The Scout Mission

Chapter 17

After Smith agreed that the Midnight Hunters will take Smtih's goodies with them along with Meta, there is no need to pack up and immediately left.

Even before Mad Hat Camile asked, they already packed everything.

Well, there's not much to pack anyway. The goods are arranged orderly in which there would be no hassle in moving them.

Of course, that is Smith's thoughts. After all, only he can give that authority to them since he is the boss.

Meanwhile, all in all, Smith had two ships. One D-Link plane and one All Terrain Walker.

Then, the Midnight Hunters also have one D-Link plane.

Of course, since the Midnight Hunters are his men, their D-Link plane is partially his.

"Reporting, the Midnight Hunters are ready for the scout mission."

This is a normal procedure that Mad Hat Camile and the others will undergo before they will officially start their mission.

"Mad Hat Camile, you're gorgeous as ever."

That is a compliment, but Mad Hat Camile was creeped out. 'This perv is here again. Every time we start our missions, this perv would always be here.'

The man that greeted Mad Hat Camile is one of the supervising captains of the World Federation. His role is to supervise the mission that was given by the World Federation. He is the one who will judge if the mission of the others is a success or not.

It could be said that he had a relatively high position.

"Captain Nolan Stoyer, I'm aware of that. Get on to the process, please."

It's not that Mad Hat Camile is rude. Rather, she did not like the man.

There is no problem with Nolan. He had eight packed abs. Has astounding biceps and triceps. In other words, his muscle is very good. Not only that, but he is also good-looking. But the thing that Mad Hat Camile did not like is that the man is a playboy.

There are 'rumors' that every night, it is not possible for Nolan that he would not have a go with a girl.

However, that is only a rumor. Its efficiency is not yet verified. But the rumors are already enough to scare Mad Hat Camile.

Well, Mad Hat Camile is not scared, rather, she is disgusted. Hence, she did not like to be entangled with Nolan.

"Gorgeous, but rude. I don't think there will be men who would be interested in you except for me."

Despite Mad Hat Camile's words, Nolan did not stop there. His words still flow like a raging river, unstoppable.

However, Nolan knew when to stop.

"Mad Hat Camile, you are to scout the markings on the map. You need to report all abnormalities and submit a video."


After saying that, a beep sounded on Mad Hat Camile's Communication device as the markings that Nolan is talking about appeared on her map.

"I received the map. We'll get going now. We will come back after we scouted everything."

Mad Hat Camile did not waste any more of her precious time and left without waiting for Nolan's reply.

Nevertheless, Nolan still bid farewell.

"Take care Mad Hat Camile, I will be waiting for you here."

'Ha! This woman is beautiful but cold.' Nolan could not help but to comment inwardly.

"Are you still unto Mad Hat Camile?"

A man approached Nolan.

"Get lost, man. You'll only hurt yourself." The man said in concern.

However, Nolan only smiled as he replied, "that's okay, Max. It would not be fun if she's not like that."

Max is also a supervising captain like Nolan.

However, unlike the latter, Max did not have a rumor that he is a playboy.

On contrary, he is loyal to his girlfriend.

But despite their differences, Nolan and Max are best of friends.

"Well, I think you do not have a chance unless you stop your hobby of having a woman every night."

Now, according to Max's words, rumors did not seem to be fake.

Well, rumors are always not baseless.

"I know. But still, I won't give up," Nolan replied with a fervent expression.

Meanwhile, Mad Hat Camile meets up with Parker and Scarlet along with Meta.

Smith's goods are also in this D-Link plane.

At the same time, Smith's D-Link plane and his All Terrain Walker are hidden.

Of course, Smith is also watching over his planes. In fact, he had the two vehicles activated and ready to fire up at moment's notice in case something untoward happens.


The Midnight Hunters' D-Link plane is zooming towards one of the markings that the World Federation gave.

All in all, there are seven marks.

Each of those marks is a possible place that is infiltrated. And among those seven, the place where Xerxes' ship shot missiles and where he landed were marked.

Of course, this is not the work of a human. Rather, this information came from Federant, the number one A.I. of the World Federation.

As per the requirement that Nolan said, Mad Hat Camile started capturing video in the marked place on the map as they arrived.

From the bird-eye view of the D-Link plane, there are many things that are captured in the video.

Not only that, the video is in full HD.

Well, it would be a shame if it is not. They are in the future earth with advanced technologies. So, this is only normal.

"Boss Camile, how long do we need to be here? There is nothing in here," Parker said while looking through his binoculars.

He could watch the video captured by the D-Link plane. However, his binoculars give him a clearer point of view.

In the video, he could only see what the D-Link plane's sensors could see. He could not deliberately zoom in or out or something. In other words, he would not have total control.

That would be fine if it is someone else. But sadly, that would not suffice for a gunner like Parker.

As a gunner, Parker is not comfortable with restricted vision. After all, one of the assets of a gunner is their vision.

"We'll stay here for a bit," Mad Hat Camile replied to Parker.

After saying that, Mad Hat Camile sank into her deep thought. 'There seemed to be nothing on the surface but the traces of the explosion could not be disregarded.'

'It is impossible that the World Federation did this themselves.'

"Let's land!"

After a while, Mad Hat Camile asked to land their D-Link plane.

The one piloting the D-Link plane is Scarlet while Meta is positioned on the copilot seat.

Of all the ones that are in the plane, Meta is the most suitable to be the copilot.

The moment that Mad Hat Camile asked Meta to assist Scarlet, Meta has been doing a great job.

It did not take long for the plane to land.

When that happened, Mad Hat Camile and Meta immediately came out while the other two remained on the plane in case something happened.

Mad Hat Camile is wearing her Silver mecha suit and at the same time, holding a mechanical sword.

Of course, to perfectly fit her title, she did not forget to wear her hat. Not only that, her hat is huge, about one and a half feet in radius. Aside from that, her hat also has a ridiculously long pair of laces about a meter long.

One meter might not sound long but if it is a lace of a hat, it is.

Well, have you ever seen a hat with a meter-long lace?

Meanwhile, as Meta stepped out of the Plane, he is holding a gun.

First of all, the gun looked menacing. However, it is not really a gun. That is the Armageddon.

The Armageddon looked like a hand cannon.

From the looks of it. It does not look like a B-grade cannon. However, a book cannot be judged by its cover.

The Armageddon is not graded B for its look. Rather, it is graded B because of its power.

Meanwhile, Meta and Mad Hat Camile moved forward and looked for clues.

"Meta, can you find anything?"

Mad Hat Camile asked. However, she is not expecting Meta to reply.

Rather, she said that in thoughts that Smith will help her.

"There are few heat signatures nearby."

It's not like Meta could not speak.

Meanwhile, Mad Hat Camile did not expect that Meta could speak. 'Eh? This robot does not seem to be simple.'

But on second thought, Smith really is not simple. Hence it is only normal that his robot is also not simple.

With that in mind, Mad Hat Camile continued to look for clues.

At the same time, a hologramic map of their surrounding appeared with the heat signatures that Meta detect.

"Hmm, those are?" Mad Hat Camile sounded calm. But deep inside, his heart is stirred.

'Aside from having powerful sensors, Meta seemed to also have great intelligence.'

Indeed, Meta's action is a sign of intelligence.

Well, she did not ask for a map. However, Meta made one.


At this moment, a whooshing sound could be heard as the narked heat signatures on Meta's map began to move.

"What the?"

Mad Hat Camile is not sure what is happening. But her instincts are telling him that danger is unto them.