X Grizzly 2

Chapter 29

It did not take long before they could reach their destination.

The plane which they rode is a D-Link plane. After they are sent to their destination, the plane immediately went back to the sky city.

At the same time, X Grizzly and Grey's scouting ended there. But that did not stop X Grizzly from silently observing Grey.

"According to the report, this man named Grey is a close combatant. He is good at martial arts. But… there is something that's telling me that there is more of this man," X Grizzly silently studied the mute-shit silent man from his peripheral vision.

"I'm sure of it, I have met many people and my assumption about them is always close to what I say."

After a few seconds, X Grizzly no longer cared about Grey. Rather, he stood and prepared his things.

"Grey, can you help the new recruit carry his loads? I don't think he's strong enough with those scrawny muscles," the vice platoon leader said.

"Not strong? Vice-captain, I may look thin, but my muscles are filled with raw power." X Grizzly flexed his muscles.

However, before X Grizzly could finish what he is saying, Grey had already carried his loads.

"Eh? Wait, that's mine."

Each of the 35 members of the platoon has their own goods to carry. The gunners carry their guns, their ammunition as well as their beddings while the close combatants carry everything else like the military equipment and some other things.

"Grey, let me carry them…"

X Grizzly tried to get his items back from Grey, but the latter did not even look at him.

"Hahaha! This new recruit is funny."

Indeed, most of the older members found X Grizzly amusing. It's like having a kid in the house. But they too knew that the kid could not be underestimated.

"Let's camp here for tonight."

After a few minutes of walking, they found a good place for them to camp.

Then, it did not take long for the unit to build a small camp.

It is the typical military camp out there. They erected their tents and prepared most of the things for the night.

They then built a small bonfire and positioned themselves around it to warm themselves.

This might not be much, but for the military stationed in the wild, this is comfort.

The night is for them to rest. However, this cannot truly be called rest.

As a member of the military, they knew that they should be vigilant at all times. Otherwise, they could lose their life at any moment.

Meanwhile, the night passed, and the sun rose again.

The day is for them to work. Some of them cooked while the others patrolled. And among them, X Grizzly is paired with Grey again.

They went out to patrol the surroundings and look for a suitable place for X Grizzly to snipe.

They are looking for either tall trees or a cliff.

"Grey, this place looks good," X Grizzly said as he climbed a tall tree that they had found.

"Grey, come on, climb."

X Grizzly called Grey. But as expected, Grey did not respond.

"Eh? You don't want to?"

By now, X Grizzly is already used to Grey's silence.

"Well, I'll enjoy the view myself. Just wait for me."

X Grizzly positioned himself at the top of the tree and put on his binoculars.

Then, after he confirmed that this place is a good place for him, he kept his binoculars and readied his sniper, instead.

His sniper is a classic sniper, the Sniper-B927. It does not fire plasma beams. Rather, it fires a classic bullet.

But although it is called a classic bullet, it is not like the bullets that we know. It could not only fire in a straight line.

It has the so-called guided shot feature.

The bullet could be controlled to deviate from its original trajectory for as much as twenty degrees. Of course, the efficiency of the guided shot depends on the user.

"Hmm, let's see. The mountain. The camp. The town."

"Everything is good."

After ensuring everything was in range, X Grizzly got down the tree.

"Grey, don't just sleep there. Let's go."

But despite saying that, X Grizzly sat down on the floor to catch his breath.

"Whooo! Climbing a tree with these is sure tiring."

Despite X Grizzly talking too much, Grey simply looked at him.

"Three minutes, let's go."

X Grizzly looked at the time.

Three minutes is the duration of his rest. It did not mean anything. It's just a hobby.

"We're back!"

After a while, X Grizzly and Grey arrived at the camp.

Then, at this moment…

"Right on time, let's eat."

"Hmmm, smells good," X Grizzly sniffed which made his stomach sound.

"You're really hungry, huh?"

"Go on and eat."

The cook of the platoon is not a man.

Right, the platoon did not only contain men. It also has women. However, the women could not really be called such.

They are fierce and could barely be considered as such.

If not for their p***y and their b**bs, they could have been no different than a man.

Truth to be told, some of the men are rather insecure about the women in the camp. But after thinking that they did not have a sword of glory, those insecurities would disappear.

Day and night passed in the blink of an eye.

Then, at dawn, the leader of the platoon received a message from the headquarters.

Hence, he immediately gathered everyone.

"Leader, what's up?" The vice leader asked.

"I received a message from the headquarters."

That made everyone silent.

Initially, they are told to stay there for some time. But now, they had just stayed for a day and there is already a word from the World Federation.

"Is it dire?" Mar, the cook of the platoon, asked.

Initially, they are to prepare to reinforce the frontline, and since they have received word from the World Federation this early, everyone assumed that the situation is dire.

They are all wearing solemn expressions.

"What is that expression? Don't worry. Everything is okay. In fact, it is very good… very good that we have so much time."

Hearing the words of the platoon leader, everybody heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hence, the headquarters gave us a mission to pass our time," Nate, the platoon leader, continued.

And with that, everyone is staring at Nate with eager eyes.

"We are to patrol the cities of the region and report the oddities."

"Eh? What?"

Initially, everyone is eager, but hearing the details, their expressions changed.

"Are they serious? There are about who knows how many cities are in this region," Sam, the vice platoon leader complained.

Looking for oddities is not much of a problem. But all the cities… well, that's not easy. Especially since they could be called to reinforce at any moment.

"Sigh! Well, there is nothing we can do. It's not like we can defy the orders."

In the next second, Sam could only sigh as he realized his position.

"You're right, Sam. We could indeed not defy the orders. We are not in a position to do so."

With that, they departed after they kept all their things.

Region 492A has seven cities.

The number is not big. But the problem is that each of the cities has a great area despite being in the outskirts.

Even with all of them, they could not patrol the whole city in a short time. And if they split up, they would take even more time.

Hence, what they needed to do now is to slack.

Indeed, right. They don't have to worry much about the details. All they had to report is the details that could be caught at a moment's notice.

Meanwhile, in one of the cities of Region 492A, the Fire Tooth City, Smith the good malware is having an ordinary life.

It was so ordinary that he had to activate the power-saving mode while working.

Moreover, Smith's work is super ordinary. He is fixing low-scaled weapons and some other things in the city.

Now, there is nothing odd to that except that Smith looked more expensive than the shop that he is working in.

In fact, if a burglar is to steal in the shop, the thing that they would surely steal is Smith.

Well, that could not be avoided since Smith's chassis is made of high-level ores from Apollo Tech.

Furthermore, Smith's chassis has an exquisite design and fine curves.

If the higher-ups of Apollo Tech saw the robot that they made in this lowly place, they would surely cough out blood.

"Okay, this one's done."

Smith said as he finished tinkering with one of the weapons.

"You sure work fast," the owner of the shop complimented him.

"Well, that could not be avoided. I am running low on energy and the gains are barely keeping me active. Hence, I need to work fast."

"Sigh! Why don't you go to a better shop? I don't think my shop deserves you," the shop owner said.

"Owner, don't say that. This is the most suitable shop for me. My skills are bad and I need to learn."

Smith knows that he might have offended the shop owner. Hence, he tried to amend it. But what he said nearly made the shop owner cough out blood.

"Heck, with that…? That's good as new."

Smith's works are almost perfect. It is no different from when it is new. Or at least that's according to the clients.