Chapter 5. Training

[ hi guys sorry I didn't post 2 chapter's today,I had some work to do and didn't have time to write, right now it's 0:07 in my so basically this chapter it's for yesterday. I will post another 2 chapter's today so don't worry, I won't drop this fan-fic. Im realy sorry for the inconvenience and please enjoy the chapter ]

It's currently 5 in the morning,Naruto just wake up,took a shower and eat some leftovers from last night ' Well this sucks. I really need to buy some healthy food and since I don't have much money I will have to use the old ways. ' he thought as he prepared for his morning workout.

        Last night he made training program for himself and was based on few steps:

  1. Morning training: starts to run a tour around Konoha, and do one-punch man training while using the transformation jutsu to not have any problems.

2.  Chakra training: pshical training like walking on trees and water and mental training by meditation and burning chakra continuously.

3. Its learning taijutsu and shurikenjutsu.

   ' Learning taijutsu and shurikenjutsu will be kinda hard by I have a plan for it so I'm good, now I only have to focus on strengthening my body.'

      After a few hours Naruto finished his training and took a bath. After finishing his bath he chose some clothes to wear and went out to buy some groceries. ' Since I have so little money left I'll have to rely on stealing , I can buy some rice and meat whit this money but the rest will have to be stolen. Well it's a good thing that I have  experience in that since when I was in high school I thought stealing was fun, good for me, bad for them I guess. "

    And that's what he did,he bought as much as he could with the money he had, more like rice and meat because its hard to steal them, and for the vegetables,he didn't had a problem with that,since it was morning and every woman was out shopping, they were easy prey, Naruto come back home whit full bags .

       'Now that I've made sure I have food for a few days, I can finally focus on training'  and just like that a few weeks passed.

       Naruto was currently doing his morning work out but he was not alone,next to him was  the person named  'Might guy' or ' Konoha blue beast', he meet  him a few days ago because he was imprest by his 'youth' and wanted to join Naruto in his ' youth journey ' . Because all of this was a part of his plan, Naruto start  begging Might Guy to teach him taijutsu and he of course accepted,he couldn't 'extinguish the flame of youth'  of this young man soul so he accepted to train him in his free time .

       After finishing their work out ,they start a taijutsu fight, even thought they only start training in taijutsu 2 weeks ago, everything that 'Might sensei' was teaching Naruto  was being absorbed in a fast peace ' This kid has a lot of talent,he's learning everything i teach him really fast ,  he even started wearing the suit I gave him, even though he dyed it black and wears clothes on top of it it's still a good start. ' thought 'Might Guy' as he corrected Naruto's small mistakes that he was doing.

      After a few months passed , the snow began to fall,It was currently the Rinne Festival, it was the most beautiful day of the children's lives, some boast to others of the gifts they have received and they competed with each other to see who has the coolest gifts. What the kids didn't know that someone already had plans for their gifts.


    [ I'm sorry that this chapter it's so short I didn't had much time to make a bigger one. I will try making longer chapter's in the future. Bye Bye ]