35 – Her life over mine

Akane is looking at Sei looking at his portal.

AKANE: Want to try it again?

SEI: I would, but I don't know what to do.

AKANE: We'll figure it out. I'll help.

Sei smiles. Then they work on it and she helps him. Mira comes in.

MIRA: Hey Sei! Do you have a minute?

SEI: Yes, but be quick.

MIRA: Come with me.

Sei leaves Akane and goes with Mira.

MIRA: I found something interesting.

SEI: Uuuu really? What is it?

MIRA: The healing water that Akane has... It's in her DNA.

A 3D projection shows the stucture of the water and Akanes DNA.

MIRA: The facinating thing is that it's not like the same element that's in the water is in her blood. No, her body is full of that water. It's sound weird, but somehow it's true.

SEI: That is facinating.

MIRA: You know what is even more facinating. The other Vulmones don't have it. She's something special.

SEI: It's got to be from when she fell in that lake.

MIRA: And that's why her eyes glow and that glowing purple light is probably because of that!

Sei hugs Mira.

SEI: Mira you're a genius!

MIRA: We should tell Akane.

SEI: Yeah, let's go!

Akane is looking at the portal.

AKANE: Perl?

PERL: Yes, miss Akane?

AKANE: Can you start the portal?

PERL: But last time it didn't work.

AKANE: I know... But can you still start it?

PERL: I can, wait a minute.

She activates the portal. Akane lifts her hand.

PERL: Miss Akane, are you sure it will work?

She barley whispers.

AKANE: I don't know.

She touches it and pushes her hand in. Her hand disapperas.

AKANE: It's working...

Mira and Sei burst in.

SEI: No way... Akane how did you?

Akane slowly pulls her hand out.

AKANE: I don't know...

Sei comes closer and puts his hand in, but his doesn't disappear.

SEI: I don't understand.

Anako tries again, but her hand disappears.

MIRA: It works on her.

AKANE: I can go in and find out what happened to your parents.

SEI: No!

AKANE: What?

SEI: I can't let you go. You don't know what will happen to you?

MIRA: And if it would work on you. Would you just go in without knowing what may happen to you?

SEI: Yes. But I can't let Akane go.

MIRA: Do you even value your life?

SEI: I do but... It's her life over mine.