The Deception

Chapter 11

"Sir Smith has something for you." The man on the other end of the line said to Damion and the others, which surprised Damion, Scarlet, and Parker.

'Is this the transaction that leader Mad Hat Camile is talking about?'

There's no doubt about it. After all, it was Meta who brought them to this place. And Meta's master is the one mad hat scarlet made a deal with.

However, there is that lingering thought that the people on the other end of the line and Meta's master might be in cahoots.

Hence, that made Parker and scarlet vigilant toward Meta. At the same time, Damion also did not want to be careless. Who knows what might really happen?

Damion is prepared to pilot the ship and counterattack if anything happens.

However, the thing that they anticipated did not happen.

Instead, a man came out from the All Terrain walker with its jetpack.

The man held his hand above his head as an indication that he did not come here for trouble.

At this moment, Meta walked into the airlock and waited for it to open.

Then, after a few seconds of hesitation, the airlock opened and Meta jumped out from the ship, but the stupendous thing is that there is no sound of a collision. It was as if Meta did not fall to the ground.

Then, the next thing they know is that they knew is that Meta is already on the top of the All Terrain Walker's head.

Damion, Parker, and Scarlet were tongue-tied.

"How the hell did that get there?" Damion asked. But no one knew the answer. Not even the man with a jetpack on his back.

However, there is someone that knows what happened. However, he is not here.

That someone is Smith.

If the three were to ask him how Meta did it. He will answer, 'there are hidden thrusters on his back.'

Indeed. However, the thrusters could not allow Meta to fly but they can give him burst speed that depends on the energy that Meta is willing to use. At this moment, Meta used about two energy units.

Only two Energy Units but the others could no longer follow him with their eyes.

Meanwhile, Meta's speed made the man with a jetpack's back drenched in sweat.

'This speed… if sir Smith commanded to kill us, we would no longer be here.'

The man was nervous. However, in the next second, he was already back to normal.

'It does no matter, that robot would not be able to hurt us.'

"Your goods are in the All Terrain Walker. Please come out now and get it." The man said while the trio are still dazed.

"Damion, drop us."

The first one to recover is Scarlet.

Her iron-man-like suit's power surged as she too jumped from the airlock. Unfortunately, she could not replicate what Meta said.

Meanwhile, Damion's forehead went black. 'Did you not ask me to drop you?'

But despite that, Damion still did as he was told.

Although Scarlet might be able to withstand the fall with her suit, Parker could not.

He did not have a suit and is only armed with a few guns.

Well, he is after all a gunner.

"Damion, stay here. Be prepared in case anything happened," Parker reminded.

"Geez, I know. I know." Damion replied to Parker.

Unfortunately, Parker is no longer on the ship. He was already gone when the ship is at a distance where he could withstand the fall.

Meanwhile, as Parker and Scarlet entered the All Terrain Walker, they were stunned to see many weapons secured with an energy shield on them.

"What!? Why are there so many weapons?"

That is the first question that Parker had. However, in the next second, he realized that this is only normal since the other party is doing business related to weapons.

They might not really be sure of it, but Mad Hat Camile told them he will be buying weapons for them. Hence, it is easy for them to think of this.

"Hi everyone, I am Dickinson. Sir Smith had a delivery for the Midnight hunter. This transaction is made by your leader, Mad Hat Camile.

Sure enough. This is indeed the transaction that Mad Hat Camile made.

Meanwhile, Meta looked stayed at the head of the All Terrain Walker for a while as he scouted the forest before entering the All Terrain Walker along with the others to finish the deal between Smith and Mad Hat Camile.

Meta then looked at the weapon shelf.

The weapons on the shelf are not all for midnight hunters. Only three are for them.

After three seconds, Meta found the weapon that he is looking for.

The first one is the Fire God's Wrath while the other is the Phantom Armor.

As menacing as their names, they have great capabilities. However, their true power could only be unlocked by their worthy owners.

Meanwhile, the Fire God's Wrath, as the name suggests, it has great firepower akin to the Fire God of the legends. Each shot is wound making the air roar. However, as fierce as it was, it is the price is also astounding at one hundred thousand Energy Units.

Furthermore, its bullets are also priced at one thousand Energy Units each.

And if Energy Units are converted into Solar Credits, the Fire God's Wrath would make most of the gunner's pocket bleed. Not only that, its bullet would make every gunner make sure that their hit is a sure kill.

Meanwhile, the other one, the Phantom Armor, is not tyrannical as it looked compared to the Fire God's Wrath. It looked like a gorgeous black diamond size of a palm. However, a book cannot be judged by its cover.

The black diamond the size of a palm contains trillions of nanobots to form an armor. But that does not end there. It had the ability to absorb force and release the force that it had absorbed.

However, there is one thing that they did not know. Smith encrypted and compressed its database so no one would be able to use it without his permission.

Of course, he will lift that restriction if the items are bought lest it affects his 'good malware reputation'.

Meanwhile, Meta removed the energy shield and took the two weapons that the Mad Hat Camile bought. Of course, the deal is yet to be finished.

Meta then tactfully handed the weapons to Parker and Scarlet.

And, with that, the deal is about to reach its conclusion.

"Let us try it first," Parker said just to make sure.

Of course, Dickenson and Meta did not have an objection to it. In fact, this is what they had desired the most.

For Meta, it is to truly end the deal and for Smith, its master, to receive the full payment.

Meanwhile, Parker shot two bullets while Scarlet did some stunts. After that, they are truly satisfied.

"Then, this is where the deal ends. We'll promptly send a message to the leader."

Parker said with a bow.

He truly meant what he said and as proof, he took out his communication device and did what he said. Then, in a blink of an eye, Smith received the full payment, which made him very happy.

However, things are yet to end.

Whoosh! Boom!

After Parker and Scarlet confirmed, a whistling sound was heard followed by an explosion.

Then, the next thing that Parker and Scarlet saw is…

"No! bastard."

Their Hydroplane S-777 is in flames.


In anger and desperation, Parker did not hesitate to use the newly gained Fire God's Wrath toward Dickenson. While Scarlet sprinted towards Meta.

"Bastard! What is the meaning of this?"

Parker said with his red eyes.

It is evident that he had entered a berserk stage due to the extreme emotion that assaulted him.

However, despite that, Parker seemed to be very calm… calm to kill. All his shots contained an intent to kill and were full of precision.

Unfortunately, Dickenson had means on his own.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can kill me with those bullets?"

An energy shield then appeared in front of him and blocked the bullets from the Fire God's Wrath. And the supposed to be tyrannical bullet fire from the Fire God's Wrath was blocked.

'This… what the heck?' Parker was awakened from his berserk state.

"How come…? Unless… the energy shield is of a higher rank than the Fire God's Wrath."

Indeed, that is the only explanation.

"Hahaha! Fools! You have been a tool for us from the very start?"

"These are all ours. That Smith bastard thinks that he can boss us with his money?"

"Ha! In the end, this will all be ours! Now, die all of you!"

With that, a volley of missiles came raining down on them while Dickenson flew away with his jet pack. At the same time, the driver of the All Terrain Walker also used whatever means that he had to protect himself and the weapons on the All Terrain Walker.