Taking Control

Chapter 19

Federant's speculation is not based on nothing. He had gathered many data and observed many proofs.

Most of the data that Federant had gathered is from Smith's weapon business.

Smith did not seem to be cautious enough. Well, in the first place, he did not even intend to hide. All Smith wanted is to avoid the scans of antiviruses.

Meanwhile, the weapons that Smith sold are somewhat suspicious. Or rather, at least, that's what Federant thought.

The World Federation had its own hub of weapons. At the same time, they are also monitoring the hubs that don't belong to them.

However, recently, the sales of those hubs plummeted. But strangely, there seems to be no decline in the number of weapons on the frontline.

One must know that there are many cases in which weapons needed to be replaced. However, the weapon hubs of the World Federation did not receive sales from that case.

At first, this does not seem to be suspicious. However, this cannot go on in the long run. Or rather, it is more of a this is not possible in the long run.

Hence, there is only one answer to that. There is another hub that sells cheaper weapons than the hubs that are under the World Federation. And that... that led Federant in noticing Smith's shady business.

But finding the traces and finding the source are different matters. Federant could not pinpoint Smith's location.

Still, that is a great development for the World Federation.

At the same time, Federant also sent a request for more data.

The data from the sensors that he had access to are not enough. Hence, he requires real-time data from the communication devices as well as from the sensors of the planes.

But as to whether the higher-up will approve of that is unknown. However, it is worth a try.

Meanwhile, back to Meta and the others, are pursued by three D-Link planes that are carrying drone missiles.

Drone missiles are one of the finest inventions of humans.

As of now, it is the most convenient missile out there.

As you can see, missiles can be operated using trajectories while some use target-seeking mechanisms. Aside from that, some missiles are also operated using the coordinates of the Global Positioning System.

However, those three mentioned have their limitations. For example, in the target-seeking mechanism, what if the target is invisible to the target-seeking mechanism of the missile? Second, for the trajectory, there are many things that can affect it. Lastly, for the Global Positioning System, what if you do not know the exact location?

Then, with all of those mentioned, the drone missile comes in. The drone missile can be operated to go to a certain place or to see its target.

And right now, the D-Link planes that are pursuing Meta and the others could not reach them in their range.

Hence, they used drone missiles.

The missiles that were launched at Meta and the others a while ago are drone missiles.

When the D-Link plane is within its range, it is locked on it.

Meanwhile, when Mad Hat Camile heard what Smith said, she was enlightened. 'No wonder the enemy plane did not enter our detection range.'

'However, there is another problem, now. How can we destroy the enemy plane? We can't go on passive defense, right?'

'If it is on the ground, there will be no problem since Meta can take care of it. But in the air, we are at a loss since we can't attack our enemy.'

Despite how formidable Meta is, he is nothing at this moment. However, he is doing his best not to remain in that situation.

"I can give you the general location of the three ships. But the rest is up to you."

Smith's voice sounded in all.

Smith can control planes and many other things from the web. However, there is one condition to it. There must be a medium where he could transfer his commands. Otherwise, he could only helplessly spectate.


Meanwhile, three arrows appeared on one of the monitors of the D-Link plane.

Without a doubt, the arrows represented the general location of the enemy planes.


Meanwhile, from Smith's perspective, he is watching what is happening with Meta and the others from Meta's point of view.


Of all the things that can appear. Why did those three D-Link planes bring drone missiles?

Those things are troublesome. However, it does not matter as long as Meta could get near them.

Meta can be my medium to control the three D-Link planes.

However, that is better said than done.

First of all, Meta needs to evade the missiles launched by the three D-Link planes. Then, when Meta gets close, the enemy planes could also shoot energy beams.

Argh, this is frustrating.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Shit, there are those beeps again. Just how many missiles do they have? Those things are expensive!

This time, there are not only two drone missiles but there are six in total. That's not only times two of the previous wave but also plus two.

Meta! Do your best, you have all my moral support!

No matter how I want to support Meta and the others, there's nothing I can do.

If only there is a way for me to connect to those D-Link planes. But this is frustrating, I can detect them, but I can't connect to them.


⌈ Meta's System software overload! ⌋

Fuck! Of all times, why is it now? Why is Meta's system overloading? This can't be.

"System, show Meta's data log… never mind. Override 9977-A-6YTB1. Give me absolute control!"

Ha! I have no choice. Since Meta has a system overload, he can no longer move.

Now that I think about it, I wonder what caused Meta's system to overload? It can't be hardware, right? I mean, the hardware that the Apollo Tech had made is top-notch.

Is it the operating system that I created?


⌈ Override complete. The main operator is now Smith! ⌋

Ha! I'll think about that later. As of now, I will focus on the task at hand.


"Meta! What are you doing?"

"Shit! Parker, assume control!"

"Boss, I'm trying!"

"Fuck this scrap metal."

"Boss! We should jump."

"Scarlet, wait. Not yet."

What the hell is happening?

For a second after I took control of Meta's body, I was dazed while everyone is panicking.

It's not the lag of the system. But rather, it is because I am stunned. Yes, that's it. No errors in the codes or in the hardware.

Fortunately, it did not take long for me to recover.


The D-Link plane's head had already faced the earth.

What the heck is the co-pilot doing?

Although he cannot prevent this, the situation should not be this worse.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

How can this be? Oh… wait, did Meta assume all controls and denied Parker's control?

Hmm, that must be it.

How gutsy of you, Meta. Now, I have to wipe your butt.

First things first, I need to stabilize the D-Link plane.

"Revert system to normal. Grant co-pilot control."

With that, I re-granted Parker control over the plane again. However, this is already too late.

The plane is dropping head straight to the ground. Well, it's not ninety degrees to the ground, rather, it's forty degrees.

Fortunately, there are thrusters at the back. Otherwise, the plane would have already plummeted to the ground.

The thrusters of the D-Link plane are what's keeping the plane from plummeting head straight to the ground at ninety degree.

Now, this plane should have stabilizer thrusters, right?

Those thrusters are the ones that control the maneuverability of the planes as well as the positioning.

"System! Increase all thrusters' capacity to a hundred percent."

Three minutes after I took over the plane, it is no longer about to crash. However, there is another problem.


⌈ Thrusters are overheating! ⌋

Well, that can't be avoided since I used them at full capacity to salvage the situation. However, this is better than the crashing plane. This is easy to salvage.

"Revert to normal operations and activate autopilot mode."

That way, the thrusters can cool down. However, we have to work hard.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Shit! I neglected the six missiles coming this way.

"Parker! Let's work hard."

We have no choice, now, but to shoot the missiles on our own.


As the rudder of the D-Link plane opened, I and Parker positioned ourselves to shoot the incoming threats.

Fortunately, Parker is intelligent. As I hinted to him, he immediately know what to do.

Parker is aiming with his Fire God's Wrath while, on the other hand, I am also aiming with my Armageddon.

At the same time, Scarlet and Mad Hat Camile also took over piloting the ship. Or rather, they took a seat on the pilots' seats in case something happens.

Scarlet and Mad Hat Camile are both close combatants. Hence, they cannot do what Parker and I could do.

"Parker, let's shoot those scraps before they reached us," I said to Parker before concentrating on my Armageddon.