Chapter 3. Getting acquainted with everything

After the Third Hokage left,I was currently acting sleeping because I know people are spying on me since I know that from the 'canon' and because my instincts were telling me so.While I was pretending sleeping I was thinking about my wishes that I got from God and how they can help me.

   The first wish was perfect chakra control,this wish will help me a lot in the future.

     The second wish was the permanently effects of the drug NZT-48, I start recalling all the information I read in my past life about this drug:

       NZT is a nootropic drug that enhances human memory and intelligence while acting as a nearly perfect antidepressant and anxiolytic. Dealers claim it unlocks 100% of the brain, referencing the oft-repeated myth that only "10%" of our brains are normally used. It increases intelligence to superhuman levels and results in perfect recall for the extent of its activity..practical a more cooler sharingan

    And this are not the only benefits,they are: hypermind(high level intelligence); perfect recall; instant learning ; superhuman charisma( will make  you a Jade beauty) ; superhuman dexterity(perfect muscle control) ; multi-tasking; superhuman instincts  and few others. 

     The best wish was the second one because will help me in my future plans.

     After thinking about future plans,I fall asleep because I was kinda tired from everything.

      The next day I suddenly wake up because someone just barget in my hospital room and make me wake up. After i wake up and look  at the person who enter,it was a man who looked in his yearly 30,his face was kinda ugly and was wearing some white robe,probably what doctors are wearing. He looks and me and says in a annoying and rude way " Good,  you wake up,get ready for a check up and get the hell out here" I look at him calmly and start preparing while thinking ' rude bastart,that's how you talk whit children? you ugly pice a shit,bet you don't even get bitches,ugly ass bitch.' That's what I was thinking whit a calm smile on my face while he was doing the check up. After everything it's done, he look at me and says " Your good,get your staff and leave  "    When he says that I look around and take the only thing that I had, it was a ugly wallet frog who was actually still having a little money in it. ' I guess I should start my first step in the plan'. After I got out of hospital, I start walking the Konoha streets,it was full of people,family's whit children and merchants trying to sell their stuff. I was looking around and admiring of how beautiful everything looks. After a few minutes I couldn't help but notice of how people where looking at me whit all the hate and disgust .Parents were telling their children to stay away from me,but I couldn't hive a shit about them, they all gonna die when Nagato whill atack the city or when the Forth ninja world war will start, all this weak pice of shits will die as cannon folders. But I still have to do something about this,I am getting to much unwanted attention and will fuck all of my plans.

     When I arrived in front of the door of my so called 'house ' everywhere was trowed trash and on the walls of the house it was wrote " die " and "devil " ,'  I still can't imagine how canon Naruto could go through all this shit and still  trying to save  everyone". Entering the house all I saw was a lot of mess. Unwashed clothes,trash trown everywhere,boxes whit a lot of unpacked clothes. It took me around one hour to finish everything. Now the house was clean  I went to take a shower,  ' Cold water hà? I guess I was asking for to much' I thought to myself and continue washing my body,after taking a shower i could tell why Hinata wait so much after Naruto, ' This kid it's just 5 years old and already have a soft 3 inch pp, We my friend , we are gonna make so many women happy'!! . After getting out the shower, I took a pair of black pants a white T-shirt and a red and black jacket, ' I need to burn that 'OG' orange traing suit,it's making me mad just looking at him,it's literally saying ' look at me,I'm here' I still can't believe he was wearing this shit.Now let's start the first phase of the plan,learning the transformation jutsu.

[ hi guys,tell me what do you think about this chapter and if you guys want to add something to the story just tell in the comments. Thanks for reading my shit 🙏 ☺ ]