

"Everything's going to be okay."

Leo kept thinking about what his brother told him. He didn't ask either and just assumed that he just wanted him to feel better.

"Let's go. It might rain on our way there." Felix said.

Leo grabbed the flowers and umbrella and closed the door. On their way to the elevator, they bumped into Leo's landlady Mrs. Vicky and her son, Lyle. Leo bowed his head with no expression as usual while Felix smiled and immediately greeted them. Leo introduced his brother Lyle for it was the first time he will meet Mrs. Vicky's son because the man studies abroad and comes home when he's on a break to visit his mother.

Felix extended his hand for a handshake and Lyle did the same. They stared at each other for a few seconds as if they were the only people in there, but, Mrs. Vicky suddenly interrupted them. Lyle let go of Felix's hand first and lowered his head out of embarrassment. Felix looked away too feeling the same and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward for both of the men. Leo glanced at his brother and gave him a slight smirk for he knows exactly what it meant. The nervous man, Felix, gave his little brother a what-are-you-looking at expression but Leo only shrugged in response as if teasing his older brother.

"Good morning to you two. I'm glad you haven't left yet. We were on our way to you." Mrs. Vicky said with a wide smile. "Pretty flowers you got there." She paused for a moment. "It's that time of the year again huh." She continued. Leo looked at the flowers and back to the old woman and noticed that her smile was gone.

"Yes, is everything okay?" Leo looked at her with a curious but comforting face.

"Oh yes, dear. I just came to give you these." She handed Leo a red paper bag full of chocolates. "Those are from Lyle. I know how much you like them so I asked him to buy them for you." Leo's brows turned upward and the three grinned all staring at him. He thanked Lyle and the nab gave a smile in return. Then, another cloth bag was handed to him. "And this is for dear Damon." The older continued. "I made his favorite, crab meat fried rice, and green tea cake. You can't go without those." Her eyes saddened.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Vicky. We were planning to buy some on the way." Felix happily said.

"Thank you. You remembered." Leo said emotionless. Lyle and Felix both looked at Leo as their smile too slowly fades away.

"Of course, dear. How could I forget?" She tenderly squeezed Leo's shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. He genuinely smiled back.

"Well, we'll go now. You too should get going. Don't let the rain catch you." The mother and son said their goodbyes and went on their way and the two got into the elevator.

"She is as sweet as ever, isn't she?" Felix said pressing the ground floor button.

"Yes, and I'm very grateful to her," Leo said looking at the food she prepared. Mrs. Vicky is a kind-hearted woman in her late 50s. She was like a mother figure for him and was present when he needed someone to talk to and was always ready to give advice just like a real mother would. She was there when it all happened.

"By the way Felix, I saw the way you looked at Lyle earlier. Do you like him? I thought you're straight?" Leo teased his brother with a mischievous smirk on his face. The older's face turned red and he choked on his saliva causing him to cough up hard. He gaped at Leo with eyes wide open, but Leo had always been devilish with him and only gave his brother a contented look. "That's for teasing me earlier." He said. Felix gave his brother a smack on the head and both chuckled.

They soon got out of the elevator and both frowned when they were greeted by pitch-black surroundings. They got into the car immediately and drove off. The whole ride was quiet and as they were nearing the cemetery, Leo was becoming more anxious by the minute. It was normal for him to visit Damon now and then but today seemed different. As if something bad is going to happen, but, he tried to ignore it and thinks nothing more of it. They parked near a big tree and the moment he got out of the car, he felt a tingling sensation on his neck like he was going to throw up. He gulped and took a deep breath, then grabbed the flowers and the food from the backseat and walked ahead along with the uncomfortable feeling. Felix noticed his little brother's face but he just followed without uttering a word.

The humming wind and the faint rustling sound of dry leaves beneath their feet was their only companion. The dingy atmosphere made Leo more nervous and he still didn't understand why. After about a minute of walking, they finally reached Damon's resting place.

