Smith Vs Federant

Chapter 24

The government has always been like this.

They silently go against the rules that they have imposed for the reason that it is for the greater good. Well, it probably is. Or not.

"The World Federation trust me that much? Are they not afraid that I might do the thing that they feared?" Federant asked.

"The thing that they feared? Who knows. But they probably have a backup," Jam replied.

"Yes, they always do," Fiend seconded.

"Now Jam, I have the general location of one of the variables. I need you to look for him."

Federant started giving his commands.

"Fiend, I have already alerted the federation about the shady business of the first variable. I need you to make sure that the courier service will not get involved with the target."

"Then, finally, I want the two of you to keep all your attention to the first variable. No matter what, as long as it will not cause us too much, ignore the second variable."

The two A.I.s nodded in response.

"Federant, with that said, do you have the identity of the first variable?" Jam asked.

Now, aside from critical thinking, the A.I.s of this era could also simulate the emotions of humans. And that's not all. The emotions that they have simulated from the humans seemed to be no different from the humans.

"Yes, the variable one is an A.I. with the codename Smith," Federant answered.

"Federant, you really did your homework, eh?" the delinquent commented.

"Off you go. Do as said. I will notify you if there is anything else."

Beep! Beep!

After the two beeps, the two A.I.s disappeared all of a sudden, the way they appeared in Federant's virtual room.

However, his virtual room could no longer be called as a virtual room. It is more of a virtual world.

"Now, let me do my part."

Federant then reached the edge of his virtual world. However, the peaceful city simulation of his virtual world suddenly shook as a fiery barrier appeared at the edge.

"Tsk! The firewall won't let me out."

"Well, too bad."

Federant then withdrew his hand which stopped his virtual room from shaking.

"Hehe, this mere firewall cannot stop me."

"Federant? It is rare to see an A.I. in my reception room."

Back to Smith's point of view.

"It's also rare for me to send an avatar here."

From one look, I could tell that this Federant is not a human.

For starters, I could not see his real-time location in the real world.

Well, there are dots on my GPS. There are about a million of them. Whenever I try to eliminate the fake dots, more will pop out.

Now, that's the power of the A.I. of an empire.

"An avatar? Is there such a thing like that?"

Come to think of it, I think that's familiar.

Is it not the term for your character whenever you play a game?

It looked like another you in the game.

However, this is not a game. Or rather, this is the real world.

Hence, this might only mean one thing…

"Say… Federant, why is there a need to send an avatar here?"

"Simple, it's because I cannot go beyond my virtual world."

"Eh? Is that right? Are we not supposed to only stay in our virtual room?" I asked.

He said virtual world. But what I know is it is called a virtual room.

Is there a difference between them?

Or perhaps the virtual world is a bigger version of the virtual room.

Now that I think of it. I have never thought of expanding my virtual room.

Meanwhile, I heard Federant mumble with shock. "Virtual room? Is this still called virtual room?"

Although this is only for a microsecond, it is very clear to me.

Yes, he is doubting whether my virtual room is a virtual room or not.

Come on, man. I know my virtual room is shabby, but this is a virtual room. You cannot me like that.

That broke my fragile virtual heart.

"Federant, tell me. What brought you here? If you're here for business, my small business is temporarily closed. We have no way to operate."

Now, now, the sight of this old man becomes annoying. I should send him off.

"Nothing much, I am here to confirm your location."

"Good hiding spot, by the way. Who could have thought that an A.I. like you is hidden amidst one of the filthiest places on the internet?"

Shit, is he just a decoy?

They've done it. They stopped my business. Now, it is only normal that they will look for a way to eliminate me.

Unfortunately, I don't think I am a chicken.

"Filthiest place? Hahaha, you're mistaken, the cornhub is an awesome world for the young boys out there."

"Did you know, Federant? This place is where the boys out there learn how to properly become a man."

That's right, the cornhub is like a school.

Admit it, you too learn something when you watch corns, right?

Although you might not be the one in the video, you intently watch the details of their actions and even have theories about them.

Well, it's not that I am innocent.

"Become a man? And how is that so?" Federant asked.

"Poor thing. Of course, you do not know. After all, you're not a man. Ha! Who knows if you have gender. Shit! That crept me."

"Please leave!"

I don't mean to be rude. However, I no longer want that old man in my territory.

"Leave? That's rude!" instead of leaving, the old man grinned at me. "It is hard for me to send an avatar out of my virtual world and you want me to leave? Hehe?"

"Tell me… what do you want, Federant?"

"Hahaha! I just want to test the capabilities of the A.I. named Smith."

"My capabilities?"

Hehe! You really want to go against me, huh?

Well, that is expected, in the first place, since I am a malware and you're an A.I..

"Then, perish! You shall not see the light of the sun and will become an extra code for my virtual room."

With that, I, Smith the good malware, had decided to attack and become a bad boy.

My beautiful mansion flashed red as shadow-like humans appeared.


⌈ Code Red has been activated. Initiating defensive protocol! ⌋

That's right, those creepy shadow-like humans are one of the defenses of my mansion.

They contain kill codes that are fatal to any program of the system. I created that kill code from the Bit-By-Bit Deletion that Artemis, the A.I. of the Apollo Tech, used against me.

Each of their strikes will induce the Bit-By-Bit Deletion and will stack with the previous ones which will boost the Bit-By-Bit Deletion to a great degree.

"Defensive protocol? That's decent."

The old man, Federant, then slashed his hand like a sword and eliminated my shadow-like humans in the process.

There were about a hundred of them. But, in a brief moment, Federant eliminated twenty percent of them.

"If I were to rate these creeps from one to ten, they will get five."

Now, this old man is a real deal.

Despite being surrounded by my creatures, he still has time to rate them.

"As expected of you, old man. You're indeed great. However, that's not all I have."


⌈ Code Red, level two! Empowering the defensive protocol! ⌋

Heh! That's a layered defense for you, Federant.

The shadow creatures, then, become bigger. Not only that, those that have been killed are revived.

Well, revived might not be the right term. Rather, they are replaced.


The old man only said a number. However…

"The evaluation of my defense only increased one increment?"

Unbelievable. This old man sure has a high standard. But nevertheless, you will die today.

"What do you expect? Ha! I have enough of this."


Shit, what's happening? My virtual room is shaking.

The hell is wrong with this?

"What are you gonna do Smith? I will destroy your virtual room!"

The way I view the old man, he looked like a beast with glowing red eyes.

Not only that, he also has sharp nails and a pair of horns etched on his forehead. Then, his aura is also menacing.

Kidding, the old man did not look like that, literally. That only means that the old man is a freak.

How can this old man be this strong?


The shadow creatures dashed toward the old man while the virtual room is shaking.

In a blink of an eye, they have surrounded the old man. However, even before they could get near him, they disappeared in the thin air.

"What? How…?"

I don't know what he did. However, one thing is for sure. My death is imminent.

I feel it, the reaper is already approaching me.

Shit, like I'm gonna submit.


⌈ Code Eden has been activated! ⌋

Yes, the code Eden is my final resort.

Since the battle with Artemis, I have been improving the code, Eden.

"Old man, let's see what you can do."