The Oracle Stone

Chapter 32

After Mad Hat Camile's encounter with her dad, she felt like a big and thick thorn was relieved from her throat. At the same time, the weight in her heart every time she sees her father is no longer there.

However, it is not the same for her father.

After Mad Hat Camile got out of the room, Raphael O'Heron also did his work.

"Artemis, call the other board of directors for a meeting."

With that, a familiar lady appeared.

If Smith was here, he would probably known who this lady is.

Well, it is none other than the A.I. that he first fought after he was reincarnated as a computer malware, which is none other than Artemis, the A.I. of the Apollo Tech.

"Director O'Heron, what is the agenda for the meeting?" Artemis asked.

"Simple, we have to sully the operation of the World Federation. They have gone too far in abusing the powers that they possess," Raphael O'Heron said.

"Should I put that on the agenda, sir?"

Of course, Raphael would not like that on the agenda. Hence…

"The agenda will be re-discussing the future plans of Apollo Tech."

That's more likely.

But of course, that is not simple as it seems. He needs a good reason for that. Otherwise, the other directors would question him. Or worse, they will not heed him anymore in the future.

If that happens, that would be akin to being stripped of his power. And by that time, he would surely be unable to help his daughter. He would not be able to show the love that he deprived of his daughter for a long time now.

That is Raphael O'Heron's concern of all. He did not care much about anything else.

Meanwhile, it did not take a long time for the meeting to happen.

The other directors immediately agreed. And so, the meeting started the next day after Raphael called for a meeting.

Of course, the meeting will be held face to face.

"Raphael, long time no see."

Raphael was greeted by one of the directors as entered the meeting room.

"Long time no see, Romana."

The meeting room is located at the main building of the Apollo Tech in the territory of the World Federation. It is in the same building as the office sir John, the CEO of Apollo Tech.

"How's your daughter?" Romana asked Raphael.

"She is fine. Goodness, she had now made something big in her life."

Raphael is not ashamed of what his daughter did.

Meanwhile, Raphael and Romana's small talk lasted for a while until all the other board of directors arrived.

All in all, there is five board of directors plus there is also the CEO of the company.

Of course, in the board meeting, the CEO needed to be present. Unless the board tried to overpower the CEO. But that does not happen all the time. Or rather, at least, not at this time.

"Shall we start?"

It was sir John, the CEO of the company who asked.

"Okay. Artemis, open the presentation for today.

With that, the meeting started.

There are many things that Raphael presented- their sales that are going down which was affected by the World Federation controlling the market because of the war.

Then, there are more. But all in all, what Raphael presented are but small issues. However, on the next slide, all the small things are justified as the 'real reason' appeared.

"The oracle stone is the target of the World Federation and the northern alliance…"

Meanwhile, back at the Fire Tooth City, Smith has been forced into labor.

Mar and the others threatened him with a hundred energy units.

Of course, that is not much, but for Smith who currently has no income, that is already a lot. Besides, it is simple.

"All I need to do is to scan the surroundings and point out oddities, right?"

Smith asked.

"Simple, right? If you can do that, you will have a hundred Energy Units," Mar said with a smile.

Mar's smile should be cute. But Smith did not find it cute. Not even for a bit.

However, when she took out the energy capsule, it is a different story.

Smith's eyes gleamed as he says, "you know what? You look pretty."

A simple gesture, but this made Mar grin.

"I know. Now, get to work and I will give you the money."

"No, give me half and I will start working right away."

"Sly fox." The others inwardly thought.

They understood what Smith wants.

Smith wants to ensure that he will be paid. At the same time, he is also threatening them that he will not work if he will not be paid half of the original payment.

But with that in mind, Mar and the others could not help but wonder if Smith is not afraid of them or perhaps he is just clueless about their capabilities.

Mar, Grizzly, Ronan, Nate, and Grey looked at each other.

However, with just that look, they made a short conversation.

"Meta, we have a question," Nate spoke after that.

"Hmm, what is it? If you're trying to negotiate, that's my only requirement and that would not change."


Nate and the others could not help but look at each other.

"Look, do you think I don't know? The military might be powerful but surely, they will not kill and meek citizen like me. You know, I am just trying to earn Energy Units to keep living."

"Is that it? We understood. No need to explain."

Indeed, they understood.

"We get what you meant. Hehe. Now, answer our question."

Nate said while holding onto his pulse pistol and his throwing knife.

"When did the World Federation consider robots as their citizens? And… what is a robot like you doing in this place?"

Finally, they asked it.


Smith could not help but wonder what was wrong with him. "Is my cover blown? I think I made a very good job."

At the same time, he forgot one thing. He is no longer a human.

The job that Smith is doing is not that difficult for him. In fact, it was too easy and he could do it in a blink of an eye. But for the sake of his cover, he had to do it very slowly.

However, what he did not notice is that his speed is still fast. At the same time, his work is also better than those said of the same rank as him.

"Well, well, well, this is rather lousy for the northern alliance. In just one look, we had blown your cover."

When Smith heard that, he could not help but to sigh inwardly. "Shit, that scared me, I thought I am already found. But since that is the case… hehe."

"Me? Do I look like from the Northern Alliance?" Smith asked.

"Yes. The way you act, the way look, it is the same as those from the northern alliance."


Smith tried to retort. But he was shut silent when the five pointed their guns towards him.

"Woah, Woah, those things are dangerous," Smith said.

He sounds panicking at the same time not.

His reaction is the same as the father's when their son aimed something dangerous at them.

He acts afraid but he isn't.

"If you're really afraid, power off and we'll let you go unharmed."

"Unharmed? Really? Then…"

When the others heard it, they smiled with one thing in mind, "naïve robot."

However, Smith's next words stunned them.

"…unfortunately, I can't do that."

As Smith said that, he raised his hand. Then, the next thing that happened felt like a scene from the marvel cinematic universe whenever Thor throws Mjolnir and returns to him.

However, in Smith's case, he did not throw anything but there is something that came back to him.

It is his weapon that came back- the Armageddon.

"I just hid for a while, but trouble came looking for me. Well, this is also good since I have found many other uses of the Armageddon."

Smith did not stay idle in all those moments. Aside from doing a job, he is also studying the Armageddon remotely.

And the thing that he found is that he could customize it. And what happened just not is the result of his customization- the return home feature.

Of course, that did not come without a cost. He injected some Energy Units before he left it somewhere.

He can't be always carrying the Armageddon, right? Not especially in his work.

If he did that, he would have blown his cover earlier.

"It seemed that you really are not one of us," Mar said.

At the same time, Nate gave his command.


With that, the plasma beams came flying towards Smith.

Not only that but there are also the throwing knives that each of them aside from Grizzly threw.


Smith did not hesitate to shoot a wave of the Plasma Counter-Shock from the Armageddon.

Ad wit that, the plasma beams are resolved. However, the throwing knives are still there.

Still, they pose no threat to Smith.

He dodged them brilliantly.

If one looked from afar, one could see that Smith is dodging the throwing knives in the least move possible.

He is dodging breadths away.