The granite headstone sits between benches installed on both sides with space for flowers, incense sticks, and food offerings. It has a small photo of the deceased above it and his favorite quote engraved in the middle. His name was written in traditional kanji characters on the left side of the stone since he was from Japan. The two noticed fresh white roses already placed on the grave and the smell of the burned incense still lingering in the air.

They both knelt and prepared the stuff they brought.

"I think Damon's mom already came," Felix said placing the hydrangeas on the other side of the grave.

"I think so. She comes here early and the place is clean too." Leo said in a low voice.

He laid down the food and lit the candle. They pressed their hands together, closed their eyes, and prayed in silence.

Leo; Damon, how are you? It's been two years. Is everything okay up there? Are you happy? Me? I don't know. Still trying. Why did you appear in my dream like that? Is there something you want to tell me? If yes, please come to my dream again. I will wait for you. But, please don't scare me again. You always surprise me. Anyways, I'm sorry for not visiting these past few days. I've been busy. It's great right? I am busy and do not think about you all the time. My brother here is always worried. But, what can I do? It's hard for me to forget. Damon, I miss you so much.

Felix; Hello dear. It's been so long since I last visited you. I'm sorry. We miss you, especially my brother. He had become very stubborn. Please look after him. I am always worried about him. I know how much he loves and misses you but I hope someday he will finally learn to let go and find someone who will love him as you did, or greater. Please help him to move on.

They both finished praying and stood up quietly. Leo sat on the bench putting one leg on the other and stared at the epitaph while Felix remained standing with his arms crossed.


"This message always amazes me. It's beautiful." Felix's lips slightly turned upward. He looked at Leo, waiting for the other to agree with him.

"Hm. He had a thing for poetry and quotes and all that. This was his favorite. I don't know why but he used to say to me, always look beyond the words and you will understand. Look for the beauty of it." He sadly recalled.

"I still don't understand it though, even now." Leo looked down.

"Maybe in time you will. It doesn't make sense today but, tomorrow perhaps?" Felix said with a humorous giggle. Leo rolled his eyes but understood what his brother was trying to say. Suddenly, they heard a cracking sound from behind. They moved their heads in unison and saw a man standing still holding a flower and an umbrella on the other. Leo stood up and he and Felix looked at each other curiously before returning their eyes to the man again.

His solid-colored turtle neck top made his willowy appearance apparent. Hair a bit curly and black as coal, and also gazed at the two brothers with his almond eyes that are dark as night.

"Hello." The man greeted me with a polite smile.

"Hello." Felix greeted politely as well, smiling back. "Are you a friend of Damon?" The older continued.

"Yes. My name is, Kalen. Nice to meet you." The man responded.

Leo's eyes widened. The name echoed inside his head over and over again, until he finally remembered who the person is.

"It's you," Leo muttered. Neither the man nor his brother heard what he said, and he continued to stare as if he knew him long ago.

The man named Kalen put down the flowers and extended his hand towards Leo first, but, the man didn't even bother to move his. He felt uncomfortable for some reason and Felix noticed his brother's sudden hostility so he came to the rescue and immediately extended his hand instead. The scene was awkward enough to make Leo turn around and realized that maybe this was the reason he is feeling anxious because they are about to meet finally. Kalen also noticed the uneasiness on Felix's face because of how Leo acted towards him so he gave an it's-okay smile to the man, assuring him that everything is fine which the older easily understood. Then, he returned to look at his brother. "Does Leo know this man.?" He thought.

Felix made a move and introduced himself and his brother, attempting to break the awkwardness.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kalen. I'm Felix and this is my brother Leo." He pinched the younger's elbow signaling him to face the man and Leo was finally forced to obey his brother.

"Nice to meet you both." Kalen again greeted.

"Anyway, how do you know Damon?" Felix asked nicely, breaking the handshake and exchanging a smile with the mysterious man.

"Well, we used to go to the same university. I'm in town so I decided to drop by." He explained.

"Today is his death anniversary and you just "decided" to drop by?" Leo thought to himself and rolled his eyes.

Kalen saw Leo's expression and tried not to react, for he didn't care. He just wanted to visit his friend. Him, whom he cared about..

A long time ago.