I'm currently sitting alone in a white room,I don't even know if it a room,more like a really big place because no mater how much I walk I can't find the end of this shit.I don't even understand how I got here,the only thing I remember was saving some random kid from getting hit by a truck,yea literally the driver lost control of the truck and was about to hit a kid and of me like a true hero I jump and saved the kid but I got hit by the truck instead.Yea just kidding I didn't saved the child,fuck that Lil shit I didn't care about him,some dude seeing that a truck was about to hit us pushed me down and run,it was just me and the child so i just push the kid out the way because if I were to die I didn't wanted to die whit a little shit . Yea that it,no heroism shit,I just didn't wanted to bee seen as 'the guy who died whit a child' more like 'the guy who died saving a child' pretty cool right.So yea,after being hit by the truck I start seeing my life,not much really,I'm kinda disappointed in myself.I had a pretty lovely family,I even had a girlfriend but we broke up after a year because she didn't liked that I spent more time reading and watching anime than whit her,I had a small group of friends noting much,my looks were average so I wasn't very popular whit woman's.I didn't had much dreams, more like getting a job,a place and then spend my money on weed.My life was really boring if I had to say it,well I least i didn't die a virgin,pretty proud of that. Oo yea and my name was Matthew.
Soo now I was sitting in the ground thinking about all the things a did and all the novels that I didn't finish,I'm pretty sad about that,they were pretty good.After I while I suddenly hear a voice : > " Did you finish watching your boring life?,because I did."
>" I did "
after hearing that I look in the direction of the voice I saw a tall man,his body a combination of white and black energy,pretty cool If you think about it.
>" Well that pretty rude, well the answer for your question it's name that you mortals give me 'God'"
The only thing I want it you!
suddenly he starts laughing loud
< Matthew> " Wow man really,I really didn't expected that,was it that truck that fuck me up on the street? " I said sarcastically
< God > " ok....well the deal it's that you will have to entertain me "
< Matthew> " like a lap dance or.... how does that work ?"
< God > " Well if you make the deal whit me I will send you to different worlds by my enjoyment and you will have to entertain me in that world"
< Matthew> " So your saying that your sending me to a different word and I will have to entertain you whit my actions? "
< God > "Yes"
< Matthew > "sounds gay but ok,so how do I sign the contract/deal that your saying?"
and then they both shake hands
< God> " Good know that you sight the deal the only thing we have to do know it's to make preparations. I have to sent you to a world where to start your foundation about how the world works."
After a while he says " After I thinking a little, the perfect world that will help you in your journey it's the so called " Naruto world" or the " shinobii world ", you have 2 wishes, but remember you can't wish for powers that will destroy that world."
< God> " of course,we're will be the fun if you won't do that?. Now tell me your wishes."
< Matthew> " Well for my first wish i was going to ask for affinity will all chakra nature's but i can solve this problem in the future so i will ask for perfect chakra control and for my second wish it's that I want to have the permanently effects of the drug NZT-48 but without the side effects."
and suddenly Matthew soul gets sucked by a black hole and disappeared.
[ hello guys,this is the first chapter of the novel,tell me what do you guys think till now about it and if you have any questions please say in the comments. Bye Bye ]