
Chapter 38

"Tell us what is with that barrier."

Claire asked the question Grizzly is expecting her to ask.

Meanwhile, Grizzly remained silent for a while. If possible, he did not want to answer the question. But looking at the ladies…

"There's not much I know about this barrier."

…Grizzly answered.

The three ladies were puzzled and did not think that Grizzly is telling the truth.

"Eh? How is that possible?" Midnight Michelle asked which was seconded by Crazy Eye Dona.

"Lies will not help you. Tell us the truth."

But contrary to what they think, Grizzly is not lying.

"If you don't believe it, I don't have the obligation to convince you."

At this moment, Grizzly opened his wings again and flapped them.

It has already been a few minutes since his wings are damaged. And with the self-healing feature of the wings, he could now use it. But he would not be able to use them for rigorous flying.

Meanwhile, back at Smith's point of view…

Smith entered another one of the cities on the outskirts of the World Federation's territory.

The city is not big. However, that is enough for him to hide for a while. Unfortunately, he would not be able to recover the Energy Units that he had used from a battle previously.

And as time passes by that Smith is unable to replenish his Energy Units, he grows more and more anxious and desperate.

However, he is not desperate enough to do the unnecessary thing.

Meanwhile, at this moment, Smith is walking in the forest with his power saving turned on. He is on his way to someplace where he would be able to gain Energy Units.

Smith is passing through dark alleys where some teens do their things with the other teens.

"Desperate. Horny."

And seeing them, Smith only has two words for them.

Indeed, he thought that those teens are desperate and horny.

Well, they could have s*x somewhere else. However, they did it here.

Furthermore, they did not mean to hide it. They kept doing it even when Smith passes not too far away from them.

However, the more that Smith thought of it, there must be an explanation.

"Perhaps they think that this is okay since I am a robot," Smith said in a low voice.

With that thought, Smith is not sure if he should be glad or not. Glad, because he gets to watch live porn for free. On the other hand, he would not be glad as the 'fuckers' treated him as a thing.

Nevertheless, Smith did not stay there for long. He left and continued for his real destination which it to look for an Arena and seize some Energy Units that are put to bet.

"A robot."

Meanwhile, at this moment, a burly man holding a wench went up to him with his group.

"Look here, an expensive-looking robot. I think its parts could sell at a high price."

There is no need to ask for their intention. The leader of the group, the burly man holding a wench, said it out loud.

"Boss, we hit it. Jackpot."

The others also cheered as they saw Smith in good condition. However, there is one among them that did not look good as he looked at Smith.

"Wait… wait…, before you…"

He wanted to warn the others but they ignored him.

"Take it down."

Meanwhile, his team, along with their leader no longer hesitated and began attacking Smith.


Seeing them, Smith could not help but stare coldly.

There were about five of them and they did not have proper weapons.

Taking them down is not hard. However, what irritates Smith is that this happened while he is in power-saving mode.

"These bastards."

Smith was furious. And with that, he began his massacre without considering their lives. He does not care. He is alone anyway.

He did not have someone whom he could trust. But at the same time, he did not have responsibility.

Things have pros and cons. However, Smith did not have leisure time to think of that.

He let the blood of the five men nourish the ground making his components also bloody since he did not use his Armageddon and used only his fist.

Meanwhile, the battle could not be considered a battle. Instead, it is a massacre. From the very start, it is already clear that the five men did not have a chance to win against Smith and the result of the battle has already been concluded.

After Smith killed the men, he looked around to see if there are witnesses.

He is unafraid that he would be found. But what he was doing is to avoid trouble if possible because if he avoided them, he would also be able to better conserve his energy.

Meanwhile, it did not take a long time before Smith could arrive at his destination.

His destination is an underground Arena.

"Whose robot is that?"

"Is he fighting the Arena?"

"Whoever owns it must have been a maniac."

"It does not matter, I will bet on him."

"Let's see what that bloody robot could do."

As Smith arrived, the crowd looked at him and received various comments and compliments. However, Smith did not care about any of those.

He scanned the place right away and looked for the registration desk.

After a few hours, Smith is already on the stage ready to fight.

Some from the crowd are cheering for him while the others are jeering.

Then, on his opposite, there is another robot. Without a doubt, that is his opponent. However, unlike him, his opponent seemed to have a master that is watching him.

In fact, Smith could even sense some signals that are in sync with his opponent.

However, Smith could not be bothered by it.

He knew that those signals would give him an advantage in this fight.

"From the red corner, let's welcome the Scarlet Metal. He came to fight in this Arena in the pleasure of blood."

the Scarlet Metal is none other than Smith. He chose that name because of the blood on his chassis.

"From the blue corner, we have the Robot Lord. He is…"