will not let this pass by.

Hence, in the next second, she prepared to land a punch on Meta. However…

"Where are you. What are you taking so long?"

A female voice drifted over, which made Scarlet and the others look at the control panels of the ship as a hologramic of a lady with perfect curves and toned skin. Aside from that, she is also wearing a black battle suit. But the most catching in the big hat on her head.

It was out of place. Well, that hat suited the color of the battle suit. But, it definitely did not match the style on the battlefield. However, no one could retort that it looked on her.

At the same time, that is her signature fashion.

"Mad Hat Camile!"

Damion, Parker, and Scarlet said in unison.

"We got, company," Damion said and pointed towards.

"Oh, I see. Then... give him energy units," Mad Hat Camile said as she looked at Meta.

"Okay! Wait… what?"

'Why would I give this thing energy units. He almost had us killed.' Damion was stunned by what their boss said.

However, Damion is not the only one that thought that way. The others are also stunned. 'That thing is dangerous. If he had more energy, it would have killed us all.'

"I said, give him some energy units. Tsk, how could you not understand it?"

"But… leader, that nearly took our life. That thing is dangerous."

"Tsk tsk, do as I say!"

Hearing the voice of their leader, Damion could only take out his energy capsule and give it to Meta. And the surprising part is that Meta did not attack him or something after giving the energy capsule

'When did this thing become docile?' This is unexpected. However, Damion did not think much. 'Well, this is for the good.'

Meanwhile, Scarlet and Parker are watching Damion and Meta. They are prepared to attack at any moment. Fortunately, Meta did nothing.

"He is the key to a transaction..., a very important transaction."

At this moment, Mad Hat Camile's hologramic figure spoke again which garnered everyone's attention. However, Parker and Scarlet are still vigilant.

'No matter, leader. Who knows if that thing has faulty codes?'

If Smith knew this, he would have been stunned silent.

After a few minutes, the thing that the trio did not like to happen, happened. Meta earned some energy units on him.

He gained about one hundred energy units. However, there are no such things as free food in this world.

"Sir Smith, now that I have given you a deposit of a hundred energy units, have I locked the deal?"

It was unknown who Mad Hat Camile's hologramic figure was talking to. However, in the next second, a voice replied.

"You have locked the deal. Follow Meta. He will close the transaction."

"What the…? You could speak?" is stunned as he hear Meta speak.

Indeed, it was Meta who spoke. But it was Smith's voice.

There's no doubt about it. Smith controlled Smith to talk.

However, that is not surprising. After all, Meta belongs to Smith.

"It is not that robot. It is its master who was talking."

This is basic knowledge. All robots had their master. But the connection in this area is weak. Its master should barely be able to perceive the surroundings and the vision of the robot.

Furthermore, this kind of robot is expensive. It will not be casually deployed in this area.

It should be accompanying its precious master giving all the safety a robot could provide to compensate for the price that a rich ass bastard out there paid for.

Unfortunately, that is not the case for Smith and Meta.

In fact, Smith did not need Meta by his side. Instead, it is only rightful for Meta to be here.

Meanwhile, Meta stood and walked towards the control panel of the ship.

This made the trio vigilant, but Mad Hat Camile's stare made them stay where they were.

But beyond the trio's expectations, Meta did nothing towards the control panel of the ship.

Instead, he pointed in a certain direction towards the base.

Indeed, Meta knew where the base it. Or rather, this is according to Smith's instructions.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the cornhub server, Smith is in his virtual room watching with a Smith on his face while watching from Meta's perspective.

This is my first time dealing with the outside world.

Initially, the only thing that I do is buy goods from the dark web and have the courier service do the rest as I sell them to my clients.

However, that is only effective for small-time buyers. As for the big-time buyers like Mad Hat Camile, I need to have a representative. And it happens that I have Meta.

I should not waste the efforts of Apollo Tech in making Meta.

"Sir Smith, Mad Hat Camile is in the reception room."

At this moment, a maid approached Smith. And, at the same time, as the maid said that, Mad Hat Camile's hologramic figure disappeared from the ship.

"Ok, I'll be there."

The reception is a place in my mansion where I accept guests. However, it is not that those guests could enter my virtual room.

Hmmph, like I will let them in. I mean, that's risky.

Meanwhile, as I appeared in the reception room. I saw Mad Hat Camile's figure.

Well, to be exact, her avatar.

"Mr. Smith, shall we discuss business?"