Another Fight

Chapter 40

While Smith was thinking about his power, time did not wait for him. It continued to flow. Fortunately, it did not take him long to wake up from his state.

"For the next round, we will have Scarlet Metal from the blue corner."

The announcer declared, which garnered the cheers of the crowd.

Smith will be fighting in the same ring but with a different opponent. Most spectators are the same, with only a few percent added. Or they could even be the replacement for the ones that have left the Arena begrudgingly.

"From the red corner, we have The Carpenter!"

The moment that Smith looked at his opponent, he knew that the announcer of the Arena was not lying.

His opponent's right hand is replaced with a saw, while the left hand is replaced with a mallet.

The Carpenter is indeed a carpenter. However, The Carpenter is not made for construction or for carpentry. Well, depending on how you define carpentry.

If carpentry means hammering people to their death or chopping their heads off with a saw, then The Carpenter is made for carpentry.

Meanwhile, Smith is in trouble at this moment. His Energy Units had gone lesser as the previous battle cost him a bit. And it would cost more at this round.

Furthermore, looking at his opponent, he could tell that The Carpenter is made for killing. It could be said that The Carpenter is a specialist robot who is made to kill.

"Everyone, have you placed your bets?"

At this moment, the announcer once again asked the spectators if the bets were down.

He would not forget of that thing. As an announcer, it is his job to make sure that all spectators have placed their bets because the main income of the Arena come from the bets of its spectators.

"From the blue corner, we have a newcomer who gained a bit of popularity. And from the right corner, we have The Carpenter that is much more famous than Scarlet Metal."

"Now, we will witness a fierce battle between them."

"Prepare your eyes not to blink because the fight will surely be fierce."


After the announcer spoke, the dinging sound was heard, symbolizing the match's official start.

Meanwhile, Smith and The Carpenter remained glued to where they were.

They did not move. Not even a step.

All they did was stare at one another like lovers who had not seen each other for a long time.

And indeed, if they were not in the ring, the crowd would have believed in the romance between robots. However, the ironic thing is that they are on the ring, ready to decapitate the head of the other.

That is especially true for The Carpenter that has a saw in his right hand and a mallet in his left hand.

"Who do you think will win this time?"

Meanwhile, as Smith and The Carpenter are busy studying each other, the spectators are also busy with their things.

They are discussing whether it is Smith who'll win or The Carpenter.

"The Carpenter would surely win."

"Indeed. Look at Scarlet Metal. He looked like a butler robot."

"No, you can't say that. Scarlet Metal had, after all, won his previous battle beautifully."

Some are against Smith, while some are in his favor.

"True, he looked gentle, but have you forgotten that you cannot judge a book by its cover?"

"Huh! There is no judgment in there. That is pure truth."

Those that are in favor of Smith cannot be convinced. And likewise, those that are in favor of The Carpenter could not also see from the perspective of those in favor of Smith.

And that might bring a battle between the spectators on the bleachers.

Fortunately, the action began right before anything untoward happened on the bleachers.


The chainsaw on The Carpenter's right hand started while The Carpenter itself began to dash towards Smith.


That scene made the spectators excited. However, none of them uttered a single word because they knew the exciting part was yet to come.

Meanwhile, Smith also did not stay idle. He channeled some of his Energy Units into his arms and legs to prepare to counter whatever came to him.


Meanwhile, The Carpenter slashed his rotating saw at Smith as he arrived close to him.

Unfortunately for The Carpenter, Smith dodged his attack without much effort. That made the spectators awe whether they were in Smith's favor or not.

However, what confused them was if Smith could easily dodge The Carpenter's attack, why did he not attack?

Indeed, Smith did not attack. Instead, he backed up for a few meters and kept that distance away from The Carpenter.

With that, the awe Smith had garnered from everyone turned into a jeer.


However, Smith did not care about their jeers at all.

His attention is all focused on The Carpenter.

He is either studying The Carpenter or doing something else.

However, none of the spectators understand it. It could be said that it is also the same for the readers.

Meanwhile, the fight between The Carpenter and Smith becomes boring.

The Carpenter kept attacking while Smith did not attack at all. It could even be said that the battle is no longer a battle but a training session.

However, in the next second, an unexpected thing happened.

After Smith reached a certain distance, he no longer moved. He stood still like a tree rooted in the place while The Carpenter kept pressing towards him.

"That's right! Stop dodging and fight!"

We did not bet for you to do nothing!"

"Kill him, Carpenter. He had decided to face his death!"

"Shred him into pieces."

"Turn him into a nail."

"Plunge him into the earth."

The spectators kept saying what they wanted.

They are all in favor of Smith stopping and fighting the carpenter.

At that moment, they were all hyped. The scene which they had been waiting had arrived.


